I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 936: Two hundred and forty

Chapter 936 Chapter Two Hundred and Forty: Wind and Cloud Shaking

At the end of the year in 1784, it has a very different meaning to the people of the deserted courtyard. A magic star was born out of the sky. He coveted non-celestial gold and took away dozens of golden statues. The Shura people stepped forward to stop them, but they aroused the fierceness of the demon. Not only did they kill all Fei Tian, ​​they also broke into the palace, killing all the blood of the Xiu clan, and piled their heads into the capital.

The fierce demon aroused anger from the sky. The guardian **** sent a servant to exterminate the demon, but the golden body was smashed. The demon took the heart of Shura, and burned the Vita Temple and the palace with the fire of karma. The fire will last ten days, the holy city Shrouded in black smoke.

The guardian gods could not bear the wasteland from seeing the sky, and sent down the gods to order the three tribes of Brahma, Shari, and Vaisha to eliminate demons. The three tribes were ordered to form a holy army and eventually expel the devil.

But at this time Ned was in ruins. Among the three tribes, Borneo began to rebuild the temple, Shari began to reorganize military management and taxes, and Vaisha arranged for the people in the city to rebuild their homes.

At this point, the wasteland was finally restored to peace, and Borneo, Shari, and Vaisha were also revered as the three sages of the wasteland.

Afterwards, Zhongzhou Buddhism also announced to the public that the Mo Luo who came from the sky was not the best Longxi Tianjiao Tang Luo, but the demon Lord Goochen who had cut down Shengzun Yin's arms.

The Living Buddha of Tantric Buddhism asked the King Du Tian to investigate Gouchen's whereabouts, and wanted to get revenge for Shengzun and restore the face of Tantric Buddhism.

Of course, Tang Luo didn’t know this. He was rushing towards Longxi. After all, if news of him is not revealed in Longxi, it would be easy for people to connect him with Gouchen, so he had to be in front of the public as soon as possible. Only by showing up once can he completely separate his connection with Gouchen.

Counting time, because of Wang Chan's support, the first group of people to go to Longxi to challenge him is almost time to come. When that happens, he only needs to record a face, even if he doesn't do it, it is considered to be the matter.

Tang Luo at this time still didn't know what kind of storm he was in the world.


Zhongzhou Buddha Country, King Kong Mountain

Sheng Zun was seriously injured, and the rest of the Tantric Sect gathered together, and the atmosphere was not depressed.

In the absence of the Living Buddha, Tantric has the highest level of knowledge, so the Buddha meeting was presided over by him, and the chief Zhizun asked the people kindly: "It can break through the eight auspiciousness of the younger brother, and he can also spit out the divine sword. King Kong Arhat, what clues do you juniors have?"

"All those present are the Tantric Master Brothers. Why should the Senior Brother be so cautious? From the perspective of the deity, this guy with his head and tail must be a stranger from the Xu family!"

As the youngest Venerable, Zhan Wei has always regarded Sheng Zun Liao Yin as his role model. Seeing that he was seriously injured, Zhan Wei said angrily: "You can't cut off the arms of Senior Brother Yin with pure pure blood. What is really powerful is this method of making a sword with breath, and the kendo that can easily break through the Vajra Arhat body, except for the Xu family, not to be the second person!"

"Junior Brother believes that the Xu family is too unreasonable just by relying on a blood river sword air?" Fa Zun thought with his half-closed eyes open, and said quietly: "The world of swordsmanship is good from Yuanzhou, but it does not mean that the world of swordsmanship is only Xu clan, Wu Shengshan, Tiannan Wang clan, and Penglai Mo Clan are all masters with swords. The deity feels that this person's style is quite Wang clan's charm. I want to come and be a group of good deeds, come out to stir the situation!"


Yuanzhou, Yingcheng Jiange

The sword sages of Zhongying City gathered together to circulate the information obtained from the Du Tianwang inspection.

At present, the sacred sites of various sects have pointed the source of this demon lord Gou Chen to the Xu family of Yuanzhou.

But after repeated inquiries by the sword master, those who determined that the matter was not from the Xu family's bloodline said, because after reading the records, no bloodline was found, and what was cast was a black ball divine soul!

Obviously, this incident was aimed at the Xu family. Yuanzhou’s extermination of the Buddha had just passed. The tension between Yuanzhou and the Buddha country had not yet eased, and some people came out to stir up the wind and rain. This attracted the attention of the Xu family. .

All the sword masters of Yingcheng Jiange were present in order to set Xu's attitude on the matter.

"Yuanzhou swordsmen have never dealt with the bald donkeys of the Buddha country, but there is absolutely no reason for them to be used. Finding Gouchen is not to show weakness to the Buddha country, but to let the people behind him know that all attempts to use the Xu family Anyone with a sword must have the consciousness of being beheaded!"


The depths of Zhongzhou Longyuan

The bony Taoist man with a pale face knelt in front of a tall throne: "The host, it is because of this demon master that the plan of the Buddha's heart to plant the demon is dead. This person is now the enemy of the world. The Zhou Xu clan, Tiannan Wang's family and even Wu Shengshan stated that they would cooperate with the Dutian King to patrol and arrest them. If they want to come, they will be exposed soon. Should we put more fire?"

Feng You raised his head, coughing and smiling: "When Gou Chen is driven to a dead end, he can only join the Blood Tower, and then the Blood Tower will be able to add a big general. It's wonderful."


In Longxilan Mountain City, there is an additional archway and a monument.

The big one stood at the top of the city, with the four words "Benevolence, Righteousness, Thousand Years" written on it, and the Wang Xun seal at the place where it was signed was particularly eye-catching.

And the monument, which fell directly at the entrance of the Tang family's Wutang, was the life of Longxi Tianjiao Tang Luo and the words "the first son of the gods".

Mountain bandits are chasing profits, martial artists have a good name, and they have practiced hard for decades. No one wants to know the world. Although every Tianjiao will humbly say, "There are people outside the mountains, there are mountains outside the mountains." At this time, the ruler of the heavens, who was traveling around the world, threw the title of "the first **** of all races" to a twenty-year-old young man, which naturally caused countless family Tianjiao to be unconvinced!

The first name of the Longzhou Youth Martial Arts Conference sounds great, but before him, there were a total of nineteen unparalleled kings.

Moreover, the martial arts conference in Longzhou has no deterrent effect on the disciples of the elites in Zhongzhou.

So since the archway and monument were built, many uninvited guests have appeared in Lanshan City.

They all come from afar from Zhongzhou, who are coming to challenge the "first **** son of ten thousand races". Many of them are not even in the fierce state, and they are still at the peak of transformation, but they also think about a battle. Fame.

As the manager of the first mansion of Lanshan City, Chang Le’s most important task every day is to convey the news that Tang Luo is retreating in order to reject the challenger’s application.

But this kind of rejection made this group of challenges from Zhongzhou sneer. They didn't believe in any 20-year-old fierce martial artist, and they had to see Tang Luo before they would give up.

This group of challengers from Zhongzhou occupies the gate of the first mansion every day, becoming the biggest excitement in Lanshan City until the day when the first second son, Tang Xing, returns to the mansion.

"My brother and Wang Chan have realized that they are in retreat after the battle, and there is really no time to pay attention to you stinky fish and shrimps."

Tang Xing, the second son with a crown-like face, said coldly to the challenger in front of the first mansion: "Don't you want to challenge, you have passed this son first."

(End of this chapter)

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