I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 904: Two hundred and eight

Chapter 904 Chapter 208: Deadly Battle

Kadar looked at Dongzhi who was rushing up crazy, and took a sip of disdain. He picked the short axe into his hand with his toe. The axe's blade drew a semicircle from bottom to top, just blocking Dongzhi's cut. On the scimitar.

Generally speaking, the top-down slash is usually stronger than the bottom-up. Moreover, Dongzhi makes an angry shot with a three-pointer stronger than usual.

But after all, the difference in cultivation level is too great. In addition, the black and thin boy himself is malnourished. Not only was Kadar pierced with a short axe, but the axe blade used his spare strength to pick him up. Falling to the ground in the distance, the sky was full of snow.

"Bah." Kadar took a sip, put the hatchet on his shoulder, and said with disdain: "With your three-legged cat's sword skills, you are also worthy of fighting with Laozi. Honestly hand over the wife, and the Lord will let you go. Life!"

"Cough!" Dongzhi coughed out a mouthful of blood, then stood up with a wipe of the corner of his mouth, and pulled the scimitar back into the sheath around his waist by rotating the knife, holding the scabbard in his left hand, and holding the handle of the knife in his right hand, and put it out. An ancient sword that is about to draw a sword, his eyes are like eagles, full of firmness and indifference.

From Kadar’s words just now, he heard the most important message. His smart Amei should have hid in the secret tunnel of food and water storage when Kadar broke the lock, and was not harmed. He instantly recovered his calm.

The short match made Dongzhi understand that Kadar in front of him was the strongest he had ever encountered, and was far better than him in terms of strength and technique. And the fragments of swordsmanship he practiced, with only sword power and no moves, his only hope of victory is to rely on his understanding of drawing swords to see if he can turn defeat into victory.

And Dongzhi’s solemn killing also made Kadar feel some pressure, but of course he would not put a hairy boy in his eyes because he was crushed by his self-reliance. It was just that the cunning that had always made him want to find some other tricks. The advantages.

I saw Kadar constantly adjusting his angle to approach Dongzhi with a frivolous pace, while still saying something and not provoking him, but no matter how hard he tried, Dongzhi remained calm and extremely calm, only that. The pair of black pupils, like eagles, stared at Kadar's neck.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer, Dongzhi suddenly stepped forward, and the scimitar suddenly unsheathed from his waist, as fast as a shooting star across the sky, Kadar was almost the first second he saw Dongzhi step forward. , He put the hatchet across his neck, but at the moment when Dongzhi's scimitar was unsheathed, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed, and he moved the axe blade down by one foot, stomping to block the white mark.

It turned out that Dongzhi aimed at the throat is just an illusion. His real target is Kadar's chest, but his cleverness will eventually fail to be practical. The lightning-fast machete is eventually blocked by the axe, and Kadar is angry. The foot was poking Dongzhi's chest.

"Clang Clang."

The scimitar fell on the ground, Dongzhi was kicked three feet away, and fell to the ground severely, vomiting a big mouthful of blood.

Kadar, who had just experienced life and death, wiped the sweat on his forehead, picked up the scimitar, and said to Dongzhi who was struggling to get up: "You are so sinister and fierce at a young age, if you let you go. In the year, Lao Tzu may not be able to survive, but today, you will undoubtedly die, and Ashura will not be able to save you!"

From the time Dongzhi killed the young man sitting on the door and rushed into the room, to when he was beaten out by Kadar, to the life and death fight between the two, it was only a few breaths away, and only two eyes The person on the other side had obviously forgotten that there was also Tang Luo who was wearing a star gown and a mask, but was already waiting impatiently.

He originally thought that the little guy named Dongzhi should have practiced good swordsmanship hard, and it shouldn’t be a problem to deal with the middle-aged man at the pinnacle of the Mortal Realm, but who knows that this guy just has a posture and no moves. It’s no different from a beginner. As a swordsman, he can’t even hold his own sword. Even the hand-drawing technique is like a defective product made by Ye Luzi. This kind of kid plays a house. The life-and-death struggle is really unbearable.

After a thousand years of martial arts, Human Race still has such a backward place in martial arts, isn't it funny?

"Can you stand up?"

The impatient Tang Luo finally spoke, a hoarse voice sounded, and Kadar was startled. He turned his head and saw that his legs were soft, his weapon "cangling" and falling to the ground. Kadar knelt down. Ersi trembling, like seeing a lamb of a tiger and leopard.

Dongzhi turned to look at the masked weird man, and then at Kadar, who was kneeling on the ground three feet away, a flash of determination suddenly flashed in his eyes, only to see him staggering to his feet and staggering towards Kadar.

Kadar naturally heard Dongzhi's movement, but in front of Tang Luo, he did not dare to move. What happened in the tavern had already exhausted all his courage. In his eyes, that The tall and thin man wearing a Gouchen mask is a devil that only Asura God can match, and he can't afford to resist.

Dongzhi staggered to Kadar's side, grabbed the scimitar from the ground and cut it at his neck. At the critical moment of life and death, Kadar once again defeated the fear in his heart and took the short axe. He moved upwards. Before Dongzhi's scimitar cut down, his short axe would surely break the opponent, and he was chopped up to his shoulder.

But when he had just picked up the short axe, he was caught by a tyrannical spiritual pressure, unable to move, and his whole body was frozen. He raised his eyes with difficulty, only to see the endless surging behind Gouchen's mask. Indifferent heavy pupil.

The scimitar cut down sharply, blood gushing from his neck, and Kadar's flying head was left with unwillingness and resentment.

Dongzhi, who was holding the Kadar in his hand, seemed to be worried. He sat down heavily on the ground, took two heavy breaths with a scimitar, then rushed into the house and opened. The bed board of the inner room exposed the black hole underneath.

Swallowing the blood and qi that was moving upwards, Dong Zhi softly called out: "A-mei, A-mei, it's all right, you can come out."

Hidden in the dark cellar holding a short dagger, anxious Sang Lu couldn't help but tears as soon as she heard her brother's voice. She threw the dagger and crawled out of the cellar and saw a blood-stained face. Brother, hurriedly pulled out a veil and said distressed: "Brother, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, I got a little wound when killing the two robbers."

Dongzhi Dalai said, as if killing Kadar was just waving his hand.

A man is always willing to show his strength in front of his family, but he says nothing about hard work and near death.

Just when the two brothers and sisters were rejoicing, the third voice suddenly remembered in the room.

"So this is what you are more important than life."

(End of this chapter)

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