Chapter 1011 Chapter 315: The Best Candidate

Ling Xiaozong

Tang Luo, who was in retreat, was invited to the Great Hall of Lingxiaozong and saw Ji Fu and Ji Chen who had been waiting for a long time.

The first sentence of the Han's son was, "We should be ready to do it!"

"So soon?" Tang Luo was taken aback, and asked in a puzzled way: "Don't you have to wait for Lao Ying to pass the news back? Has he already found a reason for Wang Chan to leave Beimang?"

"That's right." Ji Fu nodded, and handed a secret slip to Tang Luo: "After the defeat in the battle of Ghost King Ridge, Wuyijiao began to replenish his vitality and restore his soldiers. Do you remember the Zaba village in Xianqingshan? Yunhu commanded Kang Ning and led the slaughter."

"Such a coincidence?" Tang Luo frowned and said, "With so many cottages in the Minshan area, Wuyijiao just found Zhaba Village?"

The longer he gets, the less Tang Luo believes in fate and destiny. After all seemingly coincidental things, there are a series of causal laws that lead things to that goal.

Here, I was worried that Mr. Xu couldn't find a good excuse to persuade Wang Chan to quit. The Wuyi Teacher over there killed Mr. Xu from the village where he had lived for several months.

And with Xu Laoying's affectionate and righteous character, it is really a perfect excuse not to go to Huiling Mountain to make a big fuss.

But all this seems to go too smoothly, as if the goddess of luck is standing on her side, holding her thigh and not letting go.

Tang Luo didn't want to believe this kind of thing. Putting down the secret slip in his hand, Tang Luo looked up at Ji Fu and said indifferently: "It is reasonable to say that you and Xu Laoying have not seen each other for several years, shouldn't you have a lot to say? Let’s talk, if you invite him to Ling Xiaozong and throw him to Ling Su, Brother Ji will not be able to retreat. Even if he keeps practicing hard, it’s too much at this time. Now it seems that Brother Ji has really done a big deal. !"

"You really can't hide anything from Brother Tang." Ji Fu smiled elegantly: "Lao Ying and Wang Chan are old friends. Although the two of them have different personalities, they are destined to not have much difference with their temperaments. If you let him think about the conflict, I am afraid that he can't think of anything in three or five years. As a big brother, I naturally have to think more about him."

Tang Luo sat down expressionlessly, buckled his hands on the table, and looked at the table without a moment. After a long period of contemplation, he curiously said: "I'm still curious about how you did it."

Pointing to the secret slip on the table, "Why are you so sure that people from Wuyi Sect will go to the Tuzhai in Xianqingshan?"

Ji Fu glanced at Ji Chen, and the latter said loudly: "Don't Tang Tianjiao think that Ji has only one spy in the big Wuyi Sect, right?"

"It turns out, so."

Rubbing his eyebrows, Tang Luo asked Ji Fu, "Does he know about this?"

Ji Fu replied calmly: "He doesn't need to know."

"He should know."

"If you don't say it, he won't know."

"You underestimated him."

Tang Luo sneered: "For you, it's just a village that can't even tell the name. For Xu Laoying, it's not like that. There is nothing that can be concealed forever, although I don't I feel that honesty is always the best strategy, but when it comes to dealing with Xu Laoying, I think honesty is more appropriate than your approach."

"At least now, the script is being performed as I designed."

Ji Fu expressionlessly said: "At this time, Xu Laoying has already attacked Lingshan and is fighting Wang Chan in the sword domain. What we have to prepare is how to make up for Wang Chan once Lao wins and loses. "

Consider defeat before winning. After several years of polishing, Ji Fu has grown up not only in martial arts, but also in the way of thinking about problems, becoming more and more like a superior.

As a community of interests to a certain extent, even if Tang Luo didn't like a certain method of Ji Fu, he had to participate at this time.

"So, did anyone choose?"

Putting aside other unnecessary emotions, Tang Luo asked Ji Fu.

Even if Xu Laoying can break Wang Chan's armor, it does not mean that Wang Chan is a weak chicken to be slaughtered, the son of the Tiannan Wang family, and one of the four little sage kings in the world.

Regardless of whether it is a sacred place or a sect, the person who can be respected as a saint child is the top figure of the younger generation, and because of the continuous development of martial arts, if the saint child at this time is stronger than the previous one, I do not know how many times stronger go with.

Because of the revolution in martial arts, this generation of young people is standing at a transitional node. The emergence of single-player fusion skills makes the strong stronger. And Wang Chan is not only strong himself, but there are still many spirits in his body. .

"I have fought with Wang Chan, and I know that there are two gods, Wang Ying and Wang Han, both of which are physical cultivation! If you enter the body of corpse refinement, your strength is even more extraordinary than ordinary Wuzong figures, almost reaching the peak of the fierce state. The person who does it must have the combat power above the peak of the fierce state, and it is best to have a one-shot stunt. The longer the time is, the greater the possibility of exposure."

Ji Fu nodded and said: "You are right. I did have a headache for this candidate some time ago. It is not easy to avoid causation, but fortunately, God bless the Han."

Chao Ji Chen winked, the Ling Xiaozong walked into the apse, and soon moved out two sets of coffins, erected the coffins and opened the lid. Two identical but black and white corpses lay inside, watching The appearance has been dead for more than a month.

Tang Luo asked puzzledly: "This is?"

"They are the Shuang Jue Guards of Wu Shengshan. They were originally a pair of brothers. The older one was named Jiang Yang and the younger one was named Jiang Yin. Legend has it that the two of them can feel both yin and yang in the mother's fetus, so the younger one absorbed the mother's yin. , I inhaled my mother’s yang energy. She died before she was born. After she was born, she was squeezed out by the village because of her weird appearance. Fifty years ago, she was discovered by the old master Bu Chun of Wu Shengshan and brought them to Wu Shengshan. , To teach martial arts, as a guard training."

"The two brothers and one female compatriot are born with a vision. Although the elder brother practices the yang attribute exercises and the younger brother practices the yin attribute exercises, because of their special induction, the two brothers can even achieve the harmony of yin and yang, which is known as the sacred mountain of yin and yang. Only two brothers can display Ji’s induction. Although it is good, it cannot be popularized. After all, it has not become the key research object of Wusheng. Instead, the old master Bu designed a set of joint attacks for the two, called Yin and Yang without mercy, power It's so strong, it can hurt Grandmaster!"

"The two secretly sneaked into Beimang half a year ago, and were ordered by Bu Xiao to follow a grandmaster who left Wu Shengshan, but were trapped in the illusion for half a year. Later, they were discovered by Grandmaster Yang and brought back to Beimang. They used the Supreme Secret Technique. , Refining the souls of the two, and condensing a yin and yang orb"

After Ji Chen explained the origins of the two to Tang Luo, he said: "This gem contains a blow that surpasses Yin and Yang. As long as you break the King Zen armor, it is enough to kill with one blow!"

With that said, Ji Chen glanced at the two corpses again: "Besides, no matter who it is, there is no double guard who disappeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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