I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 919: Two hundred twenty three

Chapter 919 Chapter 223: Life

Dongzhi and Sanglu are both devout believers. Even if they are defined as untouchables, they still believe that God loves the world. Even in a secret house with only two people, the shrine is placed in the highest position.

It is precisely because the two of them had believed so deeply that they were so disillusioned when the true face of the non-celestial religion was exposed.

Seeing Sang Lu with mottled eyes and hollow eyes, the killing intent in Dongzhi's heart was almost boiling.

Picking up the long knife that was thrown aside, Dong Zhi screamed and cut at the faces of all the Buddha statues in the golden float.

The anger and hatred made the calm carriage plunge into chaos again. Sang Lu looked at her crazy brother as if she had seen Gang Fan, her eyes grew more and more fearful, and even her body began to tremble.

Dongzhi, who was caught in anger, obviously didn't notice Sang Lu's abnormality. After destroying all the faces of the Buddha, he kicked Gang Fan's headless corpse aside, lifted the long knife above his head, and cut it down forcefully.

"Bad sister is chaste! Bad sister is chaste!! Behead you, behead you!!"

Dong Zhi, who was like a madman, seemed to shatter this headless corpse into thousands of pieces, and the exploded blood flower was about to dye the golden float red.

The boy vented his anger wantonly, but did not notice that the **** the bed had more and more fear and more pain in her eyes.

Tang Luo, who couldn't stand it, finally stepped forward and grabbed Dong Zhi against the wall with a palm. The thin black boy who was drawn down the wall slumped on the ground, covered his face in pain, and whimpered.

The tall and thin man wearing a Gouchen mask walked to the bed and gently put his hand out. Sang Lu on the bed reacted violently, screaming "Ah, ah!"

The elder brother sitting by the wall heard his sister's scream and wanted to stand up with an anger, but he was crushed by the spirit and pressed on the spot. Although his face was flushed, he couldn't move at all.

"this is not your fault."

Tang Luo's tone was unprecedentedly gentle. This was the first time he had not rubbed the hoarse and harsh voice with his spiritual power since he walked the world as Gouchen. There was an inexplicable healing in his low voice.

This is a secret technique that uses concentration and calmness, hoping to try to calm Sang Lu's emotions.

The little girl who had just suffered misfortune was very terrified of all men, so Tang Luo turned around, turned her back to the bed, and carried her hands on her back. The vigorous innate aura was poured into Sanglu's body along the ten fingers, along with the vigorous innate aura. After the injection, the joints that had been shaken by Gangfan finally recovered. The first thing Sanglu did after regaining her mobility was to shrink to the corner of the bed and wrap herself tightly with Dongzhi's clothes.

Stopping the infusion of innate aura, Tang Luo shook his head, dispersed the spiritual pressure on the wall, stepped out of the holy woman's car, leaving space for the two bruised brothers and sisters.

Tang Luo, who walked out of the car, squinted at the poplar forest in front of him, and various complex emotions appeared in his heart.

In fact, his original intention of coming to Vimalakirti was just to use the Asura idol to extract the evil spirit from the essence and blood, but everything he saw after coming here made him sick.

I thought that Sang Lu would not be in any danger for at least the time she traveled to Ned City, but she didn't expect to suffer damage halfway through the journey.

This is just an example of Sang Lu. In the non-celestial religion that has been passed down since ancient times, how many poor girls there are, it makes people shudder just to think about it.

It is hard to imagine that the Buddhist kingdom known as benevolent and merciful, because the Asura statue has the power to dispel evil, it recognizes such a force as Buddhist orthodoxy.

And with the protection of the Buddha kingdom, the people of Vimo's many qualities do not know how much more such damages will be suffered.

It seems that we must find a way to uproot this disgusting force.

Tang Luo, who was looking at Yang Shulin, couldn't help but have such a thought, and quickly grew into a towering tree.

After a while, Dong Zhi came out of the carriage in despair, knelt in front of Tang Luo without saying a word, and knelt up his head "bang-bang-bang".

"Don't want to go?"

Sitting on a convex rock, Tang Luo looked down at Dong Zhi, whose forehead was covered with blood, and said quietly.

"Please, my lord, A-mei is unconscious now, I want to take her out of here, we don't want to go to Saint Neder!"

Originally, Tang Luo thought, using the saint's chariot, the gods blended into Nide without knowing it, and when Jiuda challenged Emperor Xiu Shi, he broke into the temple and left after bleeding.

In exchange, he would guarantee Sang Lu's safety, and now, this transaction is obviously unable to proceed, because Sang Lu has been seriously injured.

So facing Dongzhi's request, Tang Luo really couldn't think of any reason for rejection. Just as he was about to nod his head to agree, Sang Lu suddenly walked out of the carriage.

Her expression has returned to calm, and it seems that all her emotions have been sorted out. It seems that the innate aura has not only healed her injury, but also erased all her unpleasant memories.

Sang Lu Shi Shiran jumped off the car, walked to Tang Luo and gave a five-body bow, calmly said, "Thank you, sir."

After thanking Tang Luo, Sang Lu turned her head and said to her elder brother: "Brother, Sang Lu is already the saint of the protector of the law. She wants to dedicate everything to the protector of the law and cannot go with you."

"Sister, what are you talking about!" Hearing Sang Lu's calm tone, Dongzhi, who was covered in blood, didn't dare to say anything: "It's all like this. What do you want to be a saint in Ned?"

There was an inexplicable calm on Sang Lu's face, and Tang Luo was in a daze as if he saw the saints standing in front of the Klaho Temple at the Hyderabad celebration.

Today's Sang Lu, Jing is exactly the same as those people, this seems to be a fate, which makes him feel a little funny.

When Dongzhi saw Sanglu's silence, he said angrily: "Do you know that people like Gangfan have a hundred or a thousand in Ned! If you become a saint, these people will Every day"

The words Gangfan evoked all the memories of Sang Lu's destruction. The calmness of the disguise was instantly torn apart, tears gushing out uncontrollably, Sang Lu covered her mouth, her eyes full of fear and fragility.

It was night, beside the blazing campfire, Dongzhi had fallen asleep, but Sang Lu still kept her eyes open.

As long as she closes her eyes, Gangfan's ugly face can appear. She has used all the water in the car to wash her body, over and over again, but still feels that it has not been cleaned.

Although the wounds on her body have been healed by the innate energy, the strong feeling lingers, she dare not return to the carriage, even if Gangfan's corpse has been frustrated by her brother, but as soon as she returns to that space Here, she can recall all the situations.

Not to mention going back, even if she just glanced at the golden float, that horrible scene would appear on the wall of the car, and a heavy gasp sounded in her ears.

(End of this chapter)

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