I Can Pause Time

Chapter 907: First encounter with 10 generals

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Above the rift valley.

The herd is boundless, pouring into the rift valley.

From a distance, it seemed as if a crack appeared in the flat ground, and the surrounding herd of animals "leaked" in.

Of course, for the survivors, these infected bodies are no joke.

"How can there be so many!"

"Evacuate, evacuate quickly!"

"Quickly, block the periphery, if you can block it for a while, it's a while!"

Among the survivors, the survivors, headed by Mr. An, gathered together, guarding a dark cave with infected bodies swarming in front of them.

Behind them are the panic figures of the survivors.

They swarmed into it, because this channel was prepared long ago to prevent large-scale infections from attacking, and a specially prepared transfer channel.

Master An was commanding the protesters and blocking the herd together with him, and at the same time displayed his own supernatural powers.

His supernatural ability is defensive, which can be blessed on himself and his subordinates to increase their defense.

On his body, a shield-like mark was shining with silver light.

The protesters also hold this effect, with a silver shield mark shining on their bodies, and their physical defenses have also been greatly blessed.

As for Lei Yi, he is located in the herd, one person against a group of beasts.

"The power of heraldry!" He saw Master An's supernatural powers, a little astonished, and a little startled.

He had been in the Western world for a long time, and he had also seen a lot of heraldry power.

According to ancient documents in the Western world, the history of the power of heraldry can be traced back to a long time ago.

It is said that the origins of supernatural beings are all related to heraldry. When a person possesses supernatural powers, some changes will occur in the body structure, which is manifested in the appearance of heraldic marks on the body.

The coat of arms is like a label. Once formed, it represents transformation and sublimation. It is the essential difference between ordinary people and supernatural beings.

Seeing the heraldic imprint on Mr. An, Lei Yi said that Western scholars really did not lie, and the other party is a living example.

But... even so, it can't organize the offensive of the herd.

The main problem lies in the number of both parties.

The herd formed a wave of beasts like a mountain whirring and a tsunami, and the survivors in this small gathering place were absolutely impossible to resist.

So Mr. An has already seen it, and is now directing the survivors to evacuate.

"Help us resist!" Amidst the herd, Master An suddenly shouted at Lei Yi.

Lei Yi turned his head, his divine sense swept across where Mr. An was, and then he sighed helplessly.

Because he knew what the other party was going to do.

"It's weird, is gunpowder invented now?" Lei Yi curled his lips and vomited.

However, he didn't care, and blasted out a punch, directly blasting away more than a dozen beasts that rushed up from his side.


As soon as he blasted out a clearing, Master An also completed the transfer, and then a fire blasted out of the cave.

Large pieces of rubble rolled down, and the rift valley was also shaking.

Lei Yi had known it a long time ago, and he rushed out of the herd with an indifferent expression, and then rose into the sky, avoiding all the infected bodies along the way, and rushed out of the crack.

"These people are decisive, and they don't know me well, so they sold me decisively!" Lei Yi sneered, seeing what Mr. An did.

For the success of Mr. An's transfer of his subordinates, Lei Yi became a person who attracted infectious firepower.

Then when everyone moved away, they directly exploded the entrance with gunpowder to ensure that the infected body would not chase them.

But in this case, it is tantamount to selling Lei Yi.

Because Lei Yi didn't enter the cave, he was alone outside, facing an endless herd of beasts. If this were replaced by someone else, it is estimated that he would fall in all likelihood.

Lei Yi couldn't be guilty of what Mr. An had done. After all, this is the case in this era.

If you die, you don’t want to die, and it’s the foundation to protect yourself.

Regardless of the age, the ones who can live to the end, apart from the absolutely invincible strong, are those who can adapt to the environment, Mr. An.

Lei Yi glanced at the Rift Valley one last time, and was about to leave.

But just when he was about to leave, the sky suddenly dimmed, and there was a strong wind around him.

"It's strange, is the environment in this wasteland so bad? There was no wind in the first second, and there was a storm in the next moment?" He muttered, looking around.

Afterwards, the hairs on Lei Yi's whole body stood up, and a feeling of extreme danger rose in his heart.

"No, it's not a storm, but a powerful enemy is approaching!" His expression became horrified, his body turned and swooped down.

Just between the electric light and flint, his figure turned into a golden light, and directly escaped into the earth.

At the moment of crisis, he didn't care about other things, and directly used the golden light to run away.

Just as he had just escaped into the soil, the storm intensified in the distant sky.

The concentration of vitality between the heaven and the earth also increased, and countless wind attribute vitality visible to the naked eye formed a series of wind blades, raging in the sky, making a "chichichi" tearing sound.

Then, I saw a green shadow swinging its four hooves at an incredible speed, rushing through the sky.

This is a centaur, with armor on the upper body, like a warrior, holding two weird double blades in his hands, which brings countless storms when it swings.

The centaur galloped all the way, a distance of hundreds of miles came in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, it smashed over the rift valley.

His appearance caused the beasts around him to retreat like a tide, and the infected bodies below all evaded, afraid to stay in front of him.

This scene is very strange, because the infected body only knows that the killing is not wise, but they will actually face the centaur in the sky, making a humble posture like the lower-ranking person facing the upper-ranking person.

In other words, the centaur has the ability to suppress the herd.


The centaur stood volley in the air, raised its four hooves, raised its hands high, and then swung its sharp blade, sending out a huge slash downward.

Zhanmang traversed the earth and pierced into it silently.


After a few breaths, a slight sound appeared on the ground.

After that, the ground suddenly cracked, and a straight gap was cut open, extending hundreds of miles away.

This blow actually cut out a cut that was hundreds of miles long.

Then the ground completely collapsed, and the sand poured in, submerging everything below.

However, in the loose sand, several figures rushed out, breaking free of the sand and soil restrictions, and finally returned to the surface.

These few people are the resisters of Mr. An and his men. As for the survivors, they were buried alive at the moment when the passage collapsed.

How can ordinary people resist the collapse of the passage? Human power can't stop this kind of natural disaster.

Only the Ancestors and the protesters can ignore the gravity of the sand and break through the soil.

But after returning to the surface, the protesters were desperate because they saw the huge centaur in front of them.

The opponent stood in the air, with a huge body, close to the size of a hundred meters.

Especially the endless storms around the opponent's body, as well as the extremely huge and terrifying coercion, made people unable to bear the slightest heart of resistance.

"Big...sir, this...this is..." a protester asked tremblingly.

"Ten...Ten generals, it is Ten generals...How could the other party...appear here?" Master An's face twitched frantically, and he also stammered and muttered.

He was also scared at the moment, his teeth were trembling, and his feet had begun to weaken.

In the gathering place, he is the boss, a big figure in everyone's eyes.

But he knows, his strength is in front of the ten generals under the command of Infinite Emperor, that is not a fart.


At this moment, the Centaur spoke.

"...But the mere ants are not the evil stars that adults are looking for!"

His voice was like a billowing thunder, and when it reached Mr. An's ears, it made him dizzy, as if someone was beating gongs and drums in his head.

"...So, wait for you to die!" The centaur said to the end, waving the sharp blade in his hand.

"No!" At the end of hearing this, Master An also noticed the danger, but unfortunately it was too late.

The silver light on his body flickered, and the mark of a silver shield appeared on his body, but under a wind blade, his body was still divided into two, separated from top to bottom.

After the slash and sweep, Yu Wei directly smashed his separated body into dust, and his men followed in his footsteps and fell together.

After the centaur high in the sky killed Lord Ann with a single blow, he raised his hand and grabbed it, and a silver ball of light flew up from where Lord Ann fell.

In the light group, a silver shield is faintly visible.

"Defensive ability, unfortunately the level is too weak, the harvest is a bit early!" said the centaur, and two green awns exploded under the armor and shot straight into the distance.

"It seems that there is another fish that slipped through the net. Your lord's order is not to be let go. Be sure to kill it all!"

The centaur raised its front hoof again, and its figure disappeared completely in a storm.

Hundreds of miles away.

A golden light on the ground lit up, and then Lei Yi's figure emerged from it.

However, at this moment, his expression was terribly shocked, and UU Read www.uukanshu.com was even a little scared.

"You can't go wrong, that is the Ten Generals, one of the Ten Generals, the Gallant Atlans horses, and his hand is the divine weapon Storm Double Blade. I have seen him in the Time Tower!

Lei Yi recalled his experience in the Tower of Time, and after comparing it, he found that the aura behind him was stronger, and his body was not a phantom, but a complete entity.

The other party is a living ten general!

Just as he was shocked, a storm struck in the sky, and the pressure of the wind made his face hurt.

"No, he found me!" Lei Yi didn't expect that one day he would be hunted down by ten generals.

In the Tower of Time, he and the opponent are still "good teammates", but when they get here, they become enemies.

One of the Ten Generals, the Hayate Atlans Centaur, is a strong wind manipulator, and his speed is almost the highest among the Ten Generals.

Now Lei Yi encountered a problem, how could he escape to get rid of the opponent.

As for making hands with the other party, he said that this is just looking for death.

Ten generals, each of them is a master of the heaven and human realm.

Even the phantom in the tower of time can defeat the heavens and humans.

Now that the opponent is even more intimate, how could he ever be able to fight!

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