I Can Pause Time

Chapter 932: Garuda [Dark Sun God]

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In the boundless sea, violent explosions sounded one after another.




A white light flickered, accompanied by a violent explosion, large swaths of water splashed, and big bottomless holes were also blasted out on the sea level.

It takes time for sea water to invert, and such a little time is enough for an attacker to blast dozens of huge pits of the same size on the sea.

Therefore, the sea surface is very unstable, even during the attack, it is as bumpy as the surface of the moon.

Lexier controlled the King of White and pursued Lei Yi.

Originally, with his strength ranked third among the ten generals, Lei Yi was completely powerless.

But for some reason, as he pursued Leiyi more and more, he felt more strenuous.

"There are some problems in this area. The concentration of infinite force in the atmosphere is gradually decreasing!"

After a long time, Cecil, who was chasing from behind, finally found the problem.

His flight speed has also become several times slower than usual, so he found that even if he was flying at full speed, he could not catch up with Lysil who was flying while attacking.

"More than that, the density of a certain kind of energy between the heaven and the earth is gradually increasing!" Lysil also noticed the abnormality.

Because he found that Lei Yifei's speed had actually become faster.

the other side.

Lei Yi, who was fleeing in the front, also noticed the abnormality, or it was because the speed of the two people in the back had slowed down.

"Sure enough, although the energy used by the ten generals also has vitality, it needs the blessing of infinite power. The density of infinite power here is extremely low, and it also affects them!"

As we get closer to the fairy mountain and the space channel, the concentration of vitality in the atmosphere is gradually increasing, and the concentration of infinite power naturally decreases accordingly.

Infinite power is the foundation of the ten generals' actions. If the density decreases, it will naturally affect them.

Lei Yi can last so long because the terrain here is gradually developing in a direction that is beneficial to him.

"Little devil, you flee here, do you know that the environment here is beneficial to you?" Laceier asked while attacking Lei Yi.

"No, it's just a coincidence, I don't know it will be like this here!" When Lei Yi ran away, he turned his back to deny it.

After all, he can't lie, even if he is hunted down, he doesn't bother to deceive each other.

But these words hurt even more when Lexier heard it.

"Damn it!" Laxier bitterly gritted his teeth and said: "If it is normal, this kid can't handle my three tricks!"

But the environment here is too favorable for Lei Yi, and even as he gets closer to the depths of the sea, the vitality density here gets higher and higher.

I don't know when, in the area where they flew past, a layer of white mist actually rose on the sea due to the density of vitality.

Lei Yi flew into it, and the pores all over his body expanded, feeling refreshed.

The vitality density of this place is almost catching up with the ancient immortal world.

But he was happy, but Garuna was uncomfortable.

Among the six-sided crystals behind this woman, half had completely dimmed, and although the rest were still in motion, the infinite force absorbed was nothing.

Garuna's breathing became haggard and haggard.

"No, if you really enter the fairy world, Garuna might die!" Lei Yi's speed of fleeing suddenly slowed down because he didn't want to sacrifice this girl.

But leave the other person in the human world, who knows what his biological father will do to this woman.

Even if you think about it for the better, this woman doesn't need to die, but Garuda will definitely brainwash Garuda like it did to Aogu.

Therefore, it is to keep going, but Garuna is in danger of falling, so she should return to the human world to let this woman survive.

He fell into hesitation.

"Young man, stop!" Just as Lei Yi hesitated, there was a majestic voice in the sky.

Suddenly, the sky became completely dim, and the huge black sun fell over Lei Yi's head without being aware of it.

The black light shining on, instead made the sky dark.

In the darkness, a figure shrouded in darkness slowly descended.

His face was pale, his black hair was flying, his eyes were pitch black, and the deep darkness was reflected in it.

The Dark Garuda, under the command of the Infinite Emperor, once again appeared in front of Lei Yi.

"Stop, young man, do you want to take my daughter away, she can't leave this world!" After Garuda appeared, he did not show his murderous intent, but focused on Lei. Garuna behind Yi.

"Are you talking to me from a father's perspective?" Lei Yi asked rhetorically.

"This is natural, even if I and Garuna have different positions, it is undeniable that I am her biological father. This is a blood connection, and no one will cut it!" The latter heard the words and replied indifferently. To the road.

"Do you think she will recognize your father when she wakes up?" Lei Yi sneered, expecting it in his heart.

"It's none of your business. After Garuna comes back, I will erase all her memories and let her become the carefree princess again. Now I have achieved the position of God, and she will be with Together with me, always by my side!"

Garuda said, looking at Lei Yi, and said indifferently: "Now, return my daughter to me, you will never take her away."

"Clear the memory. This is your plan as a father. You want to wipe out your daughter!"

Lei Yi questioned the other party, and at the same time the emperor of the Kingdom of God sounded in his heart. The other party and Garudadia in front of him were similar, indifferent and ruthless.

Although he was not the other party's child, to wipe out his child's memory was equivalent to killing his child once.

"Since you insist on fighting against me, don't blame me!" Garuda sneered, two purple awns burst out of his eyes.

The speed of this attack was extremely fast, Lei Yi originally wanted to dodge one or two, but found that he could not dodge at all.

"What's going on, isn't it that this place is good for me? Why..."

"Hmph, the concentration of vitality here is really tricky, but the gap between the emperor and you can be made up by a small environment. Now, you and the darkness in your heart will plunge into the boundless darkness!"

When the dark curtain fell, Lei Yi found that his feet had turned into a dark quagmire at some point.

Numerous arms stretched out from it, dragging his body into it.

Silently, Lei Yi couldn't call her birth, and Garuna behind him disappeared, and everything fell into the darkness.

Without the strength to resist, he was dragged into the endless darkness that appeared below him.

"Hahaha, is this the ability of the [Dark Sun God]? It really is unparalleled overbearing!"

Before he lost consciousness completely, he heard Garuda's mad laughter.

Then, darkness struck, Lei Yi completely lost his vision


Consciousness space.

The originally white space was gradually infested by darkness at this moment.

Above, the golden light that was originally like a shooting star also gradually dimmed in the boundless darkness.

Lei Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and then realized that he did not know when, actually came to his consciousness space.

"What's going on, what's going on in this place?" He found that his consciousness was beginning to be overwhelmed by darkness, and he couldn't resist.


At this moment, a hoarse roar sounded behind him.


Lei Yi's consciousness was hit by a huge force, and the whole person turned around and flew out.

After he experienced the extremely embarrassing rolling, he only looked at adjusting his position.

He saw the sneak attacker, not someone else, but the shadow.

However, the shadow at the moment was a bit strange, the opponent's eyes were scarlet, the killing intent was filled all over, and there was a dark atmosphere near the body.

"Shadow classmate, what are you doing!" Lei Yi shouted, but the other party did not respond.

"The God of Darkness wants you to die, then you must die!" Shadow let out a wild roar, clenched fists with both hands, and slew towards Lei Yi.

"Is it controlled by Garuda? He can control even Shadow Classmate!"

When Lei Yi saw this scene, he didn't know why.

It turns out that Garuda mentioned that the darkness in his heart refers to the existence of shadows.

Under the opponent's ability, he had to fight against the shadow.

His opponent has completely become himself this time, or another side of him.

Lei Yi hit back in the same way, and the two fisted against each other, and they fought fiercely in the consciousness space.

"Stop it, Shadow Classmate, I am not your enemy!"

If it was someone else, Lei Yi wouldn't have any nonsense, so he fisted hello.

But this time the opponent was Shadow, and he had to call out, wanting to wake up the opponent.

It's a pity that Shadow's offensive has become even more fierce.

Shadow and Lei Yi once again fought hard ~www.ltnovel.com~ Then the boundless darkness gathered behind him, condensing a pile of black wings.

"Dark Wings!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi was horrified.

This was not over yet, and the shadows flapped their wings, soaring into the sky, flying above Lei Yi's head.

Countless black thunder and lightning fell, turning into thunder dragons, killing Lei Yi.

"Dark Thunder!" Seeing this familiar move, Lei Yi's mouth twitched and a wry smile appeared.

In the past, he used this trick to deal with the enemy, but he did not expect that one day he would also take over the dark thunder of the shadow.

"Shadow classmate, since you don't listen to my dissuasion, then I will hit you to stop!" He could only clenched his fist and fought back.

In an instant, within the consciousness space, Lei Yi and Shadow began to fight fiercely.



[Identity] Infinite emperor's emperor, the first infinite power infection in the human world, the last ruler of the Huangsha kingdom, and Garuna's biological father

【Ability】Dark Sun God

[Ability] The darkness that drives time, including the dark side of people’s hearts, the master of darkness

[Six Dimensions] Strength D Spirit S Speed ​​A Coordination S Distance S Special S

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