Chapter 1049 Chapter 353: Yanshan sends guests off

The temple door opened and Yanshan saluted several arbitrators.

"Monk, have you saved a wounded who is about to disintegrate in the past few days?"

Yanshan answered silently, without saying a word or expression, and looked at the questioning arbitrator in this way.

The arbitrator who did not receive a response frowned and said: "Monk, I am asking you something. If you can't speak, just ask the other monks in the temple to answer!"

"There is only one monk in the temple," Yanshan replied.

The arbitrator was taken aback for a moment, and then he hummed and said, "So you can talk! That's right, the arbitration house is searching for a dangerous person. Get out!"

"There are only good people in the temple, and no sinister people. Forgive the little monk to not let the laymen in."

Yanshan shook his head and said lightly towards the arbitrator.

"Monk, are you impatient with your life?"

When the arbitrator heard Yanshan's refusal, a fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he said sternly: "Hurry up and get out of the way, or I will twist your head off!"

There were three arbitrators who came to the gate of the mountain. After hearing these words, the other two released their aura, and the three souls locked in Yanshan's whole body.

The senior arbitrators of the arbitrators are all powerhouses in the disputes of the family. They are free and have an innocent aura and murderous intent. When they are replaced by ordinary warriors, they will be locked in by the soul, and they will be divided in a moment. Depleted.

Yanshan just stared at the three indifferently and said, "Buddha is a quiet place. The three adults have killed too much, so let's leave earlier!"

"Heh." Seeing that the monk locked in by the soul dared to speak up, the leading arbitrator laughed in anger: "Today the murderer insists on destroying this quiet place. What about the monk!?"

Yanshan folded his hands together and chanted the Buddha's horn in a low voice, then said quietly: "If a few adults really want to enter, just listen to the little monk's heart sutra and break his hostility."

"Hmph, those of you who practice meditation just like to do something imaginary, you are a little monk who is not in a fierce state, why should we cut off the evil spirits of us!"

The leading arbitrator first gave a cold snort, and then said: "It's fine, I see if you can resist my three trends, I think it should be the disciples of the Buddha country who have been wandering here, so I will give the Buddha country a face, hurry up and chant the sutras, let us Go in!"

I thought it was a wild fox meditation, but I didn't want to be a monk with real practice. Since ancient times, Wu Sheng Mountain has been a holy land without any disputes, and has made good friends with all forces.

The arbitrators were also tainted with this kind of temperament, only to discover that Yanshan had an extraordinary background, and the few people put out the idea of ​​rushing, just as they gave the other party some face.

But the three of them didn't expect that this so-called heart sutra was actually the Suffering-free Path of Death of Wuxiang Zen Temple!

"There is no suffering, no wisdom, no knowledge, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body intention, no color, sound, fragrance, touch, no vision, even the unconscious realm; no ignorance, no ignorance!"

Following Yanshan's quiet chanting, the three senior arbitrators had no time to withdraw their souls, they were covered by a round of prajna, and suddenly all six senses were broken.

And they also knew the origin of the person in front of them. He was actually the Buddha of Supreme Wisdom recognized by the Buddha Kingdom, who had disappeared for almost ten years.

Who could have imagined that this Buddha, who is more famous than Yankong, would be in a wild temple outside Chaochang City!

The three arbitrators who had lost their consciousness complained incessantly. The reason why the Heart Sutra of Suffering-Free Quieting is considered by Zen Buddhism as the supreme mantra is because its secret technique is extremely powerful.

Although it is extremely difficult to practice the Sutra of Suffering Without Suffering, you will be a leader in the same realm once you have completed it.

I originally thought that this was just a Zen legend, but when the Prajna took the picture, the three senior arbitrators understood that the rumors were true.

The three of them were forced into a dream, clearly consciously awake, but they couldn't even use a trace of strength, and even the spiritual power in the dantian seemed to be separated.

This kind of powerless feeling hasn't been experienced for many years. They wanted Yanshan to acquire magical powers, but they even forgot how to speak.

There is no light, no sound, no space or even time in this prajna. The warriors who have lost the Six Consciousnesses do not know what their current situation is. The more they want to control their body and spiritual power, the more powerless they are.

The three dignified masters of the holy land were trapped by a mortal, this kind of story that a storyteller would not dare to imagine happened in front of the gate of Fuyun Temple Mountain.

I don’t know how long it has been, the Prajna that covered the sky and the sun finally dissipated. The three arbitrators of Wusheng Mountain discovered that their dantian spiritual power had been exhausted, and they moved to the foot of the mountain, turned their heads, and they were built on the top of the mountain. Fuyun Temple is looming in the white clouds, but it reveals an inexplicable solemnity.

Who would have thought that this little-known temple was actually a retreat for Buddha Yanshan, and the investigation of Gouchen actually gained some extra rewards. After the three looked at each other, they turned and left.

The Buddha, who had been in the Buddha country for many years, was retreating in Chaochang. This news shocked the entire arbitration house. It is said that Buddha Yanshan had supreme wisdom, and he even read through the eighty-four volumes of Buddhist scriptures. To solve all the doubts of martial arts, it is the unparalleled Buddha who is recognized by the Buddha country as a Buddha.

Although the arbitrators are all cultivation bases of the fierce realm, they are all stuck in a certain martial art realm and cannot advance. If Yanshan is really so magical, this trip to Chaochang can't be said to be a good luck!

If it were not for the task, the arbitrators of these arbitration institutes would definitely go to Fuyun Temple to burn incense and worship Buddha, but the most important thing at the moment is to find the unknown whereabouts of Gochen!

No one would associate Yanshan with Gouchen, and no one would disturb the submerged Buddha. In this way, Fuyun Temple became the most conspicuous and safest place.


Longzhou Calendar August 1st, 1785

Chaochang has closed the city for half a month, and the people in the city have been complaining, because the people have no food to eat.

As the top commercial city in Longzhou, Chaochang has an inch of land and gold. Naturally, no one grows grain in the city. Therefore, most of the grain in Chaochang is purchased from Yancang and Mutai, because these two states are in Lingjiang. On the edge of the plain, the price of food is low, so if you buy it in bulk, it is cheaper than growing it yourself.

But now that Chaochang has closed the city, the number of people stranded in Chaochang has increased. Merchants cannot go out, and naturally there is no grain to enter the city. As a result, food prices in Chaochang have become more and more expensive. Many families have to deal with this situation. All food supplies were cut off, and they were self-reliant.

If the lockdown order is not resolved, Chaochang will soon fall into chaos. Although Xiang is very willing to cooperate with the King of Duty to patrol and arbitrate the arbitration office, it is clear that he cannot continue in this situation.

"Two adults, now Chaochang and the people are full of grievances, and the complaints are full. If this city is sealed again, I am afraid that there will be problems!"

(End of this chapter)

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