Chapter 1719 Chapter 297: Nostalgia

Jiang He is also alive, but most people don't understand this matter.

People think that rivers are forever and will rest with the world, but in fact, rivers are more fragile than people think.

The depletion of the source, the diversion of the river, and even the reduction of vegetation along the river will affect the life of the river.

And the appearance of the river dead, looking down from the sky, looks like a huge and dry pocket. There is no water on the sunken river bed, only the cracks like knives and axes, neatly arranged in the place where the water line should be the deepest.

If such a scar appears on a person, it should be called a miserable death, but when it appears on Jiang He, no one will cry bitterly, let alone pay a memorial service.

People may be reluctant, because it just means that they have to migrate. What they are reluctant to leave is their hometown and they have no feelings for Jianghe.

But rivers also have life, just like people have signs of death, rivers will have them, and they will be particularly obvious.

But no one thinks that Lingjiang will die, even if its water level drops during the wave, people don't think so.

Because the Lingjiang is now the largest tributary of the Longjiang, unless the Longjiang dries up, how else can the Lingjiang dry up?

But will Longjiang, which runs tens of thousands of miles across Longzhou, dry up? Obviously not.

So when it was discovered that the Lingjiang water level had dropped, each city sent wind media to investigate the cause, and the method of investigation was similar, that is, going back to the source.

The dryness of the river never occurs suddenly. If a tributary is cut in the middle section, or there is a problem at the source, you can probably find the problem if you follow the Lingjiang River to the east.

Therefore, these wind media from different camps unexpectedly all chose to go to the upper reaches of the Lingjiang River. When they gathered at the crevice of the Longjiang River, they finally knew the cause of the drop in the water level of the Lingjiang River.

Somehow, there was an extra big mountain, a very tall mountain, which blocked most of the breach.

Longjiang's water flow cannot come, can the water level in the middle and lower reaches of the river not drop?

For wind media who are good at intelligence analysis, it is needless to say what kind of impact the sudden appearance of the mountain will have on Lingjiang, but they want to know where this mountain comes from, and what the mountain will be. How long does it exist?

I searched for mountain people living near Longjiang and asked them, they were excited when they mentioned it.

"The old man is telling you that this mountain has suddenly grown up!"

"Suddenly grow up?"

"Yes, yes, it's not turbulent or swaying, just grow up, for a few days, long time!"

With light in his eyes, even with gestures, the scene described by the old man with his feet on his feet seemed to be some kind of miracle.

But they have seen long grass and long trees, they have never heard of it, there is a **** long mountain.

This kind of information should be worthless, so they went to other people to inquire.

The difference is not bad, these mountain people all agreed that this mountain has grown up, and it has grown up in just a few days!

Either these people are crazy, or the world is crazy.

If it's just ordinary wind media, then now that the cause of the Lingjiang water fall has been found, then it will be finished.

But this time the people who came to the breach were all the elites of the wind media in each city.

So they not only need to know the cause of the Lingjiang water fall, but also the cause of the cause.

After just a round of visits, even if there are any experienced wind media, it will feel like a bad record.

It's not that they don't know how to write. The point is that they can't submit this kind of information that they don't even believe in.

It stands to reason that they are all wind agents who have seen the world before, and they have not recorded a battlefield that can change the topography of the region in one battle.

But the size of this mountain is really different.

This is a majestic building that can be filled with eyes even if it has stood on the bank of the Longjiang River ten miles away, as if this mountain was horizontally blocked before the existence of heaven and earth.

Three days effort to grow such a big mountain? You are afraid that you are teasing me!


How surprised the wind media is, the instigator will not know.

Because the people who did it didn't think it was so great.

All the majestic mountains and rivers in this world have grown up from the ground. As long as the rules that control their growth are found, this matter can be considered complete.

If Xihe Earth is regarded as the human body, then the mountains and rivers are the muscle lumps on the human body, and it is not repeated exercises that determine whether the muscle lumps rise and how much, but the support of the inner meridian.

What is the meridian of the earth? The deepest part is the nucleus. Although it is called the nucleus, the nucleus is even bigger than understanding the nucleus.

Here are the most basic rules of the Middle-Earth Continent. All energy is generated from this core, which is like Xihe's heart and brain.

The instructions of the brain still have to be transmitted through the meridians. Those responsible for the transmission of this force are mineral veins weighed by hundreds of millions of tons and compacted so hard that they are like Xihe's meridians. They control the movement of soil and rock. , The aggregation of plots.

The earth also moves, but it moves too heavy and too slowly, so people feel that they haven't moved.

To many people, the miracle of Longjiang is the appearance of a mountain, but for Tang Luo, this is the verification of conjecture.

The **** pupil who verified him now has the ability to influence the deeper rules of Xihe, which means that so far, his interpretation of the world of Xihe has not made a detour.

This is very important, because learning to imitate is ultimately to get your own things. Growing a mountain on a cliff is an attempt by Tang Luo.

Now it seems that this attempt was successful, but there is still a distance from the promised rice white.

Tang Luo returned to the middle section of Lingjiang after the mountain was born on the ground, where Xiling City used to be. Today it is still a lake of thousands of miles, and the turbid river water makes it difficult to see the background.

Even with his eyesight, he can only see a roundness through the dirt.

Lingjiang Plain, various martial arts arenas, Golden Avenue, East and North Fangshi, Miaoyinfang, Tianxianglou, Fengqing Hutong, Xingchen Pavilion, and the original site of the first mansion that was moved away with the foundation.

Originally, Tang Luo had always thought that he had no feelings for Xiling, but seeing these familiar streets buried in silt, he kept on having memories.

The old days and the present overlap in front of my eyes. Only then can I understand that people who have never left their hometown will not have homesickness.

People, you have to know how to cherish it after you lose it.

Sighing as it fell to the surface, Tang Luo opened his arms.

After realizing that he was a nostalgic person, he became more confident in what he was about to do.

The double-pupil silver wheel spins, the Shenguang hole penetrates the water, and the law of the dissociation avenue breaks the massive river water into vast smoke waves. The waters of thousands of miles centered on Xiling City seem to be boiled, with white mist rising on the land, and rushing into the palace.

The scene was shocked by clouds from all directions, and all practitioners above the fierce level in the seven cities on the upper and lower reaches of the Lingjiang River felt it. They walked out of the house or rose into the air, looking at this sacred scene with fear.

(End of this chapter)

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