I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1019: Three hundred twenty three

Chapter 1019, Chapter 323: Xingxuan

The weak Wang Ying didn't know that he had become Gou Chen's target. She was hiding from a safe distance. Watching Gou Chen be surrounded by hundreds of spirit puppets, her eyes were full of revenge pleasure.

Children's love and hatred have always been so direct. For this opponent who makes him feel the fear of death, he has only hatred in his heart.

But he understands that even with the help of the power of the formation, he is not an opponent of Chen Chen. The opponent's physical skill cultivation has exceeded the limit of the physical skill master and reached another unpredictable realm.

No matter how strong the body arts master is, it is just a mortal body. Surrounded by countless spirit puppets, there will always be fatigue and flaws.

But the indefatigable spirit puppets won't. As long as they don't lose their blood and souls, they can attack endlessly without fear, mistakes, and compassion.

The fierce flames of the demon Lord Gou Chen finally showed fatigue, when the sharp blade of the first puppet scratched the hem of the opponent's star robe, tearing open the abdominal muscles of the strong body, leaving a white mark.

This seems to be a signal. Since then, the demon lord Gou Chen, who looks like a dragon and a tiger, has been constantly hit by the puppets. Even though he keeps evasive and moves, he is surrounded by the puppets of the third and outer layers. The injury continued to worsen.

After all, this is the sky, the most unfavorable fighting scene for the physical masters. Gou Chen not only has to resist front and back attacks, but also guards against sneak attacks from the bottom and the top. He can do this with two fists and two legs. No one can single out Gouchen. It's just that warfare is not only fighting skills. Although those puppets are vulnerable to a single blow, they have the characteristics of infinite resurrection. Within this array, no matter how tough Gouchen is, they will not escape defeat in the end. Fate.

Although he has been breaking through to a certain square image, his fist speed is still getting slower and slower and his injuries are getting heavier. Looking inside through the tattered star robe, there are dense wounds, although they are controlled to close, but The blood still oozes out continuously, making Gou Chen look like a blood man, with a half-corroded mask and a **** jaw, like a living corpse that has fought hard for a long time.

Wang Wei was still seduce, but Gou Chen was already dismissive of it. In his seemingly determined eyes, the despair and despair of the resurrected puppet were revealed from time to time.

He was getting weaker and weaker, Wang Ying couldn't help thinking like this, and the eyes of Sanyin Lianzhen, who had just been terrified, were eager to try.

Wang Ying wants revenge. Although the spirit puppet will be able to encircle Gouchen and kill him, he still wants to do it himself. The only problem now is that he as the front and Wang Wei as the center can only move one, otherwise he will kill. The formation will be broken, and the spirit puppets without the blessing of the spirit formation will lose their power after resurrecting at most several times.

Although he wanted to take revenge himself, the thought of Gou Chen's toughness still made him somewhat daunted.

"Wait a little longer."

Rarely cautious Wang Ying thought so.

After a while, Goochen's injuries got worse and worse. He even had a few earth spears and broken blades stuck in his body. Wang Ying felt that the time was almost up, so she said to Wang Wei, "Don’t move, let me take the devil. The head of the Lord!"

Hearing Wang Ying’s transmission, the Wood Spirit Sect, who had been keeping a safe distance to control the attack and killing of the spirit puppets, couldn't laugh or cry, and immediately refused: "My little ancestor, can you just stay quiet!?"

"What!" Wang Ying said furiously: "He is so weak now, do you think I will still lose?"

"If you can listen to the teacher more, why use this school to remind you!"

Controlling more than ten puppets to fill in the vacancies, Wang Weichao Wang Ying transmitted the voice: "From the beginning of the war to the present, besides a blood river sword, have you ever seen him perform spiritual skills? A fierce physical skill so powerful. At the pinnacle, how can there be no one or two tricks to suppress the spiritual skills at the bottom of the box, but since the beginning of the war, in addition to physical skills, you have seen his natal soul skills? These injuries look serious, but they are just some skin injuries. Spiritual power level is still at its peak!"

"Well" Wang Ying recalled carefully, and said in horror: "What do you mean?"

"Yes, the current Demon Lord Gou Chen is very dangerous!"

Wang Wei, who has always been in a safe position, said firmly: "He just kept approaching me. He must be a one-strike knack. As long as we are injured, this spirit puppet formation will not attack itself. Now you still want to go. Are you close to him?"

After listening to Wang Wei's explanation, Wang Ying said angrily: "This guy is also broken! No wonder he is going to be wanted by the Buddha country, quickly, let the puppet kill him!"

"This sect is doing this!"

Gou Chen himself had acted very realistically, but he still didn't attract the silly boy to the bait. He thought that the other party was clever, but now he heard the passphrases of the two men and understood that it was his fighting style that caused the two of them to misunderstand.

After all, in this era of spiritual power, even the most traditional physical training would have one or two spiritual skills to fight for life, and according to the combat power displayed by Gouchen, his stunts will surely be shocking, because of blood evil. The power of the Shocking Finger and the Blood River Divine Sword had already been judged this way by everyone, but Gou Chen did not use any spiritual skills during the breakout process, no wonder the two were so cautious.

It doesn’t matter, you can’t drain the lake water for fishing.

Injecting massive spiritual power into the soul, a solid black ball appeared at Gou Chen’s feet, knocking away all the puppets that sneaked from below, and stepped on the solid soul ground again, and Gou Chen’s combat power instantly increased. At this level, a dozen or so spirit puppets all over his body were blown into dust and flying ash in just a moment.

This sudden change made Wang Ying and Wang Wei stunned. Gouchen, who was still extremely weak just now, stood on the black ball as if he was a different person. He kept moving out of the formation, and every moment a puppet was crushed. There seemed to be a lot of puppets, but they couldn't stop Gou Chen from breaking through.

"This should be his stunt, fortunately I didn't go up at the time!"

The scared Wang Ying patted his chest.

"Idiot, it's time to go!"

The wood spirit master Wang Wei who was hiding in a safe position had his eyes full of fierceness. He gathered the soul spirits of the three hundred spirits by the method of spiritual clothes, and called out a hundred giant spirits to stop in front of Gouchen again, and walked towards Wang Ying. : "It's hard to be long, soft and not to be guarded. At this time, his spiritual power is less than 30% compared to the previous one. It can be seen that this style is his skill at the top of the box. If he fails to break through, the battle is set. he!"

"Okay, listen to you!"

Although Wang Ying was frightened, she decided to trust Wang Wei's judgment and condense the fragile aura of Sanyin's body, and under the cover of the giant spirit earth puppet, she prepared to sneak forward.

"Finally, got the bait!"

Feeling the secret technique that the two of them had done with all their strength, the tears filled the eyes of Chen Chen's touch, the Xing Swirl, who had finally studied hard, could finally see the sun!

(End of this chapter)

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