I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 961: Two hundred sixty five

Chapter 961 Chapter 265: The man born in the brothel

His friend indeed mined gold in Beimang, but he was not scouted for money, but was captured by the robbery. Because there are regulations in this gold mine, as long as he can call a strong man, he can not only add meals and meat, but also has a large number of people. He can also be a small leader and supervise the work of others.

Therefore, most of the slaves in this gold mine were deceived by their friends and even relatives, and as long as they reached this mountain, they would never get out.

The prodigal son came to Beimang to search for gold in order to make a profit. He was willing to become a slave. When he first arrived, he wanted to find a way to escape with his friends, but he was reported to the mine owner by his friends. He was given dozens of whips. He was hung on the mine cliff for a day and night, and because his friend reported meritorious service, he added meals and meat, as long as he abducted another person, he would be promoted to the leader.

The prodigal son who had been spoiled since childhood had suffered this kind of suffering, but no matter how he cursed, no one took care of him.

Gradually, just like everyone else, he changed from cursing to begging, from begging to anger, from anger to silence, and finally, he became a miner in a gold mine.

The prodigal son ran away, but the account won’t be cleared. The gang that didn’t wait for the repayment took the IOU to collect the debt. The couple never climbed up again.

And this debt fell on the pregnant mistress. The pregnant woman sold all the real estate in the family at a discount, but still had a big hole of three thousand gold short of it. The gang got their idea. The woman wants her to sell flowers to pay off her debts.

The gang negotiated with her, saying that she would give birth to the child and sell flowers, and persuaded her to pay her debts in the city at most six months.

One year has passed, and the child was born smoothly, but the woman found that the arrears of three thousand gold had been rolled over to ten thousand gold, but the child had already been born, and she left at this time, what should the child do?

Helpless, had to grit his teeth to accept. Just like the gang said, women are beautiful, and customers will soon be overwhelmed. However, the interest of 10,000 gold is no longer the original figure. In addition to welcoming guests, women also have to raise children. In just three years, originally Widows with a clean appearance are ruined to be inhumane.

No man is more real than a clientele. They can't wait to look after a woman when she is beautiful, but once the beauty is gone, they will look dirty.

With the loss of beauty and fewer customers, she can only reduce the price to the point that even workers who pick dung and beggars on the roadside can bear it.

Because she and the child have to survive!

But at such a price, not to mention the principal, even the interest can not afford it. Soon after, the woman fell seriously ill and left her hands, leaving her six-year-old child behind.

The gang took an IOU of 27,000 gold and said to the child: Father's debt is paid, from today, your life is the gang's!

Time flies. Years later, the men who mined almost forgot their names, but suddenly they ushered in a turning point.

That powerful force was destroyed overnight, and a mysterious force took over the mine. They gathered this group of numb miners together, in front of everyone, and cut the group of small leaders and mine owners one by one. The **** anger persists.

But all the miners felt that it was the best smell, it was the smell of revenge!

The mysterious force became the savior of the miners and gave them a new choice.

"Show your loyalty to the Blood Tower, and the Blood Tower will give you the power to kill the enemy!"

From that day on, the miners have become killers, and the **** has become a wrist blade. They no longer need to identify which ore contains gold, they only need to learn to find the dead spot of the human body, and how to start it can kill with one blow.

Their opponents are no longer mine tunnels that may collapse at any time, but live targets. They spy on others' secrets and use Hidden Blade to pierce the target's throat if necessary.

When the blood spurted out, this group of miners who had become killers felt that they were still alive.

Wu Shiba, the prodigal son who had forgotten his name received a new name from the organization, and was sent to Lianguan. The organization asked him to secretly inquire about the information of Lianguan Li's family, organize it into a book, and report to Beimang once in March. .

After more than ten years, Wu Shiba returned to his hometown, but he did not dare to return to Hehua Village, because his home had long been lost in Hehua Village.

As an intelligence officer, he dared not go and listen to the past ten years ago. He just drank drunk in the tavern every day, and even the tasks arranged by him were left behind by him.

After several months of this, the entire Lianguan knew that a wandering warrior with amnesia had arrived, but all those who wanted to make his mind were thrown into the lotus pond of the Hehua Village outside the city the next day. In this form, it was integrated into the city of Lotus Pass.

Then, Wu Shiba began to consciously draw some desperadoes. These people are stray sons without children, fathers and mothers. They are all the mud after today and no tomorrow. Wu Shiba took this The group of mud, lay down a few streets in Lianguan, even dominated a tavern, became a famous gang in Lianguan, and claimed to be the Great Taibao, and recognized Li's housekeeper as godfather.

I thought that he would live like this until he saw a desperate little madman, his eyebrows looked like a woman whose name he could not remember.

Fisting and kicking the group of people away, Wu Shi eight pulled up the blood-covered young man and praised: "You guy is really kind, are you interested in joining the Taibao Gang? I can teach you kung fu!"

The young man who was not even in the ordinary world became the thirteenth Taibao gang, and under Wu Shiba's inquiry, everyone knew the origin of this kid.

A boy who grew up in a brothel, his father was an unknown gambling ghost and his mother was a prostitute with a bad life. He died when he was six years old.

After the cold-blooded and ruthless Wu Shiba listened to the young man’s ancient times, tears filled his eyes, and he patted the young man’s shoulder and said earnestly: “I didn’t expect the thirteenth brother to have such a miserable life experience, but since you have joined the Yiqi Gang, From now on, we will be blessed and shared, and your business is our brother's business!"

"Go! Brother Wu will take you to regain the dignity that you have lost over the past ten years. Starting today, you will be the thirteenth master of Lianguan!"

The gambler has no way to protect you anymore, you will have to rely on yourself in the future!

The bloodless five hundred and eighty-thousandths looked at the young man in the corner with nostalgia, but found that the young man had opened his eyes for some time, his facial features were twisted together, tears and tears crisscrossed, whether it was pain or fear.

He tried his best to smile and opened his mouth. Suddenly, it was pitch black before his eyes. Wu Shiba lost consciousness and fell to the ground. The thick blood dripping from his neck became a lotus leaf pattern.

(End of this chapter)

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