I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1035: Three hundred and thirty-nine

Chapter 1035 Chapter 343

Xu Qingyue came to the door to speak, but seeing this pale boy who only wanted to die, she really couldn't promise anything.

The tangled princess Qingyue suddenly changed her face. She stopped the boy behind her and pulled a soft sword from her waist in front of her. The other hand turned into a sword finger. Hundreds of inborn invisible sword auras whizzed out, slashing towards the clear water. All the bushes by the lake.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

After a sound of collision of knife handles, an inspector from the Heavenly Overlord’s Wind Patrolling Department showed up with a few affair from the Heavenly Overlord’s Wind Patrolling Department, and behind the dense forest that had not been cut down by the sword energy, there were dozens of hundreds. Breathing sounds of varying strength.

"Miss Xu left without saying goodbye, Jian Zun is extremely concerned, and entrusted Wang Xun to find Miss."

The inspector envoy Bu Liunan had a cold expression, and Xu Qingyue, who was waiting in a serious line, said calmly: "I also ask Miss Xu not to resist unnecessarily because it is difficult to make concessions."

In the tour of the King Du Tian, ​​there are all people from the holy land who have obtained qualifications. Naturally, there is no respect for Xu Qingyue, but there are some general reprimands for the mischievous juniors.

And Xu Qingyue, who had managed to escape from her birth, wouldn’t be able to catch it with her hands. If she was in other places, she would naturally have no choice but to fight with the patrol agents of the Superintendent’s Wind Patrol Department, but behind her was Bishui Lake. With a few steps back, she could take the lake to escape, even if she stayed south, she couldn't help it.

Xu Qingyue in front of Hengjian did not reply, but moved quietly to the edge of the clear water lake, and her self-conceited actions were naturally seen by Bu Liunan.

There was no obstruction and no opening. Bu Liunan just let out his soul. A hornless Kui Niu phantom rose from behind him. With just a snort, the sky over the clear water lake gave birth to a gathering, and the lake gave birth to a certain kind of light. Its light is like the sun and the moon, and the originally calm lake is full of waves and thunder.

Seeing Kui Niu divine soul who stayed in the south, Xu Qingyue froze in place, only feeling like falling into an ice cave, Wu Shengshan has ten sacred methods. Among them, Longkuishan’s original vein technique and Kuilong change is the top water exercise technique, especially in Bubu. The Kui Niu Divine Soul, cast by the simulating spirit method in the south, can increase the power of Kuilong Transformation by an unknown number of levels.

The thunder in this lake is not an auditory hallucination, but the hidden content of the Kui Shui Divine Thunder. Even if she is of the water spirit body bloodline, she cannot withstand the blow of this Divine Thunder.

"It seems that Miss Xu has already understood that this is very good, and it saves a lot of effort."

Bu Liunan, with Kui Niu's spirit on his head, said lightly: "Please, Miss Xu."

Suddenly retracting the soft sword to her waist, Xu Qingyue bit her lower lip and walked towards Bu Liunan unwillingly. Just a few steps away, she heard the voice of Wang's wife from a distance.

"Master Guard, do it, let me in, my son is inside, please, let me uh!"

The people on the periphery obviously don't know the situation inside, but the most important thing about this kind of encirclement is the secret, but it was destroyed by a woman's yelling. The angrily commander didn't even think about it, so he took a sword at Wang Chunyan.


Wang Chunyan's voice disappeared invisible, but it drove the boy by the lake crazy. The pale boy trembled all over, and ran out of the forest with the strength of some unknown source. He screamed, "Mother, don't come here, go quickly," Go!"


A Wang Xun of the Feng Department heard the boy's hoarse roar like a small beast. He turned his head and looked around, but he found something new and puzzled: "There is a lack of congenital heart and blood, and the qi and blood have failed to live so much. Still not dead, is there any adventure?"

When he said that, he waved his hand, and the ghost claws condensed with spiritual power picked up the running man, no matter how the boy struggled, the ghost claws formed by the spiritual power did not move.

The ghost claws tightened and tightened, and the boy's bones made an overwhelming clicking sound. Xu Qingyue couldn't stand it anymore. Raising her hand was a water spirit sword intent to stab at that feint.

He who was concentrating on manipulating the ghost claws to perceive the boy's internal situation could not have imagined that he would have a face of sword energy, but when he discovered it, the water spirit sword intent was already in front of him.

"Be careful!"

The reminder from Du Tianwang's colleagues was not untimely, but it was still a step too late. The ghost claw manipulator had to tilt his head, but his cheek was still cut by the water spirit sword intent.

The wound turned out and the blood was flowing, and half of the face of the ghost claw manipulator was instantly red, and the cheekbones were almost visible in the three-inch wound. The man who suffered from this innocent disaster turned his head and whispered: "Xu Qingyue, you are sending What crazy!?"

Xu Qingyue, who once again drew the soft sword from her waist, pointed the sword at the tip of the man's nose, and said coldly: "Let the kid down!"

The ghost manipulator finally knew why he was hurt. He turned his head and glanced at the pale boy in the ghost claw, then looked at Xu Qingyue who was holding the sword, and smiled in anger, "Ha ha ha ha ha, put it down? I'll let it go!"


Spiritual power exploded outrageously, and the ghost claw was retracted to the limit. The weak boy was instantly pinched by the ghost claw to explode his internal organs, and the fragments of the organs mixed with blood and water spouted out of his mouth.

The ghost claws loosened, and the boy's twisted corpse fell to the ground, only those eyes that suddenly lost focus were still staring.

Xu Qingyue, who has been pampered since childhood, has never seen such brutal scenes, and even her right hand holding a soft sword is shaking.

"Bah!" Mixing the blood in the mouth with thick sputum and spit out, the cut face Wang Xunyi stretched out his hand to tighten the muscles on his face, and grinned at Xu Qingyue: "Order me? Except for a sword Regarding the identity of a prostitute, what else do you have? You escaped halfway through the marriage and made the entire Xuanyue Sword Sect become the laughing stock of Yuanzhou. Do you think that when you return to Yuanzhou, you will still be the little princess who is so beloved by thousands? Stop dreaming! "

Wiping off the blood on his face, the sneer sneered: "Even if it is to explain to that shameful peerless Tianjiao, the punishment that Jiange will impose on you will not be the punishment of kneeling in the ancestral hall and copying the family rules. Simple! Not to mention your father who wants Tang Luo to protect the Taoist Xuanyue Sword Sect!"

Du Tian Wang Xun is the center of information on the Holy Land, and naturally possesses some secrets that other people cannot understand. From a certain perspective, Du Tian Wang Xun's secret agents are the closest group of people.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Xu Piao called so eagerly to find his daughter, but Agent Wang Xun understood that Xu Piao made a two-month appointment with Longxi Tang.

But now two months have passed, Xu Qingyue is still missing, Xuanyue Jianzun Mansion has become the biggest joke in the city, Xu Piao has also become the representative of the goddess, and the entire Xuanyue Sword faction is shamed by one person. .

And this is far from all, everyone is waiting for the humiliated Tianjiao to speak.

The first **** of all races, the first in history to win the title of unparalleled prince from a family background, such a person would have been robbed of the head by the sect of the Holy Land if he were not the relatives of the Xu family, but now he suffers this great humiliation, who Know what this Long Xi Tianjiao thinks.

(End of this chapter)

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