I Can Pause Time

Chapter 898: Lu Yu is busy

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Magic City, Lu Family Mansion.

A void crack suddenly formed in the courtyard of the Lu Family Mansion.

The cuts of the cracks are neat and smooth, as if they were cut out with a knife. This is obviously not a naturally formed irregular crack.

As soon as the crack opened, several figures walked out of it, headed by Lu Yu.

Behind him are the three brothers and sisters of Lu Yun, Lu Lin and Lu Wushuang.

Under Lu Yu's ability, the group of them shattered the void, returned from the Demon Realm, and directly returned to the Lu Mansion.

"Your luck is good, that kid is in the Lu family. Although Luo Taisui's ability is weird, that kid just restrained him!"

After Lu Yu dropped a sentence, he pointed to Cang Yue Pavilion, apparently sending Lu Yun and the others to find Lei Yi.

"Lei Yi is back?" Lu Yun was slightly surprised.

But they have been in retreat on Kongshen Island, so they don't know what happened outside, and they don't know that Lei Yi has actually been "dead" for a while.

"Yes, that kid was sent to retreat by me. His condition is not very good, but the power of time is still there."

As he said, Lu Yu scolded again: "Fortunately, I thought the Kingdom of God would make a big move, but they actually sent Luo Tai Sui to arrest you three juniors. What a fuck!"

"The Palace of the Young Master of the Kingdom of God is really a counselor. What he can't do is to get someone to come. He has to have the courage, why not go to the empty emperor to participate in the Wuxiangjia martial arts contest and recruit relatives!" While talking, Lu Yu had to complain.

The three of Lu Yun looked at each other. Recently, they were all on Kongshen Island. The news was blocked, and they felt that the intelligence was behind.

After finishing speaking, Lu Yu said, "Okay, okay, you can go find that kid as soon as possible. Your three dads are coming later, don't let him see you like this!"

"Then, ancestor, the three of us will leave!" Lu Yun arched his hands and took Lu Lin and Lu Wushuang to Cangyue Pavilion to find Lei Yi.

Lu Yu looked up at the sky after watching the three siblings enter.

"This time, I'm afraid it's too bad, and relying on the power of the human world, how can you block the kingdom of God and block Lei Yuce?"

Just as he sighed, a figure with a sword flew from the horizon, with black beard and long beard, sharp eyes, immortal style and bones, quite like a sword fairy.

This person is not someone else, but Lu Qianming.

Since he was promoted to the Celestial Realm, he has become a member of the Huaxia Cabinet, and because of his strength, he has been elected as the cabinet's first chief.

At this moment, the nominal "No. 1 Master" of China, is rushing to his home.

Because in the mansion, there is still a much stronger Lu family ancestor waiting.

"Okay, don't pretend, you junior, hurry down!" Seeing this, Lu Yu shook his head secretly, and then cursed directly.

"The ancestor is not anxious, I will come down!" Lu Qianming above, pinched the tactics with both hands, controlled the flying sword and landed directly in the courtyard of the Lu Mansion.

Outside, he was the first cabinet master, a master of heaven and human realm.

But in front of Lu Yu, he was just a junior.

Lu Yu didn't mess around, and asked directly: "Did you convey what you asked you to bring?"

"Conveyed, but..."

"But some people object, some people doubt, and some people gossiping, right?"

"Ancestor, how do you know?"

"Nonsense, it's all'written' on your face. Although your complexion is good, I can see your mood."

Lu Yu curled his lips, and then asked again: "Let's say, who are suspicious, who oppose, and who agree with it?"

Lu Qianming recalled for a moment, and then recounted: "I brought up the news you told me at the cabinet meeting, but many people deny the existence of the Kingdom of God organization. Among them, the group headed by Huangfuyong has the greatest opposition. ."

"It's strange to me. When the Heavenly Dao League was encircled and suppressed, Meng Tian Xing clearly revealed the details of the kingdom of God, and the last four heavenly kings and nine envoys all blew themselves up. Huangfu Yong actually had the face to say that this was false news! "

After hearing this, Lu Yu frowned, and then asked: "So, how many people are suspicious?"

"Anyway, the people who participated in the encirclement and suppression of the Tiandao League believed it, but those who did not participate, except Huangfuyong's group, everyone else was also skeptical. This is something I didn't expect."

"Hmph, I didn't expect anything, it's just that some people were secretly attracted by the kingdom of God, and some people were fooled!"

Lu Yu sneered, he saw this kind of thing a lot.

Why is the Western world so chaotic now? It's not that the kingdom of God is a hindrance.

If it weren't for the dark night, or the mutual use of the kingdom of God, it would eventually lead to a backlash from both sides.

Maybe the two people who are fighting in the Western world are actually behind the same behind the scenes.

But now, Dracula is resurrected, leading the night against the Caesar Empire, after all, he is resisting the kingdom of God.

Since the Western world can be so infiltrated, wouldn't the Kingdom of God secretly win over some people on our side?

When Lu Qianming heard Lu Yu's ridicule, he couldn't believe it.

"Isn't it impossible? Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country, don't they know that once we..."

"Come on!" Seeing that Lu Qianming was about to talk about some great truths, Lu Yu raised his hand to beckon him to stop, and then sneered: "In this world, most people are selfish, and there are more exquisite egoistic people. There are definitely more people who abandon righteousness by themselves than you think."

"Let’s say that Huangfuyong, if I am the kingdom of God, how I would win him is actually very simple. The kingdom of God only needs to promise to support his family after ruling the human world in the future, even if it is a puppet, it’s better than Now it’s good to be squeezed out by you everywhere."

"Although the kingdom of God is domineering, you can't imagine the benefits they do to some useful people. Moreover, Lei Yuce attaches great importance to promises and never breaks his words. His personality and charm are also a major foundation for the prosperity of the kingdom of God. The country sends important figures to personally win over a group of people, then that group of people will definitely turn their backs."

"In fact, I don't have to guess, I know that the Kingdom of God must have sent Su Baiyuan into China, and secretly attracted a large number of people headed by Huangfuyong!"

After Lu Qianming heard this, he was secretly surprised.

"How is it possible that the Kingdom of God is so fanciful, is it not afraid..."

"Big fanfare, young queen, did you make a mistake?" Lu Yu shook his head again and said helplessly: "The Kingdom of God always does everything without leaking, so Su Baiyuan is known as the "Rainbow Cloud" and he is secretly coordinating it. The ability to plan and combine longitudinally and horizontally is not weak. Coupled with his ability to come and go without a trace, who can catch his handle and the evidence that the group of people have fornicated the culprits! "

When Lu Yu said so, Lu Qianming also felt the seriousness of the situation.

Before this battle was fought, someone on his side had turned against him, and he knew it was them, but there was no evidence.

Is there anything more irritating than this?

"Ancestor, what should I do now?" Lu Qianming could only turn his inquiring gaze to Lu Yu.

The latter closed his eyes slightly in thought, then sighed, frowning tightly.

"For today's plan, we can only unite all the forces that can be united, and then gather in one place, ready to fight a decisive battle with the kingdom of God!"

"Where is it gathered?"

"Where else can it be, it's really a magic city!"

"Devil City?" Lu Qianming was a little surprised. Why can Lu Yu be sure that the Kingdom of God will pick Demon City to start?

"If the Kingdom of God wants to attack on a large scale, it will definitely choose the sea route, and the magic city is just close to the coast, and there is another passage to the ancient immortal world. Why should the kingdom of God go near and seek far to attack the inland city of Central Plains, or the north, choose the magic city? The city is the inevitable result."

With that said, Lu Yu looked at the boundless sea east of the Demon City, and a trace of clarity emerged in his mind.

"The kingdom of God will definitely attack from the sea, and we are naturally the first place to bear the brunt. You can let it go... Forget it, let me walk with you, and call all those who can call!"

Having said that, Lu Yu couldn't help but pulled Lu Qianming and set off directly.

Next, the two of them ran the entire Huaxia, not only went north to the Tongtian Pagoda, contacted the people in the north, but also went to Zhongyuan City to contact the major families and gathered many forces.

Of course, there was also an episode in this. The faction headed by Huangfuyong felt that Lu Qianming had acted so vigorously for a "vain" news, which was nothing short of nonsense.

He even confronted Lu Qianming and roared on the spot, saying that Lu Qianming listened to the wind as rain.

In the end, after the two sides quarreled fiercely, Huangfuyong wanted to vote in the cabinet to ban Lu Qianming's name as the patron.

Of course, this item must not be passed, because after all, Lu Qianming is the "only" Celestial and Human Realm master, and the cabinet still needs him to be in charge. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Seeing the people who had been secretly attracted by the kingdom of God be so stunned, Lu Yu rubbed the bridge of his nose, secretly sighing that his heart was tired.

I'm not afraid of teammates' dishes, just afraid of this kind of pig teammates.

They almost wrote the words "I was sent by the enemy to make trouble" on their faces.

In the end, Lu Yu was helpless, but considering that Huang Fuyong was also a member of the cabinet, he couldn't shoot the opponent and could only let him yell.

In the end, he took Lu Qianming back to the Devil City again, and after such a delay, more than half of 2299 had passed.

Not to mention that Lu Qianming and Lu Yu were walking outside, uniting all forces, preparing to deal with the offensive of the Kingdom of God, and also requiring various messengers and intrigues from local "pig teammates".

Lei Yi had been training in the Lu Family Mansion, regaining his strength, and at the same time, following Lu Yu's instructions, seeking new possibilities.

But what I have to say is that the Infinite Emperor entrusted him with "coordinates," and he didn't know how to use it.

Lei Yi retreats in the Lu Family Mansion, and as a result, he has not been able to mobilize that power until now, and he does not even know whether the coordinates are on him or not.

And time, in such a rush, passed by unconsciously.

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