I Can Pause Time

Chapter 934: Farewell partner

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Consciousness space.

The shadow was caught by Lei Yi's interception claws, the blood in his body began to boil, and the blood gas was quickly evaporating.

I have to say that the interception claw is really an extremely vicious stunt. Under the blood boiling of the recruits, the whole person will suffer tremendous pain.

Shadow's body trembled violently at this moment, from the claw marks on his chest, the blood he was looking at drifted away, and the blood mist rose up, so intense.

"Shadow classmates, you and I are not enemies!" Lei Yi couldn't bear to look at the painful appearance of the other party.

But the answer to him was a roar of pain.

Around Shadow's body, countless dark surgings gathered in his body.

The other party is using the power of darkness to stop the blood boiling in the body, but it is a pity that it is useless.

The interception claw attacked the enemy's blood, and the power of darkness could not stop it.

After a long time, the blood mist finally stopped rising, and the shadows also fell silent.

But the darkness surrounding the shadows did not fade away.

Lei Yi did not rush forward to inquire about the situation, but stood still and silently looked at the person in front of him.

Within the entire consciousness space, as the two stopped their hands, they fell into silence.

I don't know how long it took before Shadow finally moved again.

His arms were slightly raised, and the black glow on the surface of his body flickered, and then his figure suddenly shot out.

"The blood is evaporated, can we still have this speed?!" This scene surprised Lei Yi.

But he had known for a long time that even if it was a interception claw, it was impossible to win the opponent.

Therefore, he had always been prepared for the sudden rise of the shadows, and at this moment, seeing the opponent rushing, he immediately reacted.

"Lei... Yi..." But at this moment, the shadow uttered a wild roar.

Hearing this, Lei Yi's expression was suddenly startled, but then a touch of joy appeared in his eyes.

Being able to call out his own name also meant that Shadow Classmate had regained consciousness.

When he was controlled by Garuda's ability before, he didn't respond to the other party no matter how he called.

And now, the other party at least knows his name, which is a good start.

But when Lei Yi was delighted, Shadow's speed rose again, and he sprinted in front of him in a flash.


A fist hit Lei Yi's chest and blasted it out.

When Lei Yi fell to the ground, and finally struggled to get up, he saw Shadow hit the punch and kept the punch, standing in place, his chest rising and falling violently.

"Lei Yi...I admit...you...now you are more qualified than me...go down..." Shadow panted.

"Shadow classmate, what else are you talking about, what do you mean?" Lei Yi asked quickly, puzzled.

"When I saw Garuda's advanced emperor, I had already lost the meaning of existence!" Shadow spoke again, hoarsely: "I can't rely on my own strength to reach the end of the law of darkness, then for me , There is no point in living."

"What do you mean, do you mean..."

"Yes, I am not free from Garuda's control. Deep down in my heart, I still want to kill you."

Shadow said, unwilling to say: "But I know that once I kill you, even if I take the control of the flesh, I can only become Garuda's puppet, and I can't really defeat him. The blame is blame, now I am still too weak to threaten an emperor of the Law of Darkness at all."

After being unwilling, Shadow's tone changed, and then excited: "But you are different, Lei Yi, you still have a chance. I finally know why the Infinite Emperor sent you to this space and time."

"In our age, the law of darkness has Daknis, and the law of time has the emperor of the kingdom of God. Both of them are powerful and outrageous. Even if you and I consume all the potential, it is impossible to threaten their existence. In this era, there is also a God of Dark Law like Garuda, who just let me be his thug and help him kill you with a single thought. But..."

When Shadow said this, a anthropomorphic wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "However, your existence allows me to see hope. In the endless darkness, I saw the hope of reaching the commanding heights. Because in this era, and The strongest without the law of time, and you will have the opportunity to reach the end. So you must go on, even if you sacrifice me, let you inherit my strength and go on at last..."

"Shadow classmate, you... do you want to..." Lei Yi said, this time he finally understood.

Because he could hear that there was a trace of grief and determination in Shadow's words.

"Lei Yi, the last move!" In the end, the shadow roared wildly again, and the power of darkness in the body was condensed on the surface of the body.

A powerful force broke out all over his body, and the whole person seemed to have become the incarnation of darkness.

"Come on, classmate Shadow!" Lei Yi was also infected by the other's momentum, and the whole person raised his momentum.

Behind him, the golden fascination suddenly shot out, a layer of blood-colored robes flew up on the surface of his body, and an indomitable momentum broke out all over his body.

He knew that he could not stop the Shadow, so in the end he also gave the Shadow enough respect.

"The greatest power of the dark power, take it, Lei Yi!" Shadow burst out with a roar.

"My soul is the strongest blow. This is the magical power that breaks the ten thousand magic, **** the void! Shadow classmate, you have also taken it!" Lei Yi was also unwilling to show weakness, and concentrated all his power on the fist hole of the soul, and then A punch was blasted out.

Two figures, one gold and one dark, gradually approached, and finally converge at one point.

The two fists collided with each other, and then the two huge energy collided and burst apart.


The intertwined energy completely exploded in the consciousness space, the entire space was trembling in the collision, and the void at the center collapsed layer by layer.

In the shock wave, the force shattered the void, the cracks in the space spread, and the turbulence raged like a violent ocean wave.

The aftermath of this fight lasted for more than a dozen breaths of time, and it was only able to stop.

When the aftermath dissipated and the void in the center recovered, two figures were seen keeping their punches and stopped in place.

Shadow's fist brushed Lei Yi's cheek and stopped in mid-air, without bombarding it.

But Lei Yi's fist pierced Shadow's chest, blasting a big hole.

"Lei Yi..." Shadow said again, but his voice was weaker than before.

"You need to go down for me, swallow the darkness, defeat Garuda...instead of me, walk the way of darkness...in the future, defeat Daknis for me...At that time, you can save you. All of you..."

"It's a pity...If I don't fall here, you won't be able to get rid of Garuda's control...so I...have no chance to wait until one day comes..."

"Farewell...Lei Yi...or...partner..."

Shadow classmate finally laughed. Although the smile was a bit bitter, he really laughed.

When Lei Yi heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched and a tear came out of the corner of his eye.

"Farewell, Shadow classmate... You are also my best partner..."

Right in front of him, the power in the shadow body was completely exhausted, and finally his body turned into ashes and dissipated with the wind.

Lei Yi could feel that the most important thing he had lost today was the existence of shadows.


Over the sea.

From appearance to the use of abilities, Garuda is just a moment of effort.

As for the confrontation between Lei Yi and Shadow, even if the two had fought for a long time, it was only a flash of fingers in reality.

So at this moment, both Lacie and Cecil are still in their original positions, keeping a distance from Lei Yi.

As for Garuda, he expected Lei Yi to be swallowed by darkness, so he didn't immediately take his daughter back from the opponent.

For him, after the darkness has swallowed Lei Yi, asking the other party to hand over his daughter back is not more in line with his identity as a god.

"The darkness after being inspired by me is stronger in strength than before. This kid's personality will be swallowed by the darkness. Then he can become a puppet like Ogu!" Garuda looked at the silent Thunder Yi, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

In the sea under Lei Yi, a huge group of vitality suddenly rose, and the entire sea became extremely unstable.

The huge wave soared into the sky, and then the vitality surged out of it, and in a blink of an eye the entire sea surface was submerged.

Under the high concentration of vitality, the entire sea seemed to be covered with a thick white mist.

"This breath, is it..." Garuda said unexpectedly when he saw this.

But then, the corner of his eyes twitched slightly, and his dark eyes burst out with two divine lights, as if to penetrate the dense fog and lock someone on.

"How is it possible that the darkness has disappeared, that kid..." He cried out, because this scene is too unreasonable~www.ltnovel.com~ The power of darkness he released should have been swallowed. Lei Yi's dark power disappeared without a trace.

"Gardia..." A heart-piercing roar came out in the thick fog.

This was Lei Yi's voice. He finally regained consciousness and returned to reality.

At this moment, he, carrying Garuna on his back, stood volley on the surface of the sea, with a sad expression and strong pain.

"Impossible, there is no person in this world who does not have darkness in his heart, but this little devil, there is no trace of darkness in his heart at this moment... My power can't cover it..." Garuda's eyes penetrated the dense fog and looked at Lei Yi was shocked.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something.

"The fierce star comes to the world, this is a bad omen!"

"My lord, what is a fierce star?"

"The evil star is a person, but I can only see a vague fate, and I can't sense his existence. This world is almost under my control, but the evil star that comes here is different. He is beyond my expectations. The presence!"

In his mind, a conversation with that adult appeared.

Garuda thought of this and murmured.

"Could it be... the fierce star can swallow even darkness...?"

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