I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 910: Two hundred and fourteen

Chapter 910 Chapter 214: Compassion

Wan Lei flooded the sky above the sacred platform. The believers fled in a hurry, looking for cover above their heads. The scene before them was too horrible, not only collapsed their faith, but also made the devout believers at a loss.

Some of them were extremely firm, facing the thunder in the sky, they didn't dodge or avoid, but they looked up to the sky with tears streaming down their faces.

"The omniscient and omnipotent guardian god, why should he condemn him to Master Ko Lanta? Is mercy also wrong."

In the hoarse cry, there is confusion, confusion, and questioning of faith for decades. This kind of pain is more uncomfortable than the fear of losing your life.

When you find that what you believe in is just a bubble, how do you face your past self.

Wan Lei came to the world, but did not hurt the people a single cent, because it was the 36 Yuan Magnetic Divine Beads in the Yuan Magnetic Storm that really caused the thunder and lightning, and 36 thunder blasts repeated on Ke Lanta’s body. It broke through his protective gas, destroyed his **** body, and annihilated him to ashes. Even the severely wounded soul was torn to pieces by this endless storm.

Maybe he still couldn’t figure out why he died before the temple. What about the elders of the Klaho temple, and the **** formation in the temple. He is a figure of the Xiu clan who has high hopes. How could he? Die easily.

If God is really alive, you might be able to feel that Ke Lanta, who was destroyed in the thunder, finally hated not the mysterious person who caused the thunder, but Jiuda.

In Hyderabad, there is only the holy monk Jiuda who has the ability to condense Rahu's phenomena. Not to mention the four blood fiend weapons that are almost magical weapons, they are the magical powers exclusive to Jiuda. If it weren't for Rahu's phenomena to tear him apart The Asura Faxiang, how could he be traumatized and die here under the magnetism storm.

But there is no such thing as if there is anything to say, death means death, and after determining that Ke Lanta's soul is destroyed, Jiuda finally activated the mountain guard array.

A **** evil spirit surged from the top of the temple, suddenly opening up the thunderclouds, and knocking thirty-six falling primordial magnetic beads into the air, clearing the entire sky.

Standing in front of the temple, Jiuda looked at Tang Luo in the distance, his hands clasped together and rose into the sky, a colorful Buddha light gushing from his back, washing the **** sky.

Jiuda, which shattered the elemental magnetic storm by the power of the divine formation, looked like a real divine residence, looking down at the believers whose faith had collapsed, and said loudly, "I still don't wake up!"

"The will of the protector is irreversible. Although Ko Lanta is a new god, he disobeys the will. Although he is deprived of the position of God, the benevolent protector still allows him to continue to practice, but Ko Lanta has not grasped the deep meaning of God and is obsessed with it. No regrets, today I am punished by thunder, you are still not awakened!"

The deafening Buddha's words and Zen sounds seem to have the power to infuse the soul. The believers with collapsed beliefs looked up and saw the holy monks like a divine residence, just as a confused child saw an elder.

The panicked believers knelt on the ground again, tearing down their faces and asked Jiuda in the sky: "Holy monk, Master Kelanda asked the gods and thunder because he didn’t see that the believers were trapped to death by the wind and snow. Isn’t the guardian gods allowed to have mercy and compassion?

"Holy monk, please help me out!"

The heart-piercing screams are incomprehensible to the doctrine and questioning the protector of the gods. Seeing Ko Lanta who has gone through thunder punishment without bones, everyone can't help but feel sad. Is it a fake to love the world? Yes, otherwise, how could the Guardian God punish Master Kelanda so cruelly?

"The reason why Ke Lanta died of thunder punishment is just like you, misinterpreting the compassion of the protector of the god."

"All of you thought that the protector of the gods dropped heavy snow because you did not wait for the pilgrimage to Krajo, but you forgot that after each heavy snowfall, the wasteland will be full of water and grass in spring. This heavy snow is not only to stop the pilgrimage. The path of the scholar is to make you more generous and wealthy in the coming year. This is the compassion of the protector of the gods."

"The God of the Law used Blizzard to seal the road for the great mercy of the entire deserted house. Ko Lanta uses the thunder to cut down the road, but it is only a small mercy to pity believers. Both are mercy, but the results are completely different."

"Without the cleverness of Kelanda, most of the tribe’s believers will spend this winter in the tribe this year. In the coming year, the water and grass will be abundant, and the believers will be able to herd more sheep and cattle. Appropriate. But now that the thunder is cutting the road and the sky is thousands of miles away, in order to pay homage to the miracles, regardless of whether they are properly prepared or not, all the believers have started the pilgrimage road. In this way, how many distant tribes will be scattered. How can the cattle and sheep under the care of people survive this winter."

"Now, who else thinks Ko Lanta is being punished wrong?"

After listening to Jiuda’s explanation, the believers couldn’t help crying. Many believers who followed the heavenly road to Hyderabad even wailed loudly, feeling that they did not understand the true meaning of the protector god, and killed the new god. .

The Rahu Faxiang from the horizon dispersed after Jiuda finished these words, as if agreeing with this point of view. This evidence and the inexplicable grief of the believers on the square, looking at the golden statue of Master Ko Lanta , Burst into tears.

The inexplicable speech began again. Tang Luo looked helplessly at the fanatical believers in the square again, and then slipped away the tearful Dong Zhiti and asked, "What did this person say? Ke Ludadu After being struck to death by lightning, can't you still realize that the non-tians are all liars?"

As soon as he heard what Tang Luo said, Dongzhi suppressed his anger and translated what Jiuda said: "Master Ke Lanta died of a punishment from heaven, but because he did not practice enough to understand the compassion of the protector, Master Jiuda is The real holy monk, how can you tell lies, do you think Hyderabad is a hypocritical Zhongzhou!"

"So, a fool who believes blindly, really can't get it back."

The hoarse voice was full of sarcasm, and Tang Luo's disappointed eyes were on the back of Gou Chen's mask. He let go of his hand and let the little guy fall to the ground.

On the square, the believers were united and prayed to Jiuda to include the statue of Kelanda to the temple. The well-known holy monk did not live up to his virtuous name, risking being blamed by the guardian gods, and actually took the sinner’s The statue is incorporated into the temple.

This approach made Jiuda look as merciful as a god. If these believers knew that it was the holy monk with a benevolent and righteous face that really gave Ko Lanta a fatal blow, and they really don’t know what expression they should use face.

Taking the scattered falling Yu Yuan magnetic beads back under the star robe, Tang Luo mixed among the believers and walked towards the temple. As he passed the temple altar, Master Jiuda nodded towards Tang Luo and wore a gouchen mask. Tang Luo, who just gave him a cold look, walked into the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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