I Can Pause Time

Chapter 905: An asylum

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As the caravan advanced, a rift appeared on the ground ahead.

Taniguchi is not too big, the crack is only a few hundred meters in length, and the width is close to thirty or forty meters, which is relatively small.

This kind of landform is obviously formed gradually after the movement of the earth's crust, and it seems that the age is not high.

"The gathering place is finally here!"

"Finally out of the wasteland."

"I thought we were dead this time."

But the moment he saw the Rift Valley, the caravan's elders and others all cried with joy, and even the hard work showed excitement.

Because for them, this rift valley represents temporary safety.

In the Rift Valley, there are awakened adults as shelter, unless the infected body aggressively attacks, otherwise ordinary small individuals will not be able to threaten this gathering place.

With curiosity, Lei Yi followed the caravan towards the Rift Valley.

At the opening of the rift valley, there is a simple wooden lifting platform, the size of which is just enough for a land-going ship.

Lei Yi saw that the old man made a few moves down to clean up, and the elevator platform slowly rose.

After the old man commanded the landing ship to dock, he waited quietly.

"My lord, thank you for your **** all the way. When you arrive at the gathering place, do you need me to introduce you to the Awakener here?"

"No need, I will go by myself!"

"Then... I went to arrange the caravan's affairs according to the adult's order. This time the leader of the team died on the wasteland, and the Chamber of Commerce will probably arrange another leader. I don't know what kind of person it will be. "

Waiting for the people below to control the workbench, the old man took the time to talk to Lei Yi.

After he talked about the caravan, his face was full of worries about the future.

After all, this time if it weren't for Lei Yi, they would all fall to the beast's mouth, and next time they might not have such good luck.

Click! Click!

At this moment, the lifting platform finally moved.

Lei Yi stood on the land boat and looked down. The originally dim rift valley was gradually sinking, and his vision gradually became clear.

But he had already scanned around in secret with his spiritual sense, and looked at the space below.

This gathering place is actually a cave dug under the rift valley, and many people live in the cave.

Although the rift valley is not big, there are a lot of people in the gathering place, and the underground caves are also extending in all directions, and the longest one even extends beyond the end of Thunder's divine consciousness.

"Cunning Rabbit Sanku, this group of people prepares such a passage, it is estimated that it is to transfer at any time!" Lei Yi thought of this, and nodded.

Those who are prepared will always plan ahead and prepare for the worst.

Leave a way for yourself.

It can be seen that in this era, people need to learn to adapt to the environment.

Just as Lei Yi sighed, the lifting platform finally came to the end.

The face of the gathering place also appeared in front of Lei Yi.

Simple, quite simple.

The entrance of this gathering place is not too big. There are some moldy and rotting wooden boxes around it, and there is a musty smell in the whole gathering place.

This feeling is like in a house, a light-backed room is closed all the year round, and there is still water leakage in it. The smell is indeed somewhat indescribable.

If you want to dispel this smell, you need a lot of sunshine.

Lei Yi could see that the people in this gathering place had become accustomed to hiding underground, so they could tolerate the smell.

He saw many people of all colors, their faces were haggard, their clothes were tattered, and some were not even wearing clothes, just wrapped in a blanket of animal skins full of holes, curled up in the corner, their eyes were hollow, and they were desperate.

"Is this the era of the rule of the Infinite Emperor, actually... so... so sad..."

Taking a glimpse of the whole picture, Lei Yi can see how happy he is when he sees the appearance of this gathering place. Although the age of birth is not peaceful, at least everyone can live and work in peace and contentment.

From this, Lei Yi also began to think about whether that infinite emperor was the infinite emperor.

According to the communication between the Infinite Emperor and him, he could not imagine that the other party would be so cruel and ruthless, creating this tragic world.

However, the four gods and ten generals under the command of the Infinite Emperor show that the Infinite Emperor may be the Infinite Emperor in his own impression.

It's impossible, infinite emperor and infinite emperor, or two people?

With such thoughts in mind, Lei Yi slowly wandered around in the gathering place.

But after strolling around, he found that there were more people around him.

Not only that, but many of the people in these gathering places looked at him with some unkind intentions.

Especially a few young and middle-aged men, their eyes flashed with fierce light.

Lei Yi sighed. Obviously, he had an understanding of the folk customs of this place. The group of people thought that they were well dressed, and they probably wanted to "think carefully."

"What are you doing, this is the awakened lord from the outer zone, are you looking for death!" But at this moment, a loud shout rang out.

It turned out that the old man from the caravan rushed to him. He saw Lei Yi following a few malicious people, and immediately yelled at him.

However, he knew that he did not do this to solve the trouble for Lei Yi, but to prevent Lei Yi from killing.

You must know that in this world, human lives are worthless, especially when compared with the awakened adults, civilians are more like grass.

When the awakened acted slightly, the civilians would be killed if they were killed. No one would pursue the awakened adults for the sake of a few dead people.

When the surrounding crowd heard the words "Awakened", they all dispersed and fled quickly.

Lei Yi saw that some of them looked at them with horror, as if they were scourges.

"Adults, don't care about these "rats". They don't see the light all the year round. They see that the clothes and temperament of adults are obviously unusual, so they moved their minds. There are so many such people in small gathering places. Don't get angry!" The old man leaned in front of Lei Yi and said with a smile.

Lei Yi didn't care, so he asked, "Why are you here?"

"My lord, this is the way to meet Mr. An. Since I have arrived with the goods, I will naturally go to see Mr. Asylum here!" The old man pointed to a cave in front of him and explained in a low voice.

Lei Yi looked over, that the entrance of the cave was different from the other entrances, because there were two strong men guarding the entrance.

They were naked to the upper body, surrounded by a pair of animal leather pants, and holding two animal bone spears. They had sharp eyes and a slight suffocation on their bodies. They were obviously people who had killed the infected.

"They are the protesters here. Of course, for adults, the two of them should not be your opponents." The old man explained in a low voice after covering his lips with his hands.

"Resist?" Lei Yi looked at the other side carefully, then his eyes shone slightly.

Because the blood concentration of these two people is not weak, they actually reached the level of a Tier 1 martial artist.

Although this strength is a weak chicken in his eyes, it has to be said that a Tier 1 warrior can indeed crush ordinary people.

"Is there a warrior in this world?" Lei Yi wanted to take a closer look, but the two of them also noticed his gaze, and there was a faint discomfort in their eyes.

"Master, let's go in, Master An should also know that you are here." The old man on the side reminded him in a low voice.

Lei Yi nodded and walked in here with the other party.

The two protesters did not stop Lei Yi, obviously they had received some news in advance.

In the cave, under the circumstance, Lei Yi saw nearly a dozen protesters, as well as some ordinary people who looked hurriedly.

Unlike those outside, the spirits of these people inside are obviously better, or more energetic.

The people outside are desperate for everything, and the people here at least know what they have to do to make their lives better.

After being infected by the people around him, Lei Yi's mood was relatively better.

He followed the old man and walked into the deepest part of the cave, in a relatively larger room.

This cave is obviously decorated, and the top is decorated with a jewel for lighting, at least the visibility is much higher.

He walked along the way, and those people used oil lamps the most. In some places, the lamps were not even lit, and many people were working in the dark.

In the middle of this room, there is a wooden table, and a middle-aged man is reading at his desk.

"Master An, I am a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and the goods delivered this time have been delivered!"

After the old man reported, the middle-aged character finally raised his head, and after a glance at the other person, he nodded.

"Come on, take him down and count the supplies. If the number is right, complete the transaction!"

At the man's order, a thin man walked in outside the door, his eyes were a bit shrewd, and he should be someone like a quartermaster.

After he and the old man whispered a few words, the two went out together.

Just after the old man left, the middle-aged man got up and asked Lei Yi neither humble nor arrogant: "I heard that, your Excellency is also the Awakened?"

"Should be considered, you are the asylum of this gathering place, Lord Ann?" Lei Yi asked slightly politely.

Even so, he was disappointed deep in his heart. UU Reading www. uukanshu.com

Without him, because the strength of this Lord An is really too weak, actually only has the strength of Tier 4.

Although Tier 4 is already very strong in the eyes of the group of people outside, this strength is really not enough in the face of Lei Yi, the "Tier 9 powerhouse".

Moreover, the opponent's body only fluctuates in spiritual power, without the slightest vitality. It should be that after the celestial being awakened the supernatural ability, the major spiritual power reached such a state.

In other words, the opponent has not systematically tempered the body, and it is estimated that the enemy is simply relying on different abilities.

Generally, this kind of opponent can be easily dealt with as long as he understands the details of the opponent's supernatural ability.

And this Lord An obviously didn't know Lei Yi's strength, nor did he know that there was a huge gap between the strengths of the two sides.

"Your Excellency is very face-to-face. I have basically met the Awakeners in several nearby gathering places. Is your Excellency from a farther area, inland or overseas?"

Obviously, Mr. An also knows about overseas affairs.

"I come from overseas, or a place farther away, it was an accident to come here..."

Lei Yi selectively revealed some identities.

But after hearing that Lei Yi came from overseas, the Ang's eyes gradually changed.

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