I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 975: Two hundred seventy nine

Chapter 975 Chapter 279: So happy

Since the magical secret technique can't be obtained in a short time, then first find a beautiful place to retreat to solve the problem of evil spirits in the body.

Tang Luo who came out of Yudie Peak thought very bachelor, and before starting the retreat, he had to determine how long the materials he brought out could support him in retreat.

As a martial arts researcher who likes to plan everything, what Tang Luo hates most is changes outside of the plan. Although he knows that the plan will never keep up with the changes, he just doesn't like accidents, so he always wants to do something. At that time, he would try his best to plan carefully.

Judging from the current results, his strength and growth rate are all going according to plan, and there is not much deviation.

Even if he leaves Longxi to build a retreat in Beimang, he is particularly confident. After all, Tang Luo, who has a void stomach, can digest everything, and in terms of his mouth, eating dirt and gold is not a problem!

The stronger the physical body, the more it needs to be supplemented with nourishment. Although all things are born with spiritual power, the amount of them is very different, so the appetite for physical cultivation is usually amazing.

Fortunately, when he came out, he also brought out the three best Tai Sui Shun in the retreat. This kind of daily best spiritual food, as a physical cultivation, is really a day.

In the Void Stomach on the eighty-eight, in addition to the three best Tai Sui and the notebooks that record bianqiangjihua, there are also the March-weight Yijin Forging Bone Arm Pills and the Shen Yuan Dan dedicated to the practice of the immortal war body.

After thinking about it, Tang Luo punched his hand in the palm of his hand and muttered: "Well, three months should be almost the same. I want to come with Xu's pride. After hearing the news of my escape from marriage, I will definitely go home. Then I will do something. The rare stuff from Beimang went home to admit a mistake, it was perfect!"

Long Xi Tianjiao, who was extremely optimistic about this matter, didn't even know it, because of his leaving without saying goodbye and Xuanyue Jianzun's determination, the whole Longxi had become a mess.

And the protagonist at the center of the storm, after swaying around Beimang where the miasma covered the sky, found a deep valley surrounded by serpentine peaks.

The steep mountain wall keeps all the beasts, poisonous insects out, and only in the valley is the fragrance of birds and flowers like spring all year round, which is really the magic of nature.

Tang Luo was very satisfied with this retreat, but the martial arts master who lacked living ability did not know how to build a house, so he dug a big hole in the mountain wall with his bare hands, looking at this simple retreat, which is facing south and overlooking the entire valley. , Tang Luo was very satisfied with his hands-on ability.

After all, compared with the legendary ascetics, his standard of living was already so high that he didn't know where it was.

The only trouble is that he doesn't know how to make the door. If the wind and rain happen to be blowing to the north, maybe this cave will suffer, but it doesn't matter!

If it is great, tear the rain cloud to pieces. As a strong man at the peak of the fierce state, he can still make it impossible to get wet from the rain!

Digging into the dark cave, Tang Luo took out the little book from the stomach of the void, hung a huge and bright flint on the top of the cave, lay down on the stone platform, and started his own deduction.

Because of the irritability of the marriage contract, he was able to concentrate on martial arts as before, so happy!


The main peak of Sheya Mountain

The three Tong Dali brothers returned to the stronghold with the harvest, and began to explain the doctrine of Wuyi Sect to the captive warriors.

"Huang Tian is dead, and God's punishment came to the world. The Emperor Nantian couldn't bear the death of the people of the five continents in ignorance, so he built the Paradise of Bliss with his great power, and passed down the five-color magical service to screen the believers.

"As long as they are approved by the gods, they are the brothers of the hand clan of the Wuyi Sect, covered in blood, and in the same robe with the son."

"Here, you don't have to worry about who will rob you of your credit, who will oppress you on the basis of your status, let alone be a cannon fodder throughout your life."

"Even the first-rank Shenlong general started with the wolf soldier!"

"Ninth-Rank Mortal Realm Wolf Soldier, 8th-Rank Mortal Anaconda Captain, 7th-Rank Mortal Peak Xiong Wei is unified, 6th-Rank Spiritual Combination Yan Leopard Cavalry School, 5th-Rank Harmful Stage Early Cloud Tiger Infantry Commander, 4th Rank Wuzong Lions and Scorpions, Third-Rank Severe Peak Qilin General, Second-Rank Divine Phoenix General, First-Rank Divine Dragon General!"

"The prince and general Xiangning has a kind of seed. As long as you join the Wuyi Sect, you will no longer be a lifelike ant, and you will be close to you!"

Tong Dali said so loudly that all the prisoners were fascinated by it.

Yan Luoyu can pat his chest to assure that his desire to join the Blood Tower is sincere, but when he heard Tong Dali's words, there was a ripple in his heart somehow.

And this was only the first stage of Wuyijiao's preaching doctrine. After the Tong Dali brothers had finished speaking, a few men in cyan coats came out to speak.

These few were originally humble warriors in a certain village in Beimang, even in their hometown, they are still excluded. But after joining the Wuyi Sect, they not only regained their lost dignity, but also became The leader of the eighth stage anaconda, several brothers under his hand who were good at making a joint attack, in just a few years, he robbed several housewives.

From humble hunters to generals who lead soldiers, just because they joined the Wuyi Sect and met Tong Dali!

With the appearance of several eighth rank sergeants, the expressions of many captives were shaken, and of course there were many who still dismissed them.

After all, in the eyes of some "people of insight", Tong Dali and others are just liars who blow the atmosphere, there is no Wuyijiao, there is no Nantian emperor, but it is just a deception of pavilions, water and moon mirrors.

In this way, a group of warriors who were unwilling to enter the religion were imprisoned, and a group of them joined the Wuyi Sect, was assigned to several corporal leaders, and began to learn the teachings of the Wuyi Sect.

After completing the recruitment and surrender work, the three Tong family brothers returned to their camp.

As soon as he returned to the camp, Tong Hu said to Tong Dali: "Brother, now the blood lion sect has rebuilt the mountain gate in Huiling Mountain and summoned all the followers of Wuyi Sect to return to the mountain. Should we also take the brothers back? Up?"

"Why are you going back?" Tong Lu said dissatisfied: "In Sheya Mountain, we are the highest commander of the Wuyi Sect. The scenery is very beautiful. If we get to Huiling Mountain, we might be assigned to a small riding school. free!"

"You just look at the present, and never thought about what to do in the future!" Tong Hu dissatisfied: "Counting days, it has been seven years since Huilingshan broke through. We have fallen to the pinnacle of the world, and the eldest brother has united spirit and will, obviously You can go a step further, but you still wear the official uniform of the 7th and 8th ranks. Isn't it because the mountain gates are scattered? Now that you have finally hoped to come back, don't you want to wear this kind of spiritual uniform in the future to lead this group of shrimp soldiers and crabs? !"

(End of this chapter)

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