I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1047: Three hundred fifty one

Chapter 1047 Chapter 351: Good Deeds

Still unsure of the reprimand, Brother Tian patted Fatty's chubby belly again, and said angrily: "Put all the money on the table!"

After he said that, he ignored the fat man, walked back to the low stool, picked up the medicine nianzi again and grinned it.

The fat man looked left and looked again, with an embarrassing smile, and forbearing reluctance and heartache, he took out all the gold coins and jade hidden in his waist and put them on the table.

When I dig it out, I feel empty in my heart, and I can't help but mourn for Brother Tiantian: "Brother Tiantian, don't have to give it all, this is my possession!"

"It doesn't matter." Tian Ge, who was grinding the medicine, said lightly: "It's just that you have to think about it. If the spies find that you still have money, how to explain this contradiction."

When he heard the spy, the fat man was shocked, and followed the cat with the water, a pair of fat hands were so fast that there were only shadows left, and he threw all the money bags around his waist on the table with a look of fear. Patting his chest.

This timid appearance made Tiange'er shook his head, and he only felt that one day he would have to fall into this fat man's hands.

Seeing that Brother Tian was mad at himself, the fat man moved a pony, and leaned forward with a smiley face: "Brother Tian, ​​Brother Tian, ​​I will help you grind the medicine!"

Brother Tian glanced at the fat man with a pleasing expression, then rolled the medicine in his hand and went to the table to count the money.

As soon as the fat man took the medicine roller, his wrist sank, and he couldn't help but be surprised: "Brother Tian, ​​what kind of medicine is this, why is it so heavy?"

"The continuation grass must be grinded hard to have an effect."

Brother Tian didn't turn his head back, counting the money bags on the table, calculating how many supplies the money could buy.

When the fat man saw the appearance of Brother Tian counting money, he suddenly rolled his eyes and said with a dry smile: "God, Brother Tian, ​​you said, those spies who followed the knife heard that you were going to tell the knife about your wife. How bad is it to fail?"

"Why is it really wrong to fake, let Sister Piaopiao marry your daughter?"

Tian Ge'er turned his head and jokingly added Fatty's thoughts.

And the sword art that was pierced by the mind did not have any embarrassed expressions, nodded vigorously and said: "Yes, that's right, that's it!"

"Hmph, if it were three years ago, I would really make you do what you want, but now that I gave up this face, this marriage would not be possible!"

Brother Tian, ​​who was still good and angry just now, suddenly changed his face, stared at the fat man fiercely, and said angrily: "Don't think I don't know what you are doing! I want to marry sister Piao Piao's daughter after doing that. Do you want to force Sister Piaopiao to death or accept the mother and daughter?"

The fat man looked at Brother Tian who was suddenly furious, so scared that a fat head would be retracted into his neck, he lowered his head and grinds hard, no longer dare to squeak.


He grunted towards the fat man again, Tian Geer began to count the money bags on the table, and after doing so, he was angry again: "How many times have I said that ill-gotten gains are not desirable, and ill-gotten gains are not desirable. Why don't you keep listening!"

I thought it would be okay to grind medicine obediently, but I was told again, my fat head raised, and the swordsmanship was not convinced: "For Brother Tian, ​​the knife is not discounted at all. Yunlai Inn has been in charge of cooking for three years. Injustice!"

"Then explain, how did Chef Knife save nearly one hundred thousand gold in three years?"

Brother Tian pointed to the money bag on the table, not having a good air.

It means that you don’t need to eat or drink. In addition, the conscience of Yunlai Inn found that a big bag was sealed at the end of the year, and the annual income of swordsmanship was only ten thousand gold. This can be added to the gold coins, jade, and treasures on the table. Up, there is a scale of 100,000 gold, which is no longer an explanation for diligence and thrift.

And when the fat man heard Tian Ge'er ask about the origin of the money, he explained proudly: "Tian Ge, this is not ill-gotten wealth! Don't you know, the shopkeeper put us cooks and guards against thieves? It seemed to be true, but he felt so sorry for his straw-bag nephew, and gave the daily right to buy food and animal meat to that straw-bag. But that guy’s heart is really dark, he is greedy for the food market. That’s right, I’m still shoddy, buying ferocious beast meat as spirit beast meat, but every time something goes wrong, this guy transfers the responsibility to the back chef, saying that we didn’t do a good job!"

"Brother Tian, ​​you said that our brothers in the Qingtian gang have suffered such grievances. At that time, Xiaodao went to a big stall and asked each butcher shop to raise the purchase price of straw buns by 50%. The money is the knife and Brother Tiger divided it."

Speaking of this, the fat man saw that Brother Tian was unconcerned, and quickly asked to make up for it: "Brother Tian, ​​although Qingtian's gang has been separated, the brothers are all going for their own things, but Brother Tiger is still thinking about the friendship between brothers."

"Okay." Brother Tian rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Xiaohu is now the top stallion appointed by the security guard, and he is in charge of the vegetable market. He has a great future in the future. Don't go to him in the future for this kind of thing. Grind the medicine in a while. Just go back. Remember, be happier when you go, and show the joy of joy, understand?"

"Oh~" The fat man replied aggrievedly, lowered his head and hummed the medicine for a while, then raised his head unwillingly and asked: "That day, if you don't mention the money, would you keep some of the money? "

"Thinking beautifully!" Tian Ge'er refused the Fatty's negotiation without hesitation: "The warriors of the police station used the banner of searching for the wicked person these past two days and smashed the flowers in the alley three times inside and out In addition, now that the wind is tight, no one dared to come out. Hutong has been unable to open the pot for several days. I will turn all these ill-gotten wealth into supplies, and then help those poor women. You should do good deeds!"

"Ah!? Oh" When the fat man saw the look of Brother Tian's decision, he knew that it was useless to say more, but when he thought that so much money was used to do good deeds, his heart was even more painful.

Turning grief into strength, the fat man pushed the wheel hard, and he muttered: "What family, one hundred thousand gold for good deeds. There are no specs, the big girl Huanghua can buy three. They are all for Sister Hua in Hutong. Son, no one thinks about me. I have to pay for it next time!"

"What are you whispering, haven't you finished grinding!"


When he was yelled at by Brother Tian, ​​Fatty's grinding efficiency instantly increased several times. The wheel-like grinding discs came and went like wind in the grinding trough, cracking back and forth like sparks of sparks.


Fuyun Temple

Long Xi Tianjiao, who is unlovable, is having a dialogue with his own soul.

My name is Tang Luo. Tang is Tang Luo's self, and Luo is Tang Luo's close.

A remnant of the Yun family somehow accepted me as a little brother, what should I do?

In my wild thoughts, the door to the wing room was opened. Brother Tian carried a small urn and entered the room with a smile: "Oh, brother is awake!?"

(End of this chapter)

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