I Can Pause Time

Chapter 903: The awakened and the murderer

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Above the wasteland.

Lei Yi rushed into the group of beasts, punched one by one, and quickly broke the group of beasts to pieces.

Although these beasts are not afraid of death, they can't stop the difference in strength between the two sides.

Lei Yi cleaned up this bunch of scum without two or two hits.

When the place where the beasts were located completely subsided, the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, and mutilated beast corpses lay all around him.

But this was not his focus. He glanced over the corpse, and finally looked at the vehicle like a land ship ahead.

The ship is not too big. It is seven or eight meters long. It has an oval shape and a width of nearly five meters. It has rail sails and is driven by wind just like a ship.

On the boat, there was a fat-eared man looking at him blankly, and a white-haired old man followed him.

"What's the situation? A single person cleaned up the infected beast. Could it be the Lord Awakener!" The leader man looked at the beast corpses all over the floor, and said with excitement.

Saved, he was finally saved.

It can only be said that it was God's favor. The passing Awakener realized that they were in danger, so he helped them and saved them.

"Master Awakener, I am a transporter in a nearby gathering place. I don't know which gathering place you are from. Can you invite you to travel with you?" The leader did not dare to disembark, but sent an invitation to Lei Yi.

And what Lei Yi is doing at the moment, he is recognizing the language of the other party.

The conscience of heaven and earth, he had never considered that he and the other party had language barriers.

"It seems to be an ancient script, or a relatively uncommon language. I knew a little bit at the beginning, but I didn't know much about it!"

Lei Yi was helpless, he didn't understand the other party's words unexpectedly.

Even if it is an immortal cultivator with a superb memory, but the first time you come into contact with a language that you don't have proficiency in, you will be confused.

He must compare each other's pronunciation, syllables, etc. word by word, and then come up with the words one by one in his mind, and finally turn it into a language he can understand.

This is a cumbersome process, so in the eyes of the team leader and others, Lei Yi looked frowning and worried.

"My lord, there is something wrong with this awakened person. Is he a murderer?"

The old man has rich experience, and when he sees Lei Yi's reaction, he feels a strong anxiety.

Hearing this, the man's full face of the team leader collapsed instantly.

He is so stupid, why didn't he think of this.

Infected bodies are everywhere in the wasteland, and the average awakened people like to stay in the gathering place. Those who can walk outside either come out to do tasks or are full of evil murderers, and can't stay in the gathering place.

They saw that Lei Yi killed the animal herd. They thought it was a good person, but they didn't even think that the opponent was a murderer.

"My lord, what should I do, do you want to escape?" the old man asked tremblingly.

"Escape, what escape? We can't beat that group of infected bodies. This awakened lord can slaughter them single-handedly. Do you think we can escape far?"

Although the team leader wanted to put oil on the soles of his feet, he extinguished his thoughts after considering the strength gap between the two sides.

He can only think about what means and price he can use to save his life under the hands of the awakened one in front of him.

There are still some subordinates in his team. Although they are not hard laborers, they can still sacrifice at critical moments.

Above the wasteland, what is most lacking is food.

All of his goods are meat, which is also a big bargaining chip.

In a critical moment, he didn't care about any profits anymore. These meats might save his life.


When the leader and others were worried, Lei Yi spoke.

His voice was a little light, and his intonation was a little weird, but it was a language similar to that of the leader.

"My lord, if you have any instructions, I will do so after a while!"

Seeing Lei Yi's mouth, the leader immediately lowered his posture to respond, and his attitude was almost kneeling.

"You...Where are you going..." Lei Yi asked in unfamiliar language after holding back for a long time.

"My lord, we are naturally going to the gathering place. Are you planning to walk with us?" Seeing Lei Yi's puzzled appearance, the fear in his heart finally subsided.

At least he knew that Lei Yi was not that kind of murderer, otherwise he wouldn't talk so much nonsense with them.

With this idle time, ordinary assailants would have been killed long ago.

"Gathering place?" Lei Yi whispered, and then said: "With you, it's a good way to go!"

He was originally looking for areas of human activities, and now it is better to have a guide.

The leader of the team was happy, because he not only turned the danger to a breeze, but also met an Awakened adult who didn't even mention any payment. This is not a free labor for himself.

Of course, for this awakened lord, he naturally wouldn't really treat the other party as a laborer, maybe he had to live and serve him well.

Soon, Lei Yi boarded the land vehicle, and the leader gave an order and set sail again.

Lei Yi also took the time to look at the team. Everyone, including the team leader, dressed relatively simply. The leader of the team was already considered the highest-ranking man, but he was still wearing clothes made of animal skins.

Lei Yi also saw several people with their upper bodies naked. They were wearing only a pair of leather shorts all over their bodies. They were sturdy in shape, but they were called to drink by the leader and others as the order of the next person.

"My lord laughed, these are the coolies I hired. It was my mistake to let them sit here with you!" The team leader thought that Lei Yi was dissatisfied with these coolies, so he could only say with a smile.

"Oh... it's okay." Lei Yi replied perfunctorily, but he actually didn't speak fluently, so he didn't want to say more.

As for the so-called coolies, Lei Yi could see that there should be slavery in this era, and those who were oppressed did not have the mind to resist.

However, he is not strictly regarded as a "local", so he doesn't care about this.

Even if he really wanted to save this group of slaves, the other party might still hate himself in his heart, why would he kill the slave owner who raised him.

And he can save one or two, can it also save all the slaves in the world?

Lei Yi sat on the land boat, like a spectator, observing the words and deeds of the leader and others, and did not express any dissatisfaction.

On the contrary, it was the man who led the team, who had always been "hushing cold and asking warmth" to Lei Yi, for fear of not serving the uncle in front of him.

After all, to cross this wasteland, you still need the help of the "adult" in front of you.

In the eyes of the team leader and others, the protesters are already a decent fighting power, and the Awakened who can single-handedly clean up such a group of infected bodies are even more remarkable.

"By the way, my lord, I don't know where you are from, do you belong?" The leader suddenly asked as he was on the way.

"Belonging?" Lei Yi was puzzled, but did not expose himself, but slowly explained: "I am used to going alone!"

"What, sir, you are an unaffiliated awakener!" Hearing Lei Yi's answer, the leader man was a little surprised.

But then, his eyes began to liven up, obviously there were some thoughts.

"My lord, I don't know if you have any idea of ​​a place to stay. I can recommend a good place for you."

"To tell you, I have been working for an organization of protesters, and I can be regarded as one of their subordinates. If you can join them, with your identity as a awakened person, you will definitely get enough status, and..."

Talking, talking, the tone of the leader was also a little excited.

But Lei Yi is not interested in these things.

What he wants now is to find someone, or find a library, to understand the information of this era.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

The leader of the team was talking happily, but his expression suddenly froze.

More than that, he felt a little moist in his nose. After touching his nose, he saw some blood stains on his fingers.

"This is... blood!"

He wanted to shout, but a feeling of weakness in his body struck him, and he didn't even have the strength to shout.

With a plop, the leader fell to the ground, and after a few convulsions, his life was gone.

"There is an enemy attack!" Seeing the leader, the old man on the side hurriedly shouted.

"Hehehe, far away, I can smell the meat, I didn't expect to meet a fat sheep!"

Just as everyone on the land cruiser panicked, a shrill sound rang behind a nearby soil slope.

"Hidden weapon, sneak attack?" Lei Yi came to the body of the leader man and leaned down and took out a spike from his neck.

This was the hidden weapon to kill the opponent. It looked like a thorn of some kind of plant, carrying a highly poisonous, and the leader of the team was poisoned and died for a few seconds.

"No, it's a murderer!" At this moment, UU read www. The old man in the uukanshu.com team seemed to have noticed something and exclaimed.

Lei Yi saw a ten-man team coming out from behind the slope. Their clothes made Lei Yi refreshed and his eyes brightened.

The uniform crimson vest and the animal skin leggings of the same color, in terms of workmanship and details, are several grades better than his caravan.

However, even if the opponent was wearing a combat uniform, it could not conceal the bloodthirsty madness.

After this group of people appeared, they looked at the land boat under Lei Yi's feet with greedy eyes. He was familiar with those eyes, which were the eyes of the hunter looking at the prey.

"Hehehe, good luck, unexpectedly encountered so much food!" Among the team, the tallest man laughed loudly.

"Kill them all, break them into jerky and take them away!" Then he commanded directly with a wave of his hand.

Lei Yi could hear it, feelings in the eyes of the other party, not only the goods of the caravan are considered food, they are also food themselves.

"Cannibalism, cannibalism in this era!"

Lei Yi thought of this, and then thought of the scene where the previous team leader also used coolies as bait to attract the attention of the herd.

He understands that this era is cruel, very cruel!

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