I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 899: Two hundred and three

Chapter 899 Chapter 203: Brother and Sister

"Brother, it's not."

The little girl sobbed, pulling the corner of her brother's clothes and said sadly: "Sanglu doesn't want to go, she doesn't want to be a saint, she doesn't want to serve a god, and she will fly to the sky. Sanglu wants to follow her, if she has a sister in the future Sanglu will sleep in the wood shed, don’t drive Sanglu away, OK."

The black and thin boy saw his sister sobbing, and he drew heartily, but he knew that only by becoming a saint was the only way for his sister to get rid of the evil karma of this life. He was a robber in his previous life and did not know how many people he killed, so he was doomed to the third world. The untouchables atone for their sins, even the Buddhist temple is not allowed, but the younger sister is different, the younger sister is reborn in the lotus flower, destined to become a saint, can't be smashed with him in the untouchable pile!

Those bad boys on the street are always asking for news about their sisters these days. If they are shown their beautiful and kind sisters, God knows what these people will do.

A pure and kind-hearted person like his sister should live in the temple of Ned and be worshipped by believers, not in this hell-like place, and must send her sister out to Ned!

Thinking of this, the boy gritted his teeth and suppressed the reluctance in his heart, and resolutely said: "Tomorrow is the day to choose the saint, Amei rest early!"

After speaking, the boy pulled out the corner of the pillow and left the inner room. When the door curtain fell, he cut off the whimper inside.

Suddenly, an unsearchable bell came, and the boy's sad face suddenly became cold, and he silently drew out the scimitar. The whole person floated behind the door like smoke, listening carefully to the movement outside the door.

"Dongzhi, Dongzhi." A partner's low voice sounded outside the door: "There is someone in the tavern looking for a guide who can speak Mandarin. Can you answer this?"

"Take it!" Following the categorical words, the door of the wall house was opened, and the black and thin boy shoved out while retracting the knife and scabbard. As soon as he left the door, he locked the door tightly. Put the big lock.

"Dongzhi, every time you see you go out, you will lock the door tightly. Are you afraid that your wife will be stolen?"

After confirming that the door was completely locked, the thin black boy called Dongzhi inserted the scimitar into his belt, and said indifferently, "It is because there are too many mechanisms in my room. I am afraid that those little thieves who do not live or die will get in. I have nothing to spare. bedding."

The young man who was still laughing just now shrank his head in fright and slapped his tongue: "You guy, you are so cruel."

"In this hell, you can't live without being cruel!" The thin black boy adjusted the scimitar to the most comfortable position, patted it and raised his head and said, "How can you be so kind today and give me such a good job? Don't you honor your master?"

"Ahahaha, a good job certainly matters to you"

Before the words were finished, the scimitar was unsheathed, and the eyes were cold. The young man closed his eyes subconsciously. When he opened it again, he felt cold on half of his neck, and a scimitar rested on it. On his neck, there was still the black and thin boy's stern look like a falcon.

The young man stalked his neck and begged for mercy: "Dongzhi, if you have something to say, you put the scimitar down. This knife is too sharp. My neck will be cut."

The black thin boy was expressionless, pressed the scimitar close to the young man's throat, and coldly asked: "To be honest, there are obviously people who can speak Mandarin in the tavern, why come to me specially?"

"I said, I said, you put the knife down first!" The young man didn't dare to swallow even the saliva, and he poured beans to tell the situation in the tavern: "A stranger with a mask came into the city this morning. There was a conflict with Master Kolutta. He heard that Master Kolutta was subdued by him, and there was a lot of disturbance."

"God knows how this man found our tavern, but he also knows that we have someone who speaks Mandarin, saying that we need a guide to translate to Ned, but you also know that we are all untouchables, where can we get close to the holy city, and This person even dared to move Master Ko Lanta, maybe he was going to the holy city to do something bad. So no one in the tavern dared to take this business, but this person was really terrifying, his aura was as powerful as a devil, and he was overwhelmed. I can't stand it anymore, so I said I knew someone who could speak Mandarin."

"Your fate is fate, isn't mine?" The thin black boy took the scimitar back, puzzled: "You don't look like an idiot. If you come out, why don't you run? You really made you so cheap Master is a father?"

"Brother Dongzhi, it's not that I don't want to run. Look at the sky." The young man pointed at the sky with a weeping face. The thin black boy looked up and saw that two falling primordial magnet beads were floating above them.

The black thin boy was shocked and wanted to avoid it, but found that one of them was closely following him, trying to find a place to hide, an electric arc fell at his feet and hit a hole in the ground.

"Brother Dongzhi, don't run away, I have tried it all. This bead is more flexible than humans. I saw it penetrate such a thick stone slab with my own eyes." The young man cried and gestured: "We won't go back half an hour. You never have to go back."

Dongzhi's complexion was pale, and then he knew what kind of disaster the partner in front of him had caused to him. Since the masked eccentric can subdue Master Ke Lanta, killing them is no different from crushing two ants.

In the end, the two desperate young men didn't have the courage to try their best. They entered the tavern with heavy steps. As soon as they entered the door, a cold breath rose from the soles of their feet and hit the top of their heads.

The ruthless character from Hyderabad was lying all over the tavern, and the tall and thin man wearing a mask and star robe sat among the "corpses" on the floor and looked at the two.

"Are you the guide?"

The jerky sound like metal scraping made the two scalp numb, the black and thin boy's head was blank, his legs trembled uncontrollably, and the lower abdomen felt warm, as if something was about to flow out, opening his mouth, but Only the sound of sucking and teeth shaking.

Tang Luo, who didn't get a response, frowned dissatisfiedly.

Dongzhi could almost see the dissatisfaction of the man behind Gouchen's mask, but he couldn't say a word, only the voice of "Ho **** ho" in his throat.

To be killed, to be killed!

I can't die, I can't die, if I die, who will protect A-mei!

I don't know where to give birth to a force, the thin black boy suffocated two words: "It's me!"

Suddenly, all the pressure from the whole body was gone, and the two young men fell to their knees, panting for breath as if they had been salvaged from the water.


The two couldn't help thinking like this in their hearts, but none of them dared to raise their heads. The mortal corpse was too terrifying, far surpassing their viciousness.

Just to find a guide who wants to kill a house, what kind of devil is this masked man!

Just when the two of them were maligning, the young man's cheap master suddenly twitched his calf, struggling to get up.

(End of this chapter)

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