I Can Pause Time

Chapter 887: I'll hang you even if I'm in a coma

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Within the consciousness space.

Lei Yi was tired and paralyzed, because he had fought against his own copy for thousands of rounds, and in the end he finally had no way to recover from the fight.

Now he is very tired, how tired is he.

If there is a bed in front of him, then once he lay down, it is estimated that he will sleep until the sky is dim.

At the same time, a black shadow swooped down from the sky, it was the shadow.

"Shadow classmate...Did you win, too?" Lei Yi quickly asked when he saw someone coming.

Because of the subsequent fight, both the shadow and the replica flew into the sky of the consciousness space, and Lei Yi couldn't detect each other, and naturally didn't know the result of the battle.

"Don't compare me with you as a rubbish!" After hearing this, the shadow immediately scolded.

But then, he also looked at what was in front of him, and then asked: "What the **** is this, and why hasn't it disappeared yet!"

I saw a cloud of purple liquid floating quietly in front of the two of them.

This pool of liquid was suspended in mid-air, changing irregularly, flowing, glowing with purple light.

"I don't know, I only know that the two clones call themselves "infinite power", and I can't figure out the others. "Lei Yi shook his head, saying that he didn't know it.

"Someone gave you something to make you fight with yourself?" After hearing this, Shadow said with a playful look: "That person is boring enough, isn't it enough to have nothing to do?"

"Who knows, the infinite emperor is not something I can guess, but this infinite power makes me a little curious, what kind of power is this, why does the infinite emperor give me this power?"

With this thought in mind, Lei Yi looked at the consciousness space again.

After they defeated the copy of Infinite Power, this consciousness space was restored to its original shape.

The original purple light faded away, and a golden streamer flashed across it, which was the light representing [World].

After a series of questions, Lei Yi suddenly lowered his head and looked at his body of consciousness.

"By the way, why can't my consciousness return to the body?" He just remembered that he had been in the consciousness space all the time, and there was no way to return to reality.

"It seems that if you don't get this thing done, you can't return to reality!" Shadow pointed to the purple liquid in front of him, and explained in a cold voice.

"Fix this infinite power?" Lei Yi was also dumbfounded, looked at the floating liquid, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Since you can't go back, and there is such a mass of things in the consciousness space, the only reason why you can't go back is probably this thing.

"How are you doing it?" Lei Yi asked Shadow Classmate thinking about it.

But who knows, the other party turned into a pitch-black liquid, escaped directly into the ground, and disappeared.

"Damn!" Seeing this, Lei Yi cursed inwardly.

The opponent obviously felt that there was no fighting, so he left the mess for himself to clean up.

But Lei Yi didn't have any clues either.

Looking at the liquid in front of him, the only thing he can do is to walk up and touch the opponent.

"The Infinite Emperor is a god, should I think of everything I can do?"

Lei Yi had tried it before, and the attack hit this mass of liquid, and it seemed to be of no use at all.

So what you can do now is to use your own consciousness to disperse the opponent.

With this thought in mind, Lei Yi cautiously approached the liquid.

When it was approaching, the liquid still did not respond, even if it was less than ten centimeters away from the opponent, the liquid was still flowing irregularly in mid-air.

"This is my consciousness space, and I can't really die, so... just die!"

With a fearless aura, Lei Yi brazenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the liquid that was bursting with purple light.

Then, his mind was drawn into a certain space by a force of suction.

Here, he saw scenes of incredible scenes.

Time and space, a golden avenue, countless strange creatures, golden "∞" mark, cosmic starry sky, alien creatures, a huge golden eye.

The picture freezes. Amidst the stars, a huge golden eye opens, looking at the figure appearing in front of him, there is no trace of emotion in his eyes.

Lei Yi was also dumbfounded, looking at the endless void around him and the eye in front of him, falling into a daze.

Time passed by unconsciously in the big eyes and small eyes.

at the same time.

Garuna's Tower.

The moment Lei Yi touched "Infinite Power", his body also changed.

Purple light appeared on his skin, and countless purple spots grew around his body. Then the spots spread and covered his whole body.

"Hey, what's wrong with you Ergou!" Yekong Ling looked at Lei Yi, who was gradually changing shape, lying on the flying carpet, with a worried expression on her face.

"What's the matter with this guy, what is the power that emerges from his body, why has the main hall never seen it?" Dorothy was also surprised.

However, Lei Yi's state was not good at the moment. While his body was transforming, his whole body began to tremble unconsciously.

This scene made Ye Kong Ling and the fat in her arms full of worries, even Dorothy's brows frowned.

But at this moment, several figures appeared at the entrance of Garuna's Tower.

"Hmph, is this the legendary Tower of Time? Why is it so ugly? It's too cheap!"

"Yes, it's fortunate that I thought the Infinite Emperor was who he was. The tower he built was so mediocre. I'm really ashamed of his great reputation!"

"What's the matter? The ancient gods are nothing more than mere bragging about mortals. In the eyes of my dark descendants, they are just fictional things. How can they be comparable to me."

"Maybe, this infinite emperor is just a relatively powerful ordinary person. His true strength may only be Tier 3 or 4, but in the eyes of a group of mortals, he is already a god, hahaha!"

After these people appeared, with ridicule and sneer, they degraded the Infinite Emperor to nothing.

"It's you, the nasty guys of the dark descendants!" Ye Kong Ling said with a look of disgust after seeing the incoming person.

These people are not others, they are actually the prince and daughter of the dark descendant, the eldest prince Ye Lun, the second prince Ye Zhi, the third prince Ye Yi, and the fifth prince shadow owl.

"The princess of Kong Royal, as a member of the Demon Realm, is mingled with the blood of this sinner. This pair of Kong emperors has a bad reputation!" As the eldest prince, Ye Lun looked at the bells of the night sky, and said in a high manner.

The Shadow Owl met Ying Shan, and the two watched the situation at the same time without much involvement.

However, Shadow Owl stared at Ye Lun and the unconscious Lei Yi with cold eyes from time to time, not knowing what he was thinking.

"As an emperor, you should have the dignity of an emperor, and such contact with a descendant of sin blood is really a price drop!" Ye Zhi also rebuked, looking at Lei Yi's eyes even more unkind.

"This princess is really **** off, you scumbags of the dark descendants, can't even compare to a finger of Ergou!" After hearing this, the night sky bell immediately became angry, and opened his mouth to curse.

"Hmph, this descendant of sin blood should have died a long time ago, if you meet him, let him go on the road!" Ye Lun sneered, killing intent in his eyes.

"Big brother, this guy has insulted me many times, let me have this opportunity to kill him!" Ye Yi hurriedly said after hearing this.

After all, among the people present, he and Lei Yi's hatred is the greatest.

Lei Yi defeated him twice in a row, and for the second time he defeated him in the City of No Light, in front of all the demons in the city.

This made him lose face, even in front of his father.

"Hmph, then do it cleanly!" Although Ye Lun wanted to take revenge on Lei Yi, he let Ye Yi do it in the end.

"Thank you brother!"

Ye Yi finally laughed, but she laughed gloomily.

He walked towards Lei Yi, and began to accumulate dark power in his hands.

"Stop, I'm here, you guys don't want to do anything to Ergou!" Upon seeing the night sky bell, the power of the space in the body was mobilized to block the attack for Lei Yi.

But at this moment, anomalies suddenly occurred.

In the tower of Garuna, the golden light spot in the center suddenly flickered in disorder, bursting out a layer of dazzling golden light.

Wherever the light passed, whether it was Nightfall, Yelun, or the bell of the night sky, all were transmitted by a force.

Outside the tower of Garuna, on the plain.

The golden light lit up, and the night sky bell and others were sent out of Garuna's Tower without knowing it.

"what happened?"

"Is there a prohibition in that tower, and can't use force?"

Soon, Ye Lun and others reacted, and the tower in front of them must have been passive.

They want to do it, so they can only stay outside the tower.

"Alright, since you can't clean up that kid, then you will be cleaned up!" Seeing this, Ye Yi felt a bit resentful towards Ye Kong Ling, and wanted to do it.

But just as he acted, from the tower of Garuna, a figure glowing with purple light rushed out.

"how come!"

"It's a second dog!"

This time, not only Ye Lun and the others were stunned, even Ye Kong Ling's mouth opened to a new "0", with a dumb face.

Because Lei Yi actually "killed" it, Chao Yeyi made a bold move.

"Okay, since you are out, I will save you by going in and dragging you out!" Seeing Lei Yi appear, Ye Ya's killing intent is strong, and the dark power in his body has been raised to the limit.

But the next moment, he saw a flash of figures in front of him, and Lei Yi actually approached him in a flash. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

Lei Yi at this moment is incredibly fast!

"Wait, I'm not ready yet..."

Before Ye Yi's voice could fall, a fist hit him in the face.


In the explosion, Ye Ya's cheek bones exploded again, his head was soaked with blood, and he flew out backwards.

When it hit the ground with a "plop", he was already convulsed and almost breathless.

The force of this fist was so strong that when it attacked, it carried a strong wind, and even forced Ye Lun and others back half a step unconsciously.

If Ye Ya is not the body of the demon, maybe this punch will kill him.

"How come, so strong!" Ye Lun looked incredible when he saw Lei Yi appear.

Because he also fought with Lei Yi, but he didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so much stronger than before.

Similarly, the other party's state at the moment is also a little weird, that strange look, how abnormal it looks.

"Hmph, even if the two dogs fainted, they are enough to hit you!" Seeing this, the night sky bell on the side looked excited.

Because she thought that Lei Yi was trying to save herself, so she killed it.

For some reason, she was still a little happy in her heart.

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