I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1007: Three hundred and eleven

Chapter 1007 Chapter 311: Don't Abandon, Don't Give Up

Knocked on his chest, Xu Laoying said seriously: "zaduomugei, zhamumuzhe."

This sentence is the native language of Zhaba, which means that the people of Zhaba never lie, just as honest as a stone, and it won't break even in a fire!


Huiling Mountain


It is said that half a month ago, the infantry commanders who had escaped from Guiwangling after a defeat were all anxious.

This is the first failure of the Wuyi Sect after the great self-blooded lion descended to Beimang.

In particular, the dozen or so soul soldiers who entered the battle made the Wuyi Sect warriors tremble from the bottom of their hearts. This was the first time that the Wuyi Sect's spiritual formation was broken, and it also shattered the invincible belief of the Wuyi Sect followers. .

Just like all mobs, this kind of armed forces formed by faith can only fight downwind, and once they encounter setbacks, they will quickly lose courage and fighting will.

It's like the front of the gate of Ghost King Ridge, the real reason why the Wuyi Sect was defeated so quickly, was simply because those infantry commanders lost their courage, and when they saw that they couldn't resist the soul soldiers, they were afraid of The confidants summoned together to prepare to evacuate at any time, but the group of ordinary warriors could not keep up with the speed of the soul soldiers, let alone deal with them, so they died simply and neatly.

There were no generals to stabilize the army, and the soldiers in the back watched the soldiers in front being killed by the soul soldiers cutting straw.

As soon as the generals Yunhu had escaped back, they regretted it. They understood the blood lion sect's tactics, and that was a butcher who was about to destroy the crowd.

In the past six months, in order to supplement the livelihoods and supplies, they have destroyed more than a dozen cottages in the Minshan area. The cruel methods of their methods made even these powerful people who were originally called the massacre feel terrified.

After all, they were born and raised in Beimang. Although most of them have a miserable and dark past, they still have a sense of belonging to this land.

But after entering the Wuyi Sect, more people have been killed in just six months than in the previous twenty years. What's more terrible is that in this frenetic atmosphere, you can't help but say no.

Originally, they fled back to the mountain gate, thinking that they would build another mountain if they couldn't mix in one place. But thinking of what they had done in the past six months, they knew that the entire Beimang had no place for them.

Even the green forest bandits must talk about benevolence, justice and rules. This kind of remark seems to be a ridiculous thing at first. After all, in the eyes of many people, the robbers and bandits still talk about benevolence and rules. Isn't this a joke?

But in fact, the more such barbaric chaos is, the more attention is paid to the disciplined class. The most important thing is loyalty and face.

Because these so-called robbers are essentially a group of weak people, if they are not forced to desperate, or commit unbearable misfortunes, who is willing to hide their names and fall into the wrong hands.

Of these, there are naturally some good people with a conscience and no mercy, but more are murderers who use violence on others because of their own misery.

But even such a group of people have their own set of knowledge and rules.

For the simplest example, the bandits have a strong sense of boundary.

Whether it is a small thief or a big thief, everyone has an area of ​​activity for everyone, and they call this a territory.

All the behaviors of crossing the road will be regarded as the provocation of others, and the provoked strongman has only one way to fight back, that is, desperately!

If you touch my cake, I will kill you. It's that simple.

And even the robbing strongmen have their own bottom line. For example, some people don't kill the elderly and children, some bandits don't rob money and sex, and some powerful cottages even protect one side and are loved by the people.

The so-called thief is also good, that is, after the food and clothing are solved, even the robbers must do something that can make their conscience pass.

But this is not the case with sects. The teaching of Wuyi Sect is simple and rude, which means surrender and death.

Either you abandon your beliefs and invest in the embrace of Wuyi Sect, or die with your beliefs. There is no third choice for you.

Most of the villages in Beimang are civilizations that have a long history. Most of them have their own beliefs, such as the sun, moon and stars, mountains, rivers, and even some kind of deity incarnation, monster totem.

These beliefs have been fermented for hundreds of thousands of years and have become a culture carved into the bones of the natives. The result of forced violence and suppression has only caused a huge backlash.

The Wuyi Sect, who killed so many people, has been gritted by countless busy people. If several Yunhu generals leave the Wuyi Sect, they are likely to be chased to death by several big forces.

Judging from the current situation, they can only stay on Huiling Mountain and wait for sanctions by the blood lion.

The anxious infantry commanders and the believers in the mountain gate who were frightened by the soul soldiers finally waited for the brilliance of Zhou Tian's star fight, and the blood lion masses who fell from the stars like heavens and men had the same expression as when they were on the expedition. mild.

"This defeat is because this Zong underestimated the strong man in Beimang, that made this teaching make this big defeat. Several leaders made a decisive decision and rescued the brothers of the teachings back to the mountain gate in time. Not only did they have no mistakes, but they were rewarded."

The first thing the blood lion sect did after entering the mountain gate turned out to be a confession, which made several infantry commanders almost unable to believe their ears.

"It's just that this sect suffered such a big defeat, its vitality was greatly injured, and this sect is even more distressed, but it is that thousands of brothers of the sect are captured by Guiwangshan, and I don't know what kind of abuse they will suffer!

Wang Wei with Mianqi on his head looked at the believers in Huiling Mountain, and said emotionally: "Those are the brothers of the hand clan of this sect, how can this sect watch them fall into the enemy's hand, but the opponent is so powerful that this sect is outnumbered and defeated. Come down!"

With that said, Wang Wei took off his shirt, and the believers who returned to Lingshan saw the unhealed big hole in the chest of the blood lion. What a fierce attack was this to leave a penetrating wound on the chest of such a strong man!

Several Yunhu generals stared at each other. They didn't expect that the blood lion sect could do this for them, and those believers were even more moved with tears and tears, cowardice and regret shed with their tears.

The "seriously injured" blood lion sect was extremely calm, and said to the people: "This sect only asks one question, are you willing to go to the Ghost King Mountain to pick up the brave brothers of the Muslim brothers with this sect?"

Faith and courage were once again ignited by Wang Wei. The believers who returned to Lingshan with red eyes, all responded, "I wish to take back brothers with Dazong!"

"I would like to take back my brother with the bulk!!"

"Wish to take back brothers with the bulk!!!"

The so-called unity of unity, the support of the people, the faces of the faithful who have been reinvigorated with courage are full of enthusiasm, as if they have forgotten the horror of those soul soldiers.

"Good!" Wang Wei shouted and praised: "Although our battle was designed by others, the ultimate victory must belong to us!"

"Leader Kang Ning, this sect wants you to collect food and supplies for half a year in Lingshan within half a month; leader Cheng Hua, no matter what method you use, in half a month, this sect will see two thousand python soldiers!"

After giving orders to several infantry commanders, Wang Wei said to the fanatical believers: "One month later, I will re-expedite Guiwang Mountain with this sect and pick up the Muslim brothers!!"

(End of this chapter)

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