I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 942: Two hundred forty six

Chapter 942 Chapter 246: There is joy

The group of Tianjiao from Zhongzhou didn't respond yet, and Tang Luo rose up from the sky again and disappeared.

The Zhongzhou Tianjiao looked at each other, not knowing how to react. Li Chengjun looked at the stone tablet that was broken into powder before him, then looked up at the place where Tang Luo had disappeared, rubbed his aching cheeks, and said bitterly, "Let's go!"

Obviously, he came to Longzhou with the original intention of destroying the stele in the name of Wang Xun, who was correcting his mistakes, but after the stele was truly destroyed, the tianjiao group was not as happy as they had imagined.

Perhaps only when they really look at their own hearts will they know that what really made them travel to Longzhou from a long distance is not the determination to help the righteous way, but only a little jealousy and wild ambition.

In a remote place like Longzhou, what kind of martial arts can come out, if Tang Luo can, why can't I.

But when they really saw the monument that they knew they would have to fight for when they were not far away, that was really dispensable in the eyes of the other party, the resentment became even heavier.

It's like what I regard as a treasure but is abandoned by others. This kind of uncomfortable is better than defeat, but the excuses left are gone. What can they do? Are they really going to share with Tang Luo? A win or lose.

Fighting one-on-one with such a young master of physical arts, as long as it is not a guy with a bad brain, he would not choose this way.

Because no one wants to be destroyed like a stone tablet into a pool of minced meat, perhaps before they came to Longzhou, they all felt that they could have a tie with Tang Luo, but they all knew after they met each other that fighting alone is looking for death.

If you don’t leave, do you really stay in Lanshan City and enjoy the snow! ?

The Tianjiao of Zhongzhou came to challenge and left dingy, but such a victory did not make the people of Lanshan City cheer. Everyone felt that Tang Luo should not destroy the stone stele that was inspected by the Heavenly King for these people.

After all, they really couldn't think of, apart from Longxi Tianjiao, who was the best in the world, who else in the younger generation could be worthy of the title of the first **** son of ten thousand races.

Therefore, the people of Lanshan City spontaneously wanted to build another stone monument for Tang Luo. Longxi Tianjiao was not clear about this. He was retreating in Alan Mountain, and by the way, he was studying the question of Shura's spiritual heart.

Since tens of millions of magical medicine Baocao were planted into the medicinal garden, the power of the first weather arrow that lacked the magical light of the precious medicine has been reduced by more than a level. If it were not for the opening of the second gods, the two innate qi combined, perhaps this magical power has already It may be discarded.

I thought that this supernatural power would need to wait until the third divine treasure was opened, but I didn't expect that the wasteland and his party gained the Shura divine heart, so that the power of this supernatural power directly jumped to a level, and even had the ability to fight against the great master.

But the current problem is how to avoid such a pure blood evil from infringing upon himself, which has become Tang Luo's most important issue at present.

The blood evil shocked the **** finger is okay, because the channels of his meridians are limited, and one injury does not affect the other things, but once the blood evil is integrated into the breath into an arrow, it will be dead.

In the process of pulling the massive blood evil spirit away from the stomach of the void, there will be evil spirits spilling out. The key is that it cannot be crushed with yin and yang, because the blood evil spirit and the innate energy originally want to rush, and the fusion will only allow the two powers to interact. Offset can only be separated by magical powers, and then burst out.

To be precise, the core of the Blood River Divine Sword is the two divine swords of innate qi, and the blood evil spirit is only for poisoning it, specifically breaking the qi, gong body and spiritual body.

In the martial arts style originally designed for Gouchen, it was a combination of Falling Yuan Magnetic Beads and Physical Skills. Now with the Blood River God Sword, there is an extra set of assassins, but this Shura God Heart is incompatible with his martial arts. Become a big trouble.

But solving problems has always been the job of a martial arts researcher. The reason why he resolutely rejected Emperor Xiu Shidi was because Tang Luo believed that he could come up with a solution to the blood evil.

Day by day, the Zongsuo Annual Meeting where three men participated in the past has only Tang Luo and Tang Xing. According to the tradition of the old Tang family, there will be a reunion dinner after the annual meeting, but both parents and sisters are not there. The young man simply turned the banquet into a kitchen organization.

Just to make the dining table look more lively, Tang Luo called the shots and asked Miao Zhu to also eat together, barely count as three people at the same table.

Miaozhu, who was born as a maid, had not dared to raise his head since he was on the table. Even the hands holding the chopsticks shook badly. The strange thing was that Tang Xing also bowed his head to eat, feeling dull as if there was something difficult to face.

"Let's talk about it, how come you have done something wrong."

The simple questioning made the two little guys startled Ji Ling, Miaozhu's head was buried lower, and Xiao Zhengtai was like an eggplant beaten by frost, and he stopped talking to his brother.

Looking at Tang Xing, and then at Miaozhu, Tang Luo put down his bowl and chopsticks and said, "What's the problem?"

"Brother." Tang Xing looked at Miao Zhu, who lowered his head beside him, and gritted his teeth and said, "Miao Zhu is happy!"

Spreading branches and leaves is a good thing, but the bad thing is Miaozhu's identity. The Tang family has rules, and the clan children can have common houses, but they cannot give birth to children, so as to prevent the concubine from growing up to children and brothers in the future.

Usually the general house or the maid is pregnant, so it must be removed, unless the main room agrees to accept it as a concubine before giving birth.

Tang Xing was only sixteen years old after his new year, and he would naturally not be able to marry before the coming-of-age ceremony, let alone accepting a concubine. Therefore, according to Tang's rules, the child in Miaozhu's belly would be taken away.

I want to come to Miaozhu because I want to keep the child in my belly, so I'm so worried. It's just that the clan rules are the clan rules. It is impossible to change because of a woman's will. What's more, the rules set by the clan are precisely because of whether there are any. The lesson learned from the past cannot be changed.

But the rules are all set by people, and the key is what the parties think.

Tang Luo's complexion was as usual, and he turned towards Miaozhu, who bowed his head and said nothing, and said lightly, "Tell me your thoughts."

Tang Xing, who was in the early stages of personnel affairs, obviously had no idea, with a panic on his face, Miao Zhu also bowed his head and said nothing. After all, he was facing the Tang clan rules, so how could the two of them resist.

"Don't speak? If you don't speak, it means that you are willing to accept the arrangement of the family rules. Then why are you still crying?"

The expressions of the two little guys were even more gloomy. Tang Luo put his elbows on the table, propped his face, and said lightly: "If you want to save the child, there is no way."

Xiao Zhengtai's eyes lit up suddenly, and she said urgently, "Brother, is there any way?"

"Send Miaozhu to Chixia Mountain, build a house there, and put Miaozhu in the place to raise the fetus. When the mother comes back, I will hurry up and do the adult ceremony."

Tang Luo shrugged and said, "The rules are dead, and people are alive. As long as you don't promote it yourself, who knows Miaozhu has a child, right."

"But" Xiao Zhengtai was embarrassed, and said with a sneer: "Zongsuo already knows."

(End of this chapter)

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