I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 922: Two hundred twenty six

Chapter 922 Chapter 226: Succession of the Pope

Vimo Shitahara, Ned City

As soon as the sacred monk Jiuta appeared, it caused all the nobles in the city to watch. They couldn't figure out how honored the presiding officer of the Klaho Temple was. This person actually gave up when he said he gave up. As in the legend, is he a saint without desires?

People always yearn for qualities they don't have. Even in the cruel land of Ned, Jiuda's behavior is as cherished as jewelry.

This holy monk, who had just arrived for a day, became the biggest excitement in the holy city. The originally lifeless Ned City seemed to suddenly come alive. Every tavern was talking about the holy monk Jota in Hyderabad.

According to legend, Jiuda was once a genius of the Xiu clan, but he resolutely gave up all the glory and wealth and went to the temple to practice, and his cultivation was unfathomable.

According to legend, Jiuda has no children, and dedicated his life to the non-tianjiao, the first temple host in the history of the non-heaven clan who left no children.

According to legend, Jiuda is extremely humble. Even when facing the ninth untouchables, he will talk peacefully, give patient advice, and never speak evil to the population.

According to legend, Jiuda is extremely generous, and all Fei Tian can ask him for advice as long as they are lucky enough to meet him, even if it is the secret method of Shura Dao, he is not stingy.

Fame is constantly exaggerated in word of mouth. In just one day, Jiuda of Hyderabad became a saint of the non-heaven clan. This was an unexpected change by Emperor Xiushi.

The jealous Feitian Supreme was dissatisfied that his brilliance was taken away by Jiuda, so he prepared a grand ceremony to welcome the holy monk.

When Fei Tian, ​​who admired power, saw that the so-called holy monk was just a shriveled old man with a short life, those legends would naturally break down.

Thus, three days after the **** of Jiuda entered Ned, the grand reception ceremony began.

The supreme of the non-heaven tribe, the non-heavenly pope, and the strongest king of the world, Xiu Shidi, met the holy monk Juda from Hyderabad outside the Vita Temple.

On this day, the citizens of Ned encircled the Temple of Vita. Everyone wanted to see what the meeting of the two saints of the non-heaven was like.

Compared with the ugly appearance of ordinary non-celestial males who look like Rakshasa, the appearance of Emperor Xiu Shidi is extremely handsome. Even the two protruding tiger teeth do not affect his face, but add a bit of seductiveness. mysterious.

On weekdays, even if the Emperor Xiushi is just standing on the altar of the temple, it can attract the cheers of Ned’s subjects. Recently, he dressed up more like a banished immortal, with a luxurious golden crown and gilt robes. Wrapped on the body, holding the staff representing the oracle in his hand, people just look at it and give birth to a humble humble.

But when the deity's frame was opened and the holy monk Jiu appeared, people knew what a true protector of the gods should look like.

The rich blood evil spirit lingers around his strong body, and the bulging muscles all over his body indicate what terrible power Jiuda possesses. Even the dark red blood evil spirit flowing in the blood vessels, even if it is inadvertently glanced. Once, they will be afraid.

But on his hideous Rakshasa face, there was an indescribable calm, two completely different temperaments of destruction and calm, so harmoniously appeared in the body of the holy monk Jiuda.

Compared to the non-celestial people in the city who can only watch the excitement, those Dafeitians who have obtained the Asura Dao can naturally feel the endless **** aura on Jiuda, which is by no means a level that can be achieved only by cultivation. , Is a miracle that only Shura magical powers can produce.

Although Emperor Xiushi hated him very much, as a non-celestial pope, he could only declare truthfully, and he also faintly felt that Jiuda showed such a big assassin in the appearance of an old man who was not long-lived. , Is for him!

Thinking of this, Emperor Xiu's expression became gloomy, and he said every word: "Congratulations, holy monk Jiuda, who has realized the magical powers of Shura and became the King of Shura!"

Sure enough, after the Emperor Xiushi announced the status of King Juda the Great Shura, the people of Neid City cheered, but Juda suddenly said: "Since ancient times, the non-Tian Pope and the non-Tian Supreme have supported each other. Teach religions to guide the believers of the temple, and the supreme ruler of the third-order beings."

"After the previous pope's ascension, the temple suffered from no pope's succession. The three Zen masters of Kolkata, Meghalaya, and Guwahati all realized that Shura's magical powers failed to sit and no one succeeded. At this time, the right and wrong Tianzhi stood out against all disagreements and tied the pope’s affairs to himself, and he was both the two identities of the non-tianzhi and the non-tian pope, which is impressive."

"But now, Jiuda inherited the will of the three great Zen masters, obtained the proof of Asura's supernatural powers, and became the Great Asura King, and asked the Supreme to remove the position of Pope and renew the orthodoxy!"

The people of Ned City never expected that the first scene of Jiuda's return was to force Emperor Xiu Shi. Although his words were reasonable, the nobles in the city kept observing the eyes of Emperor Xiu Shi.

As the supreme of Inner City, Emperor Xiu has been holding two positions for 20 years, and when everyone thought it would continue like this, he suddenly made a click.

People are excited at the same time, but they can't help being afraid, because in the past two decades, Emperor Xiu's character has been exposed, arrogant, jealous and possessive, how can he let go of his power Well, even if this is a non-celestial tradition, he will not approve it.

In silence, Emperor Xiu, wearing a crown, said coldly to Jiu: "Is the Zen master so impatient?"

"Since the temple already has the Great Asura King, I really don't dare to bother the Supreme." Jiuda gently polite and respectfully said: "I believe everyone in the temple should think so."

Emperor Xiu turned his head and looked at the group of temple guardians standing behind him. No one dared to look at him with the eyes of the group of temple protectors standing behind him. This time, he understood.

"It's no wonder that Zen Master Jiuda has such a great reputation one day after entering the city, this school really looks down on you."

Jiudahe Qidao: "Chaoyang Yeyue, the only way to go is the way of heaven. Although the Supreme is the strongest King of Asura in the past, he can't act against the sky, is it?"

"Act against the heavens?" Emperor Xiushi smirked: "It seems that the Zen master is full of confidence. If this is the case, the Pope can't help but test you!"

"I don't know how the Supreme wants to test the results?"

Staying on the ground with the scepter in his hand, Emperor Xiu Shi said with a blank expression: "Although you have obtained the certificate of the Great Asura King, this sect has to make sure that you have the power to control the temple. If you rashly succeed but can't control the statue, wouldn't it be possible? A joke."

"The supreme is right, how can Jiuda prove that he can control the idol?"

"Open the Asura Field, as long as you can survive a stick of incense, this sect will recognize you as the successor pope!"

(End of this chapter)

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