I Can Pause Time

Chapter 876: It's me Dorothy!

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"You don't need to act, let me do it!"

Since its appearance, the mind body, which has never intervened in a battle, suddenly stood up at this moment.

"Are you here?" Lei Yi was also surprised, "Aren't you incapable, and you are not the body of the Infinite Emperor, how do you push back the king of this primitive Demon Race?"

"If it is an outsider, I can't influence it naturally, but it has lived here for so long, and its body has passively absorbed a lot of the law of time, even if it is weak, it is enough to affect it!"

After speaking, the mind body raised its hand and pointed forward, and an invisible energy enveloped the body of the original demon king.

A layer of golden light shines in the opponent's body, although it is faint, it really exists in the opponent's body.

Lei Yi could feel that the opponent's body also has a strength of the law of time, which is even deeper and purer than the strength of time in his own body.

"Let's go, it can't stop you anymore!" After the mind body had done this, it urged Lei Yi to leave quickly.



After Lei Yi confirmed it again, he didn't hesitate, so he flew up and chased Yekong Ling and the others.

Seeing this, the original demon let out a high-pitched scream, then flapped his wings and was about to catch up.

But at the moment it took off, a burst of golden light lit up in the surrounding void, and countless complicated inscriptions blocked its surroundings.

Then the inscription burst out with a supreme power, covering all his body shape.

In just an instant, the light dissipated, and the original demon king actually stood back on the branch again.

The next moment, its beak opened, and it made a high-pitched call again, and it was about to flap its wings again to chase.

But the same scene as what I had just thought appeared again. Numerous golden inscriptions lit up in the void around its body, and then in the golden light, it "returned" to its original place.

The next thing is simple.

As the primitive demon takes off, its figure will be enveloped by that energy, and its body will always return to its original place.

Within a dozen breaths, it kept repeating a bird song, then took off on the spot, and then immediately returned to the spot in an endless loop.

"Mobius time loop!" Lei Yi also saw this scene, suddenly shocked.

"Wrong, this is the power of infinite reincarnation." The mind body shook his head and explained: "The infinite emperor can communicate the origin of time and let the enemy fall into an endless loop, repeating the same action until death. You can't do it. You may only have to repeat the enemy a few times. If there is more, your mental power will be exhausted!"

In other words, the infinite emperor uses this ability without even consuming mental power, allowing the enemy to achieve an "infinite loop" in the true sense.

"Infinite reincarnation, amazing ability!" Lei Yi took a deep look down, then his figure flew into the sky and disappeared quickly.

The Primitive Demon King is still in the "infinite reincarnation" at the moment, and what he thinks in his head is to catch up with Lei Yi and other prey, without knowing that he has been caught by the mind-body means.

This repetitive cycle finally ended after Lei Yi flew a long distance.

The original demon king let out a high-pitched cry, the huge wings spread, and his figure plunged into the dark sky, trying to catch up with Lei Yi and others.

But because of the delay just now, how could it be able to catch up with the three people who had run out of sight.

Therefore, in unwillingness, the beast let out a violent hiss, then grabbed a few monsters in the primitive jungle, and returned to the lair.

Incompetent furious!

Those monsters have become scapegoats, so they have suffered.

As for Lei Yi... he ran away long ago.

Half a day later.

The exit location on the other side of the original jungle.

After experiencing a fearful rush, Lei Yi caught up with Yekong Ling and the others halfway, and then galloped all the way with the two girls, and finally came to the other side of the original jungle.

When he saw the border of the dense forest, the hanging heart in his heart finally let go.

From entering the dense forest, encountering the ambush of the two Nine Envoys of the Kingdom of God, coupled with the chase of the queen of charm, and the original demon king coming out to disrupt the situation.

Up to now, he finally ended his escape, and they walked out of the virgin forest safely with the bell of the night sky.

"I've finally come out, where do I go next?" Lei Yi breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

On Lei Yi's side, a figure suddenly strode forward and rushed up.

Then Lei Yi felt a fragrant smell, his limp body hung on his body, and the other party did more than that.

Lei Yi was stunned, because in his line of sight, a pair of charming eyes were getting closer and closer to his face, and finally they were posted.


For some reason, Dorothy actually kissed Lei Yi.

Lei Yi could feel the soft and smooth touch on the corners of his mouth, that was Dorothy's attractive red lips.

"Doroth, what are you doing!" The night sky bell behind also saw this scene, and suddenly screamed.

But at this moment, Lei Yi's brain was blank, and he was obviously shocked by Dorothy's bold move.

After a long time, the lips of the two separated.

"My first kiss, is this gone?" In his mind, Lei Yi trembled.

He originally thought he would not think about men and women, but what he didn't expect was that Dorothy was hit by surprise.

"Yoohoooohoo~" After Dorothy "committed the crime", she flicked the women's folding fan in her hand and gave out her iconic villain's three-stage smile.

She was triumphant, pointing at herself with a thumbs up and said: "Toolman Lei Yi, you haven't kissed Kongling yet, look at your appearance, obviously you haven't kissed that idiot."

"Ohohohoho~ Remember, your first kiss was my Dorothy!"

At this moment, her tone gradually became arrogant, as if to anger the bell of the night sky, and as if she had planned for a long time, she was about to use her nostrils to look at people.

Anyway, after doing this, her demeanor was simply incredible.

Arrogant, too arrogant.

"Hey Lily~" Mitilda on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and let out a neigh full of doubts.

"You bitch, I knew I should have let you die there!" Ye Kong Ling was so jealous at the moment, his face was completely dark.

"Impossible, why haven't you lifted the influence?"

But seeing the reaction of the two girls, Lei Yi felt tight.

Because the night sky is ringing at this moment, my heart is full of jealousy, and it is even out of words.

And Dorothy was gradually replaced by arrogance, and her triumphant face didn't look like she would have survived a catastrophe.

In this case, there is only one possibility!

The Queen is nearby!

So her ability unconsciously affected the second daughter!

"What's the matter, you humble bastard, why are you not affected by my ability!"

Sure enough, when Lei Yi perceives the strangeness, a white shadow rises from the exit of the primitive jungle, which is not just a charm.

Not only was the Queen of Enchantment, but at the location nearby, the warlords of the Kingdom of God also slammed out, and Shangge was on the list.

When Lei Yi saw Mei Empress shot, he didn't know if he was crying or laughing.

Because it shows that Dorothy didn't really want to kiss herself, but was influenced by the charm queen and made such a bold move.

"It's really bad!" He spit out, looking straight ahead.

The Queen of God and the warlords of the Kingdom of God landed in front of him, this time it can be said that it is truly a dead end.

Because there is no primitive demon king here to disrupt the situation, and the charm queen belongs to an outsider, the mind body can't help herself.

"Hmph, finally, I finally caught you, you humble dog bastard!" A trace of tyranny, a trace of cruelty, and a trace of viciousness emerged in the cold eyes of the Empress Mei.

Her gaze was fixed on Lei Yi, as if nothing else in the world could affect the person she had slaughtered in front of her.

"It's a pity, that **** has been in the empty emperor before, and then went to the dark emperor, otherwise after killing you, I will kill that bitch!"

Although Empress Mei did not name her by name, Lei Yi heard it out and the other party said it naturally refers to his mother.

At this moment, facing the real feud of life and death in the true sense of Empress Mei, he was surprisingly calm.

"You are just out of jealousy of a woman, do you really want to do this?"

"Hahaha, to such a point, I think it's not cruel enough to simply kill you!" The Queen Mei smiled sullenly, and the cruelty in her eyes was even worse.

"For me, if it weren't for too many variables in this place, I would torture you fiercely for a hundred years, exhaust the cruel punishment in the world, and make you live without death, so as to get rid of my hatred! "

Hearing these speeches, Lei Yi secretly said that the woman in front of her was crazy.

Arguing with a lunatic is a waste of time.

Therefore, Lei Yi didn't intend to do useless work anymore, but set aside the posture of a warrior, and the aura in his body was also raised to the limit.

"In that case, just do it, listening to your crazy woman's nonsense, I also feel sick!"

"You dare to scold me, you humble dog **** dare to scold me, you are looking for death!" After hearing this, Meihou let out a high-pitched scream, and then made a bold move.

For Lei Yi, UU reading www. uukahnshu.com This woman does not have any kindness, and some just have a strong will to kill.

With a flower in front of Lei Yi's eyes, people are in an endless sea of ​​flowers.

He didn't even react, how he was recruited, the surrounding scene changed.

The abilities that the Empress uses are nothing else, it is the same "power of illusion" as the fat little fox, but at a higher level.

"Calm down, you leave the primitive jungle, it means that your vitality has not been cut off!" But at this moment, the mind body spoke again.

"What do you mean?" Lei Yi asked immediately, looking eager.

The Queen Mei is all right in front of him, can he not be in a hurry.

"This is the area of ​​the Tower of Time. The original dense forest belongs to the three-regardless zone, but the outside of the dense forest is different. This is the area of ​​activity of one of the ten generals, "Tyrannosaurus Demius". "

"What, can I call ten generals to help?"

"Of course, just as you call Elsa, Demius will listen to your call. So I said, your life is not cut off!"

Following the explanation of the mind body, Lei Yi's brows finally stretched out.

With the help of ten generals, a mere queen and a gang of gods, what fear does he have!

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