I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 945: Two hundred forty nine

Chapter 945 Chapter 249: Choice (please ask for a monthly pass to support the scene!)

"Don't hide it from you."

Tang Luo said to Tang Qian and Mrs. Ning: "The mansion is already thin, and I have achieved a fierce state. I am afraid that it will be difficult to have children. Therefore, the branches and leaves of the family will be scattered, and the continuation of the incense will all fall in the house. As for the younger brother, I also ask the younger siblings to be considerate, and the eldest brother apologized to you for Tang Xing's mistake.

After speaking, after a ceremony to the end, Ning and Tang Zhen hurriedly stepped forward to help.

In fact, no one dared to say it in front of him, and anyone in the back didn’t tell. Tang Luo proved that the evil realm was a happy event at a young age, but the bad thing is that he didn’t get married and left heirs. At the beginning, everyone can't help thinking, what is the use of a peerless strong man who has no children to save such a family business.

But after all, this kind of remark is just a careful thought hidden in my heart, but I heard Tang Luo sincerely say it today, which naturally moved the Tang Qian family very much. After all, they weren't really regarded as relatives, so how could they say these words to their mouths.

It’s just moved and moved. Some rules can’t be broken. Although the Ning clan who helped Tang Luo is emotional, he still insists: "As the Minister Luo said, how can you not know the concubine? Preface, even if you are a concubine, you should be a lady from the Lanshancheng family, not a maid and maid from a humble background, let alone be commensurate with Zhen'er's child brother!"

There are some words that cannot be said in the mouth, but the roots must be cut before germination, as if no one knows whether the child in Tang Zhen’s belly is a male or a female, and no one knows whether the child in Miaozhu’s belly is a male or not. Female, this will happen the most unpleasant thing.

If the child born to Tang Zhen in the main room is a baby girl, but the child born in the concubine room is a son, then Tang Xing's eldest son will be a concubine child, the so-called brother-in-law, mostly from then on.

Parents, after all, have to think more about their children, even if it makes her look rude and unreasonable, she must do so.

Ning's holding the aggrieved Tang Zhen, Tang Xing under the court seriously said: "Jing'er has grown up under the guidance of her concubine since she was a child, and she knows the whole thing, but there are some things that have to be said first. You already have your bones and blood in Zhen'er's belly. At this time, it's the time when the housekeeper is serving the master. According to your concubine, you don't need to be too hasty about giving birth through the house. After Zhen'er has given birth, it will not be too late to make long-term plans.

Although the words are implicit, the meaning is very clear. It is to let Zongsuo come forward and take the child in Miaozhu’s belly. Although Tang Xing is not well versed in world affairs, he still understands this simple truth, so it is very clear. It is embarrassing.

But Ning's consciously regressed, but seeing Tang Xing still hesitating, his expression was natural, let alone Tang Zhen, who was already in grief.

"You are still hesitating!" Tang Zhen didn't hear the lover's response, turning her head and crying: "In your eyes, I am the same as that maidservant!"

"No, no!" Tang Xing waved his hand again and again, and hurriedly swore: "In my heart, you are of course the most important thing. Don't cry. If you cry again, my heart will be broken."

"Okay! Since I am the most important thing in your heart, you can prove it to me!" Tang Zhen wiped away his tears and said, "I and that girl's child, you can only keep one! You choose yourself, keep me Yes, keep her!"

"This" Tang Xing was stunned. He didn't expect Tang Zhen to give such a difficult problem, embarrassed: "Jing'er, don't be like this!"

"Reluctant? Then I'll help you make a decision!" Tang Zhen, tearful of her face, stretched out her five fingers, and the force of the wind entangled her fingers, and the moment the fingers were closed, thunder was already flooding her Dantian.

The strength of Wu Luo's fingers exploded in Tang Zhen's lower abdomen, but was stopped by a giant golden palm. It was Tang Qian who held the heavens hand in front of Tang Zhen at the moment of his death.

"Silly daughter, what are you doing!"

Ning's hugged Tang Zhen, crying and crying, "Ya'er is gone, mother can only have a daughter like you, you are leaving, how can mother live! If you don't want to marry, don't marry, mother Take care of you for the rest of your life, Zhen'er, you can't miss it."

Tang Zhen, who was hugged tightly, didn't say a word, and looked at the man in the hall coldly, her eyes full of determination.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief. How can you prevent a thousand days from being a thief? You can never stop a person who really wants to die. Tang Zhen's eyes clearly tell Tang Xing that there can only be one life between her and Miaozhu. child!

This is not savage, let alone cruel, but her final dignity. If she can't get the most love from a man, then she won't want this love.

If there is no such tenacity, how can she stand out from the many martial arts disciples.

Tang Xing knows Tang Zhen, so he knows how far this little girl will do things and face this kind of non-retreat choice.

He could only close his eyes in pain, and yielded: "I promise, I promise you!"

The determined woman seemed so calm at the moment, Tang Zhen wiped the tears off her face and said coldly: "Okay! As long as the medical officer takes care of the matter, we will get married!"

Tang Qian and Tang Luo looked at each other, and they could find helplessness in each other's eyes.

Under the witness of the lawyer Tang Ling, the matter of Tang Zhen's pregnancy became such a major event, and the marriage between Tang Sen and Tang Qian's family has also been heard.

In this winter night, Tang Luo took Tang Xing to the Lanshan City and was speechless.

The two brothers landed outside the residence of the Jiangxing Pavilion. Tang Luo put down Tang Xing and said lightly, "Have you really thought about it?"

"Do I have a choice?" Tang Xing smiled bitterly, and patted the Fengxue on his body: "I know Zhen'er's temperament, she will never give in! Miaozhu is different, she is very sensible, and should be considerate. Right?"

"Really?" Tang Luo shook his head, stretched out his palm and let the snowflakes float in his palm, faintly said: "A sensible person should bear more pain."

Close his fingers and feel the process of snowflakes turning into drops of water in his hands. Tang Luo said lightly: "Now that you have made a decision, go in."

In the wing of the Star Pavilion, Miaozhu curled up her cup on the corner of the bed, surrounded by her own breathing and heartbeat. The small but slender fingers covered her abdomen, and the little girl was closing her eyes and feeling something.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening sounded, and the frightened girl poked her head out and saw Tang Xing.

Regardless of the cold winter night, only a single-clothed maid jumped out of the blanket and happily threw herself into the arms of the visitor.

"Master, Miaozhu just heard the baby's heartbeat!"

Miaozhu couldn't wait to tell her sweetheart of the surprise, only to find that only tiredness and guilt were in the eyes of the coming person.

Putting her little hand on Tang Xing's cold face, Miao Zhu asked softly, "Master, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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