I Can Pause Time

Chapter 881: I think you are upset

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The tower of time, outside.

On the golden time avenue, three figures were walking slowly.

The Dark Sovereign walked in the forefront, while the Yu Sovereign and the Fly Sovereign in the rear became slower and slower.

The thin body of the King of the Flies began to tremble slightly, and every step he took took a lot of effort.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and a dignified touch appeared between his eyebrows.

Because according to his forward speed, even if he finishes this road, he will peel off if he is immortal.

"What's going on, how do you feel that the closer you get to that tower, the more the suppression of the power of law will leave!"

"You don't need to say, I have noticed it too, but you should shut up and save effort!"

After listening to the emperor on the side, his brows were also frowned, but he still kept moving forward, and did not dare to relax.

She knows that once she relaxes, the power of the law around her body will also change, and if it affects the speed, it will get half the result with half the effort.

"Damn it, is Darkness really so strong? It's about to reach the end!" Seeing this, the Lord of the Flies looked forward and said bitterly.

Lei Yuce had already reached the end, and came to the bottom of the Tower of Time, stopping at the door.

The Dark Sovereign approached the end position, throwing away Yu Sovereign and the Flies Sovereign a lot.

It can be seen that there is still a gap between the strength of the two of them and the dark emperor.

As for Lei Yuce, he has practiced the law of time, so he has a big advantage here, so naturally he said otherwise.

Finally, after the King of the Flies and the King of Wish were panting, they finally came to the front of the golden tower.

"No way, let me rest for a while!" Although the King of the Flies is the emperor, he is out of breath after walking through such a path.

For many years, he has not felt this level of exhaustion.

The Emperor Yu on the other side didn't even want to speak, holding a fan, where he kept fanning himself.

"Hmph, you two, it's only this level!" Seeing this, the dark emperor sneered, his expression full of contempt.

Fortunately, the two people who were mocked by him were very exhausted at the moment, and they didn't even have the strength to argue with him. Otherwise, according to the temper of the Lord of the Flies, they would definitely not be ridiculed.

Regardless of the two of them, the Dark Emperor looked at Lei Yuce who was standing in front of him after a sarcasm.

The other party was looking up at the golden tower in front of him, and this process continued until they all set foot on this place.

The height of the Tower of Time is almost incalculable, like an Optimus Pillar, a bridge between heaven and earth.

The entrance gate is more than a hundred meters high and very grand, giving it a sense of grandeur and solemnity.

When the dark emperor walked to the gate, he was also frightened by the tower's momentum, and there was a faint dread in his heart.

The Dark Sovereign looked at the huge door in front of him, but muttered in his heart: "Such a tower is not easy at first sight. There must be various restrictions in it. It seems that it will take a lot of hands and feet to get in."

Then he walked to Lei Yuce.

"After watching for so long, why didn't you go in yet!"

"Lei wants to feel the difference here. Since you are all here, then go in. There are no restrictions here, anyone can enter!"

Dark Emperor: "..."

After that, Lei Yuce took the lead and walked to the door of the Tower of Time, raised his hands, and gently opened the door.

A burst of golden light flickered from the door, and then the Dark Emperor, the Emperor Yu and the Lord of the Flies were all overwhelmed by the golden light.

There was a fault in time, and when they all reacted, they were already in a golden palace.

Magnificent and vast, it seems that it is not a palace made by humans.

"This is the inside of the Tower of Time?"

"Impossible, I didn't even notice how I got in!"

The Emperor Yu and the Emperor of the Flies exclaimed, because just now they saw a flower in front of them, and people came in.

"What's going on, what is the golden light all around!" The Dark Sovereign lowered the pressure even more, and he felt an extremely powerful oppressive force.

The darkness under his feet is gradually fading.

Under the golden light here, he felt that his dark power was somewhat invisible.

"This is the Tower of Time, and what fills this place is the purest power of the law of time. All other powers are nothing more than petty Dolls in front of time!"

Lei Yuce said as he walked forward slowly, but in the eyes of the dark emperor, he seemed to be in place, but his feet were walking.

In the entire hall, it was magnificent and magnificent. Numerous golden patterns were carved on the walls of the surrounding halls, but the Dark Emperor and the three of them couldn't understand a single pattern.

"What's here, I can't feel anything, no, my mind can't get out of the body!" The King of the Flies was shocked, looked around and yelled.

His original purpose was the treasure of the infinite emperor, but he couldn't even let go of his thoughts.

This is not the same as a blind man, how to find a baby?

But at this moment, in the surrounding void, the power of countless laws of time converged in the sky, forming a golden vortex.

Then a golden beam of light crashed down in the vortex, and a figure walked out of the beam.

The figure wears an eyeless mask and a black robe, embroidered with golden texture, which is an eyeball mark.

Similarly, on the white mask of the figure, the eye area is also replaced with a golden "∞" mark.

"Infinite Emperor!" Seeing the appearance of the incoming person, the Lord of the Flies exclaimed even more.

He originally wanted to come here to get the baby, but when he met the owner of this place, didn't he ask for hardship.

"Don't be afraid, this is just a mind body that retains a part of the infinite emperor's divine mind, not the deity!" Lei Yuce said indifferently.

"It's just a mind body!" Seeing this, the Lord of the Flies carefully observed the people, but couldn't feel any breath.

His eyes were full of unbelievable, a mere mental body actually scared him, the Seven Demon Emperor.

"Three hundred years have passed since someone broke in. What are you asking for?" The Mind Body looked at the four people in front of him and said.

His voice is illusory and empty, with a trace of indescribable power, which makes people unable to hear his specific position.

Although the person is right in front of him, the speaker seems to be anywhere in the tower.

"Three hundred years ago, someone came?" The Lord of the Flies asked in surprise when he heard the words of the mind body.

"Yes, the person who came has some connections with him!" The Mind Body pointed to Lei Yuce and replied lightly.

"Sure enough!" Lei Yuce nodded, and then asked: "If I wait to say what I want, will you satisfy us?"

After listening mentally, he shook his head: "Naturally not, I just listen."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone including the dark emperor looked at the mind body with incredible eyes.

They thought that the other party would say something like "pay enough price", "abandon something, you can accomplish the goal" and so on. This is not the same thing they played when the devil world fooled others into the fall.

It turned out to be good, this one is more direct, and tells you clearly that I can't fulfill your wish.

Why doesn't this infinite emperor play cards according to his routine?

Hearing this, the dark emperor took a step forward and said, "Do you just listen to what that person wanted three hundred years ago?"

"Of course not, he said that he needs power, so I taught him the mystery of using the power of the law of time, and finally taught him the method of "Tianshi Damumu". "

"What, Tianshi Handprint!"

Hearing this, the three people of Dark Emperor ignored the mind and body, but looked at Lei Yuce.

After doing it for a long time, it turns out that there is no connection, that person was you three hundred years ago!

"Hmph, Lei knows about this, you taught that man the tricks, but in the end it made me cheaper!" Lei Yuce smiled lightly and said calmly.

"Yes, but unfortunately, that person made the wrong choice in the end, otherwise you may be in a different situation."

"There is no need to mention the past, anyway, Lei won in the end!"

"It's true, there is no need to mention the past."

The dark emperor and the three looked at the Mind Body and Lei Yuce's dumb riddles, and said inexplicable things, all of them were a little speechless.

"I don't understand this a little bit. Why did the person ask three hundred years ago and you helped him, but when we asked, you said that you couldn't do it?" At last, the emperor wanted to see the scene a bit boring and could only ask. Inquired.

"Hmph, this is naturally because of..." The mental body let out a burst of laughter, and then pointedly said: "Because I think you guys are unhappy!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present were shocked.

Not only the Emperor of the Flies, but the Emperor of Yu and the Emperor of Darkness, and even Lei Yuce was surprised.

They also didn't expect that a mental body of the Infinite Emperor was so arrogant, or could the body of the Infinite Emperor be such a person, setting up this kind of dialogue for the mental body.

But it's strange, how did the Infinite Emperor know that a few of them will come here?

But having said that, the other side's mind-body, daring to mock them, almost wanted to die.

"Presumptuous!" The Lord of the Flies, the Emperor of Darkness, including the Emperor of Yu, couldn't help it, and made a bold move.

If the other party is the infinite emperor's deity, they will still be afraid of one or two, but a mere mental body dare to push the nose on the face, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, this is not looking for annihilation.

Within the golden palace, darkness shrouded, and a huge snake shadow emerged from the ground, lifting the head like a small hill.

"My darkness will swallow the light of this place. This place is very annoying to the emperor. Your mind will perish with that infinite emperor!" The Dark Emperor shot, and the boundless darkness instantly enveloped the entire tower of time.

In an instant, all the light here went out, leaving only an endless darkness.

At the same time, the Emperor of the Flies and the Emperor of Wish also shot at the same time. After all, they also suffered from the ridicule of the mind body. If it doesn't mean anything, wouldn't it be justified.

Countless swarms of insects flew out from under the fly emperor's robes, rushing towards the mind body and in all directions.

The emperor of desire is to release a unique power of ideas, spreading to the surroundings.

Standing on the side, Lei Yuce saw this scene with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Obviously he could see that, under the pretense of attack, the king of the flies and the king of desire were actually trying to explore the surroundings by means.

It is estimated that their original intention is the treasure in the Tower of Time.

And the mind body, just looking at all this lightly, still standing in place, without any indication.

And the darkness has covered everything inside the Tower of Time

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