Chapter 1009 Chapter 313: Wang Taoism

On the other hand, Wang Wei was even more uncomfortable. The seven orifices had blood oozing out. After all, Wang Chan's physique was not as good as Xu Laoying who had practiced the sword body through the dark, let alone he was still injured.

Half a year ago, Wang Han and Tang Luo fought a fierce battle. Both of them were seriously injured. Although he healed his injuries with the **** pill, the congenital divine sword that really passed through his chest was due to the innate aura being too strong. It has not been completely eradicated.

And the Nihuang Yuyi Lingyu was cut, and the strength to withstand was the same. A total of seven counter-shock forces, like a never-ending giant wave. Although the two are the strongest of the young generation, they are also young people who have been in the violent situation for less than ten years. , Such violent strength, after all, made them a little unbearable.

With the sword in front of him, Xu Laoying screamed rough, secretly adjusting his breath to smooth the blood, and Wang Wei also gently wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve robe.

The fierce battle finally had a chance to breathe, and even the shaking Huiling Mountain calmed down.

Overlooking the devastated mountain, thinking that his half-year hard work would be ruined in this way, Wang Wei clenched his fists and glared at Xu Laoying. He was about to speak, his face changed, and after a grunt, he closed his eyes. .

After a breath, Wang Chan opened his eyes, tore off the top of his head, and threw it aside. He looked down at the Wuyijiao Mountain Gate that was in ruins, shook his head helplessly, and walked towards the murderous Xu Lao not far away. : "Fighting and fighting, making trouble, now can you tell me, why did you do this?"

Just like the older brother treated the naughty younger brother, even if the gate was destroyed, he didn't see any anger on Wang Chan's face, only the helpless petting towards his brother.

It seems that Wang Chan, who makes friends all over the world, really recognizes only a few friends, and Xu Laoying is the most special one among them.

Otherwise, Wang Chan would not have spent the most effort to invest when he was the weakest. It would not be easy to send a prostitute to Win City.

This may be the only investment that Wang Chan has made in his life, and I don't know whether it is profit or loss.

In terms of profitability, at that time no one was optimistic about what Xu Laoying could have, but he was able to give charcoal in the snow, and even helped to consult and collect the tricks together. Ten years later, both of them went to the sacred young generation. If it goes well, this personal relationship will continue for hundreds of years.

In a sense, Wang Chan and Xu Laoying mean more to each other than their wife and daughter.

But the loss is because the two took two opposite paths after they grew up. The romantic Xu Laoying and Wang Chan who played with people's hearts were not the same kind of people after all.

Their friendship will not dissipate over time, but the stumbling in the relationship has become more and more. Especially after Wang Chan joined the Dutianwang tour, the two people had serious differences in their views on the matter.

The last time I met in Longxi was unhappy and broke up, and Xu Laoying even more disappointed and said that he would only talk about Fengyue and not business affairs with Wang Chan in the future.

In fact, Wang Chan didn't take these words to heart. He just felt that Xu Lao Ying hadn't grown up yet, and Ren Xia and Romance were a good thing. Let me ask who has never been young.

Even if Xu Laoying was back to Lingshan with a sword, he didn't mean to be angry at all. It was just a group of low-value ants. One group died, and he could gather another group at will.

What really matters is the relationship between him and Xu Laoying, not a certain mountain gate of Wuyi Sect.

And Xu Laoying did not expect that Wang Chan was not angry when he destroyed the gate of Wuyi Sect in Beimang.

He who has six senses and Tongming can naturally feel that Wang Chan is not suppressing the anger in the emptiness and the snake, but really does not take the ruin of the mountain gate into his heart, but is more concerned about the reason for breaking the mountain with his sword.

Facing such an old friend, Xu Laoying naturally could not be as brutal and overbearing as Wang Wei. He put down the long sword in front of him, and the young swordsman pointed his finger at the other side of Minshan and said stiffly: "There , There was originally a native village that has been passed down for thousands of years. The natives in it lived an uncontested life of male farming and female weaving. Although not rich, they were contented. They were bold, straightforward, kind-hearted, and extremely hospitable, even if they were Outsiders who do not understand the language can also feel the sincerity in their smiles and the simplicity in their hearts."

"The girls there are ingenious and ingenious, the woodware and silverware made are unique in style, and the fabrics are woven with exquisite textures. I have never seen many in Zhongzhou!

"They worship Ruoshui River and call themselves Ruoshui Dolls. They feel that it is because of Ruoshui River that they have their hometown to thrive. Therefore, at the beginning of July each year, it is the day when they hold festivals. This year, it is the first place in Zhaba Village. Thousands of 999 ceremonies, in other words, they have lived on this land for 1,400 years!"

"Wang Chan, come and tell me why the Five Clothes Sect allows them to offer food and youth, and let them change their 1400 years of belief, and surrender to a lie fabricated by an evil spirit!?"

"I understand." Wang Chan said with a light smile: "So you are for those natives?"

It seemed like a sudden realization, but also like seeing his relatives laugh after being stupid. There are so many unspeakable things in Wang Chan's smile that made Xu Laoying's teeth ticklish.

"what are you laughing at!?"

"I'm laughing at you." Wang Chan squinted his eyes and said, "Do you still remember how the Xu family first came to the ignorant Yuanzhou when he preached?"

"Of course I remember." Xu Laoying, who was still righteous just now, was suddenly short of breath, but still insisted: "But the Xu family is to give them a better life and enlightenment. It is a kingly way!"

"Isn't Wuyijiao doing the same thing?" Wang Chan smiled lightly: "The gathering of spiritual suits is a martial arts education that transcends joint attack. The vehicles are on the same track, the books are the same, and the same is the foundation of all education. Why is the Wuyi Sect only cruel to the Tu people, because these people are ignorant and humane prosperous for a thousand years, but they still worship the civilization of the dark age and do not want to make progress. If this continues, even if they are another thousand years, they will be the same weak and ignorant !"

"Strong words are unreasonable!" Xu Laoying said angrily: "surrender or die, such a simple and rude conquer is enlightenment, it is clearly to force the natives and bow their heads!"

"Wuyijiao did exactly the same as the Xu family did in Yuanzhou back then!" Wang Chan glanced at Xu Laoying, and said lightly: "Fifteen hundred years ago, there were more than ten million Tu tribes in Yuanzhou. Various tribes with different customs, but after the Xu clan’s "education", can there still be Tu people in Yuanzhou now?"

With an inexplicable smile, Wang Chan asked Xu Laoying: "I want to ask, where are all these disappeared Tu people?"

(End of this chapter)

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