Chapter 951 Chapter 255: Rules

Hearing the voice of the lady, Miaozhu held back the fear in his heart and raised his head.

At this time, Miaozhu finally saw the noblewoman in the hall. It is said that Tang Zhen was the most outstanding female warrior of the Tang family. She was brave and heroic. The cardamom years made a marvelous contribution to the family, and she became the second in the family at a young age. Sequence, in the same column as the patriarch’s son.

But although the ladies in the high hall are beautiful and moving, but they are already 30 or 40 years old, how can they look like the rumored wife of the second son?

Xu Shi saw the doubt in Miaozhu’s eyes, and the maid standing behind the lady shook his fan and reprimanded: "Put away your disrespectful eyes. The one in front of you is the head of Jijiang City. The madam of the main room, who is also the birth mother of the young lady, dare to be disrespectful, so she poached your eyes and let you know what filial piety is!"

Where did the subordinate Miaozhu who had experienced this kind of formation, trembling with fright, lowered her head, but the lady in the high hall looked at the maid behind her with dissatisfaction: "It's getting more and more irregular!"

After a flick, the lady said quietly to Miaozhu who was kneeling under the hall: "I found you today. I was thinking about seeing what the little fairy that fascinated the second son is like, now It seems that she is just a country girl, which really disappoints this lady."

"Madam." The handmaid who had just been scolded with a fan chuckled: "Miaozhu is not a country girl. Don't be fooled by her pretending appearance. You dare to climb up to the little master at a young age. The bed, such a scheming method, can be compared to the average country girl. If it is not guarded, the young lady still does not know how much she will lose."

When Miaozhu in the hall heard this, he quickly accused him: "Madam, Miaozhu didn't dare, Miaozhu wanted to raise the child to an adult, Miaozhu didn't dare to think anything wrong."

"Climbing up on the master's bed is the servant's biggest wish!"

Ning’s tone became harsh, interrupting Miaozhu’s conviction, and coldly said: "According to the clan law, you have no idea how to hide the child from the clan. Will you return it in the future? I want to drive Zhen'er away, but she is righted by the second son!?"

"No!" When Miaozhu heard it, she trembled with fright, and said with sobbing: "Madam Mingjian, Miaozhu has never thought about it like this before, let alone dare not do it, please ask Madam Mingjian."

"Dare you, you have done it!" Ning said coldly: "The backyard can accommodate a concubine child, but can't accommodate a concubine with a deep intention, do you understand?"

"Mrs. Husband" Miaozhu was so scared that her teeth trembled, and her whole body was shaking constantly, "What is this, what does it mean?"

"What the madam means." The fierce old woman who had long since stepped aside suddenly said in a dark voice: "Second son filled the house and died of dystocia, leaving behind a concubine who lost his mother since childhood. It's a good story from the Tang family."

Miaozhu was shocked and turned to look. The old woman in the shadow did not know when she had already walked to her side, staring at herself with sullen eyes, "Didn’t you say that you only want to give birth to a child and raise an adult? Country girl, wealth depends on the little favor of the master. If one day this favor is gone, what should your child do. Will he resent, why his biological mother is just a humble concubine?"

"If he is a boy and does not have the resources, he will miss the stage where he is best to fight his body. Even if his talent is very good, he will only dazzle everyone and become a warrior who can't achieve success and waste his life."

"If she is a girl, a concubine born from a maidservant, in the end, besides sending it to the family for marriage, what use can it be."

"And all this happens only because their mother is a humble and incompetent concubine. The status of a concubine will be a shame that will accompany them throughout their lives!"

"But right now, Madam puts an opportunity in front of you. As long as you nod your head, your child will be regarded by the Tang Mansion as if it were your own, and grow up with the little son."

"Receive the best education and enjoy the best resources. He will call Madame Zhen'er a mother, and Madame Zhen'er will treat him like her own child. All of this is something that you humble servant girl cannot give him. , And now, as long as you nod your head, all this will become a reality!"

The old woman stretched out her dry and cold hand, sliding her fingers like eagle's claws on Miaozhu’s face, "Of course, you can also refuse. A delicate and frail maid will give birth to a child who will not survive. It is normal. But

Miaozhu, who was trembling with fright just now, heard this and grabbed the old woman's hand. Although there was fear in her eyes, she still insisted: "No! Don't hurt the child, I agree to the birth conditions!"

The fierce old woman frowned, because the weak woman held her hand sorely, it was hard to imagine that this was the little maid who was dragged around by her just now.

Upon hearing Miaozhu's consent, the lady in the hall cast a wink at the maid in front of her. The maid who peeled the fruit understood her heart. She walked to the hall and stood in front of Miaozhu. She took out a vial from her arms and poured out a capsule. The red and shiny pill was delivered to Miaozhu.

"This is the Pill of Innate Strong Qi."

The maid holding the pill, Chao Miaozhu earnestly explained: "After taking this pill, the child in your belly will grow up vigorously, even healthier than the offspring born by the general warrior, but the fetus’s nutrition comes from the mother. , This kind of pill is for ordinary warriors, it is the medicine of tiger and wolf. For you, it is even more so. After taking this pill, the child in your stomach will become stronger every day, and you will become Weak every day, on the day of labor, Wen Po will break your stomach and take out the baby, that's it."

Childbirth is a life-and-death crisis for most women, and an ordinary woman who is born with strong strength is even more dead, but Miaozhu seems to have discovered something, trembling with the result of the Dan in the maid’s hand. Medicine, looking at the shiny red pill in his hand, a child's smiling face appeared in front of him.

"My mother is useless, I can't give you a better life, I can give you a healthy body, I'm satisfied!"

Closing his eyes and raising his head, Miaozhu was about to take the pills in his hand, but the door of the side hall was kicked open, a large amount of sunlight poured into the hall, and the dazzling light caused the maid inside to exclaim.

The black armored guard broke into the side hall, restrained the old woman and the maid on the ground, and a childish but angry female voice came from the door.

"Is this the first mansion of Jiejiang City or Dishanju (Tang Qian Mansion)? How come the star-paying concubine does not come to the main hall but is in the side hall, mother, can you give your daughter an explanation!?"

With her pregnant belly, Tang Zhen walked to Miaozhu's side, grabbed the red pill in her hand and squeezed it into pieces, and raised her head in an angry voice toward Ning's.

(End of this chapter)

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