I Can Pause Time

Chapter 915: Shinkoku?

In the land of yellow sand, a floating boat flies slowly.

As the last hope of mankind, Lei Yi and others finally crossed the wasteland and entered the core area under the rule of Infinite Emperor.

In this area, the number of survivors is extremely small, and there are infected bodies everywhere, and even the strength of some individuals is terrifying enough to threaten their existence.

The hovercraft didn't fly for long. When it flew over a dust-ravaged area, the old sage signaled Captain Luojihu to stop.

"After this area, there is no way to continue to use the vehicle to drive, because the number of infected bodies is too much. Once found, it will easily trigger a beast wave, and will be discovered by the minions of the Infinite Emperor!"

In fact, there is no need for him to say much, Lei Yi and others also felt it.

In this area full of yellow sand, there are infected bodies everywhere, and the individuals are large and small, but the number is really too much.

If you rush on your way with a floating boat, you may be attacked by hordes of infected bodies in the sky.

And if other infected bodies smelled of blood, it would be terrible.

In the worst case, even if they repelled the beast tide, they would be discovered by the infinite emperor's minions who heard the news, and even attracted the ten generals to take action.

If this is the case, their plan has to be regarded as a failure.

So in order not to take risks, they chose to advance from the ground, avoiding all infected bodies along the way, and entering the true core area under the rule of the Infinite Emperor.

According to the old sage, after Emperor Infinite ruled the mainland, he built a huge city on the site of the original Huangsha Kingdom.

"Under the rule of the Infinite Emperor, this continent belongs to him. He proclaimed himself the **** of creation and ruled the continent together with his four gods, and the city he built was also called the "kingdom of the gods"! "

When Lei Yi heard the words "God's Kingdom", his brows jumped and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

What is the relationship between this kingdom of God and the kingdom of God?

But thinking of the different time and space, he can only mutter in his heart, it should be a coincidence.

After all, Emperor Infinity and Lei Yuce are not contemporaries, and there is no intersection between them.

The team continued to advance, and the infected bodies they encountered along the way became more and more stronger.

The old sage had to reassign the team, let the gerbils with burrowing and hiding abilities go to explore the way, and specifically select the area with the least number of infected bodies to move forward.

For this reason, their forward speed is greatly reduced, but they are relatively safe.

On this day, they came to the ruins of an ancient city.

This city is not too big, it was built near a dry oasis, and only a few ruined walls were left in the wind and sand.

From time to time, some small infected bodies can be seen active in the vicinity, but there are no humans in the city, and the infected bodies have no interest in the ruins.

"Let's fix it here, adjust it!" The old sage saw that the ruins could cover the wind and sand, and determined to let the team stop for a while.

"I can finally rest, I'm exhausted all the way!" As the only woman in the team, Helen was the first to speak, venting his dissatisfaction.

With that, she ran all the way and rushed to a relatively well-preserved building in the ruins.

"Miss Helen, pay attention to concealment, this ruin is not safe!" The old sage quickly reminded, and at the same time he ordered behind him: "Ogu, pay attention to the surroundings and don't miss any abnormalities."

"Yes, Lord Sage!" Ogu replied coldly, and then holding a long sword, he jumped and jumped to a tower with only half of it left.

Lei Yi was not interested in resting with other people, but randomly found a humble building as a temporary rest point.

Under the induction of his divine consciousness, all the infected bodies in this site were revealed.

There was no threat to his existence in the nearby area, so Lei Yi was relieved.

Then his attention was concentrated near the old sage, and when he noticed that the other person was also meditating, but did not pay attention to himself, he finally relieved himself completely.

Although the two are now teammates, as a traverser, Lei Yi said that he would not trust other people, at least not completely revealing the secret to each other.

After waiting for no one, he leaned into his clothes, fiddled with it, and took out a blue book.

This was in the storage bag that the old sage showed him before. Although he didn't take the storage bag away, he "shunted" all the books in it and planned to study it himself.

As for the space props, although Lei Yi was greedy, he never thought of coming along together.

Even the old sage and others couldn't understand the book, so it was worthless.

However, space props are not ordinary items, and there is no need to fight each other for a storage bag.

"Come on, let me take a look at what kind of poison it is that can actually threaten Emperor Infinite!"

At this moment, Lei Yi was holding a copy of "Top 50 Poisons in Cultivation World" and began to look through it.

According to the records in the book, the most powerful poison of a cultivator is a spiritual thing bred from the heavens and the earth, which contains the true power of the law of poison, even if it is contaminated by the heavens and humans, it will die.

Lei Yi guessed that the group of overseas people should have obtained similar items, so their minds became active and wanted to assassinate the Infinite Emperor with that kind of poison.

"Is it the power of the Poison Dao law? If it is the power of the law, it is indeed possible!" Lei Yi muttered and continued to look through it.

Then, he not only read the introduction of poisons, but also studied books on poisoning, detoxification, and cultivating poisons.

First, this can pass the time, and second, the so-called skill is not overwhelming.

Since they were poisoning them, if they were accidentally injured by the toxins, one more method could be used to save their lives.

Time is in Lei Yi's tireless "learning" and it will pass quickly.

The next day.

As soon as daybreak, they continued to set off on their way towards the central area of ​​Huangsha Country.

But not long after they left, they finally noticed something wrong.

In other words, there is such a slight abnormality.

"It's weird. On the previous road, there were infected bodies everywhere in the sky, as well as on the ground, but now we have been walking for so long, why can't we see a single infected body?" Helen walked for a while and muttered after looking around. Tao.

In fact, it's not just this woman, everyone else has also noticed something wrong.

There is a saying that there must be demons when things go wrong.

Before going deep into this area, as far as the eye can see, there are infected bodies everywhere.

Today, I didn’t meet any of them. Isn’t that a problem?

"What's the matter, the wind is blowing again?!" Lei Yi looked up at the sky, incredible.

Not only him, but the old sage also felt surprised.

Because the sky dimmed again, and sandstorms blew up all around.

In the wilderness area, the sudden gust of wind is not a celestial phenomenon, but a herald of the appearance of the Atlans horses.

As a result, they did not expect that they had left the wasteland and entered the area of ​​yellow sand, but the wind started to rise again.

But then Lei Yi noticed something strange.

Because before he knew it, he felt his body heavier.

"No, it's gravity. Someone changed the gravity in the rest of this piece!" Lei Yi finally noticed it and exclaimed.

"Yes, the gravity in this space has changed, so our bodies are so heavy!" The old sage also nodded, indicating that Lei Yi was right.

Afterwards, he looked into the distance, and through the sandstorm, he could vaguely see the outline of a vague giant.

"Mephisto, the giant of the earth, is one of the ten generals. One of his abilities is to manipulate gravity. Because of the change in gravity, the air pressure changes, so a sandstorm is formed!"

Lei Yi was a little surprised when he heard this.

But there is more fear in his eyes.

Because the ten generals also have strengths and weaknesses, Mephisto, the giant of the earth, ranks 4th, and the Gale Atlansman ranks 7th.

In other words, the ten generals active in this area are stronger than the one on the wasteland.

"Impossible, our whereabouts are so hidden, how could we be discovered by the other party?" Lei Yi was a little surprised, why the old sage didn't notice the location of the giant of the earth.

The old sage seemed to be aware of what Lei Yi was thinking, and immediately said: "The giant of the earth can merge with the earth, I can't sense it!"

But then, he pointed to the center of the sandstorm and shouted unexpectedly: "The other party doesn't seem to be coming at us!"

"What?!" Lei Yi immediately let go of his consciousness and spread towards the center of the sandstorm.

It is a pity that the scope of the sandstorm is huge, his spiritual consciousness cannot cover all positions, and he does not dare to spy on the giant of the earth too much, for fear of being noticed by the other party. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But even so, he still saw some fighting scenes at the edge of his divine consciousness.

In the raging yellow sand, a slender purple light and shadow flickered around a giant.

"It's her, that seraph!" Lei Yi saw the familiar purple light, and knew who was fighting the giant of the earth.

He secretly exclaimed in his heart, this one is really not afraid of death, not only the Storm Atlans people have fought against each other, and now he is going to provoke Mephisto, the giant of the earth.

"Seraph, if she joins us, she will definitely become a powerful help for us, but she can't let her fall in this place!" The old sage heard this, and his body flashed, and the person rushed into the sandstorm.

Lei Yi and the others did not expect that this old man could be so fast, he said he would act as he did, and he was not at all ambiguous.

But what no one noticed is that the old sage rushed into the sandstorm, his eyes were hot.

If Lei Yi saw it, it would be very strange.

Because this expression was not like the expression of seeing the heart of hunting, but rather like the expression of a miser after seeing a rare treasure.

This expression is a bit abnormal for the old sage.

Not to mention how the old sage flew into the sandstorm, anyway, he left Lei Yi and others in place.

Fortunately, due to the action of the giant of the earth, all the infected bodies in the vicinity retreated, afraid to approach this area.

They are still safe for the time being.

But if the giant of the earth found them, then the result would be different.

Moreover, the Seraphim would not necessarily join them. Even before today, the other party had always been a legend mentioned by the wanderers.

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