Chapter 978 Chapter 282: Noisy

From the time he was born, Yan Luoyu understood that a child without a father or mother is not as fate as a wild grass, and he has to fight for the enjoyment that all other children deserve.

Since joining the Taibao Gang, he has experienced many battles over the past few years. Someone once asked him.

Is this because he is not afraid of death, he just smiled, and what can someone like him lose? It's just life, just take it if you like it.

Yan Luoyu, who gladly accepted the task of investigating the Wuyi Sect, returned to the camp with a face as usual, without disturbing anyone, and lay back on his own bed.

Tomorrow, he will sign up to go back to Lingshan with Tong Dali and Tong Hu, so he has to rest tonight!


There is no road longer than feet, no mountain higher than people.

Because of the existence of dangerous peaks and cliffs, Snake Tooth Mountain is inaccessible, not even a few beasts.

The three brothers of the Tong family chose this place as their base because they valued the steep peaks here, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It was originally the place to settle down and stand for life. When I asked for everything, I naturally didn't care about comfort, but who would have thought that there is a valley in the Snake Tooth Mountain that is like spring all year round.

This can make Tong Lu happy. After the investigation was true, he took his subordinates and wanted to open a way from Langya Mountain's headquarters to take all the female relatives deployed!

There is no such thing as a warrior who can stand high and high, even if it is a deep valley, it is a trivial matter to drive the iron rope into another mountain and then walk on the rope.

Dozens of iron ropes can build a simple bridge that can be passed by several people.

The warriors carrying mountain axes and iron ropes opened their way through the mountains and bridged the water. It took only two days to open a road to the valley from the base camp of Wuyi Sect.

Standing on the cliff of the valley, Tong Lu looked down at the verdant green underneath and laughed and said, "Hahaha, what a treasure of geomantic omen, the Shetooth Mountain is very beautiful, nine points here! From today on, this valley will have its name Boy, hahahahahaha!"

Who would have thought that there is such a treasured geomantic land in the barren Sheya Mountain. The wolf soldiers and corps leaders brought by Tonglu looked straight. You must know that they often go out hunting, because the land of Sheya Mountain is not suitable. Food is scarce due to farming.

And looking at the growth of the trees in the lush valley, you can be sure that She Ya Mountain will no longer have to worry about food problems in the future!

Cheers, laughter, people standing on the edge of the cliff reveled and jumped, and the sound reverberated in the valley, stunned countless birds.

"Just laugh, it's so noisy!"

Suddenly a loud drink rang like a muffled thunder in the ears of everyone in Sheya Mountain, making everyone dizzy, but there was no echo.

Tong Lu's expression suddenly froze, and the group of people turned their heads in the direction of the sound, and found that a tall and sturdy young man in black practice clothes appeared not far away, walking towards them with a gloomy face. He still reprimanded with dissatisfaction: "Speak in a low voice in public. Didn't the teacher teach you when you were young!? Also, this valley already has a master. Where did you come from and where to go back!"

The explosion just now made Tonglu and Sheyashan a little confused, and when they saw that the person here was only a young man and there was only one person, they were all furious!

Tong Lu said angrily: "Hey, that kid, how dare you yell at this commander, the whole army lined up, fight together"

Halfway through the prepared quasi-words, the corporal captains of the wolf soldiers on the Shetooth Mountain were dispersed by the phantom of the Heavenly Dragon and the Black Snake, and a group of people fell to the ground, curled up and wailed.

Tong Lu didn't have time to be surprised, the Dawei Tianlong phantom who broke up the army turned around and entangled him. The severe pain and weightlessness hit him at the same time, and he was lifted high.

The leader of She Yashan, who was still furious just now, was full of horror at this time. He only felt that he was squeezed from all directions by a huge force. The pain was so painful that he could only cry for mercy: "Ah!!! Release, release, release me !"

After letting go of the Dragon Shadow, Tang Luo glanced at the warriors who were on the ground not far away, making sure that no one wanted to stand up to challenge anymore, he raised his head and warned towards Tong Lu: "This valley already has a master at this time. But don’t worry, I won’t live here forever. If you want to move, come back in three months. Do you understand?"

"Understood, understood!" Tong Luqiang endured the severe pain all over his body, and nodded hurriedly: "Three nos, the younger ones come back in half a year, and I will never disturb the adults!"

After the dragon shadow dissipated, Tong Lu fell to the ground from mid-air, but his legs that should have been strong were sore and weak at this time, he had to kneel to the ground.

Tong Lu raised his head in horror, and asked in disbelief: "Big man, me and me?"

"Look at your courageous look, it will be fine later, don't worry!"

Tang Luo said indifferently, these days he was studying how to deal with the evil spirits produced when he invoked Shura's Divine Heart, but unexpectedly discovered that the blood evil spirit and the mighty heavenly dragon phantom actually have excellent compatibility.

After the fusion of the blood evil aura and the phantom of the mighty sky dragon, not only the power is increased, but it also has an effect that can weaken and wither the living creatures.

After analysis, it is concluded that this is because the Yin and filthy blood evil is affected by the Dawei Tianlong attribute, and the change in the Yang attribute produced, and this change may be the path to the fusion of Yin and Yang.

Shicai was in the retreat cave. He was studying and deducing this change with great concentration, but he was taken aback by the loud noise in the valley and inevitably got a little angry.

But at this time, seeing the effect of the Sky Dragon phantom was so good, it still made him a little happy, so let's take it as a living experiment!

Looking at the warriors who fell to the ground after being hit by the Tianlong phantom, Tang Luo thought in his heart, then turned and left.

I believe that after passing such a warning, these people should not dare to yell again.

Tang Luo returned to the cave to continue his own research, but naturally he did not find that the expression of Tonglu on the cliff changed.

From fear to regret, and finally to anger, the face of the three limp Snake Yashan leader was full of resentment.

He hates Tang Luo's strength, he hates his own weakness, and he hates the ugliness of seeing him wagging his tail.

Since arriving at Langya Mountain, he has almost forgotten that he was a coward who was too scared to move when he saw the killing, and even forgotten that he had escaped by hiding in the corpse during the Lingshan Incident and pretending to be dead.

But when Long Ying had just been held high in the sky, looking at Tang Luo's indifferent and calm eyes, he remembered all these forgotten memories.

People said that the one and only three commander was a coward, Tong Lu did not look back, but could feel all the soldiers talking about himself.

Tong Lu's face was distorted. If he could stand up at this time, he would kill all the men he brought, so that he didn't know his ugliness.

But at this moment, with his weak hands and feet, he could only limp to the ground, allowing two wolf soldiers to stand him up.

(End of this chapter)

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