I Can Pause Time

Chapter 917: "Old Lover" Lei Yi

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Garuna, is the name of the Seraphim, and it is the real name.

Lei Yi could be sure that the place he went in the Tower of Time was called the Tower of Garuna.

"So, the Infinite Emperor has a very close relationship with this one?" He didn't know what was going on, he was a little curious.

Infinite Emperor, what is the relationship with this beauty in front of him?

In an instant, the soul of gossip in Lei Yi's body was burning.

"Where did I hear the name Garuna?" At this moment, Helen spoke.

She thought about it, but quickly shook her head, "Forget it, it seems to be less important information, I don't remember where I saw it."

"Don't worry, we all have common enemies anyway, so we should now support each other and unite together!" The old sage said with a smile.

The common enemy in his mouth is naturally the Infinite Emperor.

"Okay, let's continue on the road. After the giant of the earth leaves, there will be infected bodies in this area. We need to find a safe place to fix it. It is too dangerous here."

Not to mention the old sage, Lei Yi also urged the team to move quickly.

Because the giant of the earth fought Garuna before, all the infected nearby retreated.

Now that the fighting is over, the ubiquitous infected body will appear again. Even if someone is injured, they must quickly move to find a safer place.

This is an area full of yellow sand, which is not safe.

"I know... a place... is safe..." At this moment, Garuna spoke.

It seems that she hasn't spoken to anyone for a long time, and the sentences are not coherent enough.

Lei Yi said that when he first came, he spoke fluently than her.

"In that case, please lead the way!" The old sage gestured as the leader.

The next moment, behind Garuna, the six-sided diamond-shaped crystal burst into purple light, spreading like wings.

With a "chirp", her figure directly turned into a purple light, tearing the air and shooting out.

A crack in the void in front opened, and the purple electric drill penetrated into it and disappeared completely.

As the crack closed, her breath disappeared.

Lei Yi and other people were all left in the same place, looking at each other, all kinds of bewilderment.

Garuna just left, gone...

"Ahem, did he not consider us... She can use "Void Shuttle", but we can't? Lei Yi curled his lips and couldn't help but vomit.

Fortunately, after a few breaths, a crack opened again in the void, and Garuna's figure emerged from it.

After she appeared, she glanced at Lei Yi and the others, curled her eyebrows and asked in confusion: "You... why... didn't you follow?"

Everyone: "..."

"Garuna, although we can't be regarded as ordinary people, we have different abilities. Just like Lei Yi said, we can't travel through the void like you."

The old sage shook his head, then looked behind Garuna, and judged: "If we rush into a void in the void, we may be torn apart by the turbulence of space, so we can't do it."

"Well... we... walk over." Garuna had no choice but to take Lei Yi and the others forward.

This time, the woman did not use the ability to shuttle through the void, but chose to walk.

The team set off again, even if someone was injured, it couldn't stop.

Because of the increasing frequency of the surrounding infected bodies, even under Helen's "refraction" ability, their team was discovered several times.

However, whenever the team was noticed by the infected body, Garuna would rush out for the first time.

The woman's attack method is very unique. The six-sided diamond crystal behind her is like her body part, which can be manipulated flexibly and can emit purple energy beams.

When the infected body was hit, the body burst directly.

Not only that, Lei Yi could also feel that a burst of energy would escape from the infected body's body and then be absorbed by the crystals.

With this energy, Lei Yi had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

But the strange thing is that it seems that no one except him can find these energies.

Similarly, Lei Yi also found a strange problem.

That was when he was moving forward, he found that Garuna sometimes stared at him, as if a child had seen something novel, that was a look full of curiosity.

"I'll go, I'm not a toy, why is this woman staring at me, I'm not handsome?" Lei Yi was stared at by someone so that his heart was a little hairy, and his back was cold and sweaty.

In the end, being stared at by the other party really couldn't help, Lei Yi plucked up the courage, leaned forward, and asked, "What do you think I do, what's so good about me?"

When asked this way, Garuna replied calmly: "You... are weird."

Lei Yi: "..."

"That's right, who are we weird?"

He was a little speechless, and was said to be strange by a "weird".

In no way, Lei Yi could only divert the topic. After taking a look at the "clothes" on the other person, he curiously said: "By the way, you are also an awakened one. What's the matter with your abilities? Who designed it?"

"Clothes?" But Garuna was very curious about the word, and then looked down at her body, "This is... my skin... part of the skin..."

"Puff--" Lei Yi couldn't hold back a breath, and sprayed out directly.

Feelings This woman is not wearing clothes, he is a bit speechless.

But then, the woman said astonishingly: "Do you want to see... the other part... the skin... the ones that are not covered... are white..."

"Cough cough, don't, don't, don't, the big guys are here!" Lei Yi quickly stopped the other party. If this is to let everyone see you naked, how about it.

Not suitable, this is very inappropriate.

"Hmph, men don't have a good thing!" But at this moment, Helen in the team snorted coldly.

Because she found that after Garuna said that, many men in the team turned their eyes involuntarily.

It seems that even in the last days, men's pursuit of a certain "good thing" has not changed.

Everyone is an old rascal, this is undeniable.

However, in the team, there are still some people who sit still, the old sage is one of them, and the second is the cold-eyed swordsman Ogu.

"Well, let's change the topic, otherwise I will become an old-fashioned ruffian!" Lei Yi laughed at himself, covering up his embarrassment.

Fortunately, he has been with Ye Tian Ling for a long time, and his face has become very thick.

"Speaking of which, is your ability "Void Shuttle"? "

"No!" Garuna shook her head, and then pointed to the firm part of her chest, "This is the... ability of my...skin."

Lei Yi saw the opponent's purple "skin" under the cover, it was not a huge, but very beautiful arc.

He quickly shifted his gaze, but he was a little strange. Isn't the ability of the skin the same as his own?

"Huh!" On the other side, Helen in the team coldly snorted again, obviously dissatisfied that Lei Yi had been "mocking" Garuna.

But the conscience of heaven and earth, Lei Yi was really just covering up his embarrassment, and he didn't even have any thoughts.

Moreover, Garuna has been spying on herself, so this is just a "counterattack".

In no way, Lei Yi could only get straight to the point.

"In other words, why are you looking at me all the time, you say I am strange, what is the strangeness?"

"Here!" Garuna walked to Lei Yi and pointed at Lei Yi's chest.

Then, she pointed to Lei Yi's head, "and here!"

"I can feel... some strange power... and some power that I want to be the same... are you and me the same kind?"

Garuna's words became more and more fluent, but what she said made Lei Yi a little surprised.

"The power of wanting to be the same, can it be said that..."

Although he had some guesses, hearing the other party's explanation at this moment finally proved some of his guesses.

The scenes that appeared in the tower of Garuna at the beginning rushed to my heart again.

"Here!" But just as Lei Yi recalled, Garuna suddenly pointed to the front and motioned to the place.

"Oh, there is such a tower in the desert!" Someone in the team exclaimed.

The old sage also saw the building that appeared in front of him, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

"Fuck, this is Garuna's Tower!" Lei Yi exploded directly.

"Do you know..." Garuna looked at Lei Yi suspiciously after hearing this.

Lei Yi naturally knew it, and not only knew it, but also went in in the far future.

Because what appeared in front of him was the tower of Garuna, and even the appearance had not changed.

The tower was standing in the desert, the whole was a bit slanted, and the foundation was obviously damaged.

But the strange thing is that there is no sign of any infected body activity nearby such a tower.

"Ahem, this is what you brought us here, then name it after you." Lei Yi hurriedly slapped haha ​​and dealt with it.

"Oh..." Garuna replied and walked directly into the tower.

The others in the team looked at each other and followed into it.

Garuna's Ta Lei came in once ~www.ltnovel.com~ but this time it was different from before.

The tower still has only one hall, but it is not empty. On the contrary, some simple furniture is still preserved.

The stone seats are neatly arranged, the blankets made of animal skins are laid flat on the ground, and there are some golden decorations on the surrounding temple walls.

And in this tower, Lei Yi also saw some books made of sheepskin.

But the most striking thing is the portrait of the main hall facing the entrance. It was a beautiful girl in a golden silk dress.

The girl's face is slightly immature, but the outline of her facial features is clear, and her appearance can be vaguely seen as Garuna.

In other words, the owner of this tower is really Garuna, and the portrait is obviously what she looked like when she was young.

"It's pretty cute!" Lei Yi said with a smirk looking at the portrait.

"Humph!" Helen just sat down on the side and snorted again when she saw Lei Yi doing this.

Hey, he was treated as an old ruffian again, and he was still the kind of "bad hobby" for little girls.

Lei Yi was already too lazy to argue, but fortunately he had a thick skin, just ignoring this.

Others rested on the spot, and finally relaxed completely after seeing no infections around them.

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