I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 907: Two hundred and eleven

Chapter 907 Chapter 211: Temple Ceremony

The excited black thin boy ran out with his sister, and banged his head at the masked weird man outside the door.

"Okay, get up."

Tang Luo didn't turn his head back, and said lightly toward the Klaho Temple: "Since I want you to be a guide and translator, this seat will never treat you badly. Since gold bars are not good enough, then this Juhe knife book will be regarded as you. How's your compensation?"

If Tang Luo is walking on Vimo Chidawara in his own capacity, then this kid must be brought back to Longxi, but he is now walking the world in the name of Gouchen, so he may have something to do with Tang Luo. You can't take any risks, let alone take a mixed-race kid back.

Even if they think that Dongzhi's sword technique is talented, their fate can only be in the short few days in Hyderabad. After he draws the blood evil from his body with an Asura idol, he will leave here.

"The feeling that the adult gives the sword is recreated by the kid. The kid has nothing to do with him. He volunteers to become an adult's slave, and only hopes to be able to follow the adult in the future to repay this kindness."

Dongzhi’s eyes were full of enthusiasm. Originally, he planned to leave Vimojtahara to look for the inheritance of incomplete swordsmanship after his sister chose the saint, but after encountering Tang Luo, he discovered that the man in front of him gave him a trick. , Is actually infinitely more subtle than the incomplete knife book, so why bother to go near and far.

"You are clever." Tang Luo cast a glance at Dong Zhi, and then said: "But do you know, who is this seat?"

"My lord is a good person."

"Good guy? Hahahaha." The harsh laughter like metal rubbing made the ears of two little ghosts sore. The man wearing a gouchen mask looked down at Dongzhi and smiled evilly: "Do you know that this seat is your faith? The enemy of God, if you want to be a servant of this seat, you will raise a long sword and slash at your own **** in the future. Think about it. Your sister is going to be a saint, if this seat one day breaks into the Vita God Temple, can you swipe a knife to become the sister who has become a saint?"

Dong Zhi's face suddenly turned pale. He didn't expect that the person in front of him was the enemy of the protector god, which made him feel like falling into an ice cave.

"Young people shouldn't commit their lives to promises. Since they don't know what they are going to face, how can they bear the rash results."

The hoarse voice sounded again, and the tall and thin man in star robes said indifferently: "If the Krajo Temple does not open tomorrow, guess what will this seat do? So, beside this seat, nothing The Pure Land of Bliss, if you are not careful, it is a **** that will never be restored. Be prepared. The work of translators and guides is not easy."

The pale-faced Dong Zhi nodded, and took his younger sister back to the room, a battle between heaven and human beings in his mind.

"Brother, is that adult the evil demon mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures?"

The confused Dongzhi didn't know how to answer, so he could only make a vague "um".

"But Brother." Sang Lu tilted her head for a while and said seriously: "That adult is a good person."

"What nonsense!" Dongzhi stretched out his hand and rubbed his sister's head, as if pouring out the irreverent thoughts in the little girl's mind, and murmured: "If the evil demon who opposes the **** is a good person, then what is the protector of the god? ?"

The little girl wrapped her elder brother's hand on her small head, looked at her elder brother's eyes, and said seriously: "The guardian **** is a good person, and the evil demon is also a good person. It's just a different name, elder brother?"

"Yes." Dongzhi looked at his innocent and innocent sister, and could only smile weakly: "Tomorrow is the big day for you to choose a saint. Let's rest early tonight."

The disturbed Dongzhi pushed his sister into the inner room, and he knelt all night in front of the shrine in the outer room.

When the morning sun rose the next day, Hyderabad became an ocean of believers. All the pilgrims from afar gathered in the square under the Krajo Temple, looking at the guards in clean monks' robes. People, standing on both sides of the Shinto in an orderly manner, several masters in the Klaho Temple appeared together. The believers standing under the temple saw a few people as if they saw the true god, they were extremely fanatical, and did not fear the masters Rakshasa. Such an ugly face.

What is even more exciting is to stand next to the masters, the saints in the Krajo Temple, all of them have beautiful faces and are not as beautiful as mortals, just like the legendary goddess, dressed The extremely luxurious costumes stand side by side with several masters and are worshipped by countless believers.

On the side of the square, Dongzhi looked up at the saints in front of the temple, full of enthusiasm and pride, and kept introducing to Tang Luo: "Look, my lord, that are the saints of the Klaho Temple. They are all women who were born from untouchable families, and they are the protector of sinners. They worship the protector of the gods in this life, and they can join the unnatural life when they are reincarnated."

"Did you see the saint on the far left standing side by side with Master Jiuda? She is the saint Deya chosen in Krajo three years ago, because she serves the Dharma God with a sincere heart, and the Dharma God descended on her decree. Franchised Dia’s family will be detached, and in this world they will be able to change from a pariah to a nobleman, move into the heavenly palace, and be worshipped by believers! This is a gift from the gods!

Tang Luo followed Dongzhi’s fingers, and with his eyesight, he could see more than what Dongzhi had introduced. Under the exquisite and gorgeous makeup, there were a pair of eyes with a gray heart. Perhaps this is what the believers have in the eyes. Di it.

"It seems that the work of the saint is very hard."

"How hard it is!" Dongzhi muttered, "The temple is only opened once a month. Usually the saints only need to maintain the cleanliness of the statues, and then chant the scriptures. Although they cannot drink and eat meat, they are treated like the gods. Like the masters in the temple, Sudden is a spiritual food. Also, every saint can stay young forever. Look at the saint on the far right, Xunke, she was a saint twelve years ago. I heard Her appearance is no different from that of twelve years ago. This is the saint blessed by the protector god!"

"Really?" Tang Luo glanced at the saint on the far right, and said lightly: "According to this statement, there will be one saint in three years. If youth stays forever, at this time the Klaho Temple is at least There must be twenty or thirty saints, why are there only these few?"

"Because the saints who have served the divine residence for more than ten years have all been reincarnated!" Dongzhi's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and explained: "These saints have received grace for serving the Dharma Protector and can reincarnate early, and they are reincarnating. The former will leave their own mark of the saint so that the temple can find their afterlife! The saint Siya, who was 15 years ago in the Klaho Temple, was reincarnated last year and left a message when she ascended, leaving a petal-shaped saint on the sole At that time, a baby boy was born in Dongcheng with petal marks on the soles of his feet!"

"This is what I have seen with my own eyes. If Amei becomes a saint, she can get rid of this evil **** and be favored by the protector god!"

(End of this chapter)

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