I Can Pause Time

Chapter 872: Shangge who doesn't speak martial arts

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Lei Yi never expected that among the nine envoys of the Kingdom of God, there were still such people.

However, he also thought of one thing, Danon can do things that support his teammates and have his own credit.

Then the other person sat and watched Danon's death, and finally chose to sneak attack Lei Yi is not a big deal.

Anyway, the opponent's shot caught Lei Yi off guard.

"Insidious enough!" Lei Yi said, rushing forward.


There was a blast from behind, and needless to say, a pothole must have been blasted out of his original position.

It's just a pity that Danon's corpse, he hasn't finished watching the "movie" yet.

After Lei Yi dodges the attack dangerously and dangerously, he turned around and said coldly: "How do you say this guy is also your companion, and you are the Nine Envoys of the Kingdom of God, don't you have any mercy?"

Behind him, the dust was flying, and a burly figure covered in blood came out from it.

This person has a bald head with a rough face and looks like he is from the Western world.

His body is tall, with bulging muscles all over his body, giving a sense of oppression.

This person is the other Nine Envoy Shangge brought out by the Queen.

"Hmph, this guy is an alternative, and he will die if he dies!" Shang Ge sneered, and then explained: "Among the nine envoys, I look down on three most. The snake and the unicorn are stupid beasts. Class, and this **** that only uses curses."

Obviously, Shangge looked down upon Danong very much, and even compared the other party to a beast like a snake and a unicorn.

"I heard that you killed the snake and the Qilinzi, and now you have killed Danong. To me, you have done a few good things!" Then, Shangge smiled, a little weird.

"I killed Danon, but the snake and Qilinzi really have nothing to do with me!" Lei Yi quickly shook his head and denied it, because he really didn't kill the snake.

As for Xiao Hei, the other party is still alive.

"Hmph, until now, I still think of sophistry, but I despise you!" Shangge sneered after listening, obviously disdainful of Lei Yi's denial.

After all, the facts have been clarified, and in the end you didn't admit it, it's just that we were joking.

But Lei Yi was really wronged, the snake was killed by the Queen of Charm and set off on Lei Yi, it really has nothing to do with him.

"Well, no one believes the truth!" Lei Yi was helpless, but didn't hold any expectations.

"Okay, since you are the one that the Queen Mei insists on killing, let me send you to hell!"

After that, Shangge shot directly.

Compared with Danon, Shangge's attack method was "open and upright", and it turned out to be an unpretentious straight punch.

Seeing this, Lei Yi actually smiled.

Because he had seen all kinds of conspiracies, scheming and killer moves of the Kingdom of God, and suddenly seeing such a "upright" person, he was a little surprised.

But since the opponent chose to fight straight, he would not evade, but also responded with straight fists.


The two of them collided with each other, and then each stepped back a few steps, and they were all evenly matched.

"What a hard body, it can actually take my fist!" Shang Ge was a little surprised, and Lei Yi blocked his punch in a hard-to-fight way.

"Your body is also a little weird. It is estimated that the arm of an ordinary person will be destroyed by me in a punch!" Lei Yi rubbed his aching fist, also feeling incredible.

He came from a warrior, especially after cultivating spirits, his physical strength had already reached an incredible level.

But this Shangge was able to stand up against his own head, even looking at the other side's calm expression, it was obvious that the punch just now had no effect on him.

This is somewhat unlikely, but it really happened.

Lei Yi was surprised, and at the same time secretly said: "Nine envoys have incredible abilities, is Shangge's ability the power of the flesh?"

Seeing Shangge killing again, Lei Yi did not back off, but raised his fist to meet him.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist Profound Righteousness, Heaven Dou Cruel Wolf Killing Array!"

Shangge sprinted for a while, and then found that his body had been blocked by countless wolf shadows.

But seeing this scene, he didn't panic at all, and even looked a little joking.

"A few wild dogs dare to bark in front of me!"

"Is it a wild dog? Just let you judge with your fist!" Lei Yi's voice emerged among the wolves.

In the next moment, the pack of wolves hunted together and killed their opponents.

Seeing the actions of the wolves, Shang Ge still maintained a mocking look, his figure was not moving, and he had no intention of parrying him.

Subsequently, his body was drowned by the wolf pack, and the biting sound was accompanied by the howling of the wolf, resounding for several miles.

But Lei Yi could hear clearly, and among the biting sound was the clanging of gold and iron.

It's the same in perception, as if his attacks didn't make a difference, all of them hit a stone.

"No, it's not a stone. Ordinary stones can't stop my profound meaning. This is..." For a long time, after feeling that the attack had returned without success, Lei Yi's expression became a little surprised.

The pack of wolves faded, and then Shangge's figure emerged.

However, the opponent at this time is no longer the same person.

His body surface was full of radiance, and his body seemed to be transformed into a human-shaped diamond.

"This is the supernatural power of physical change!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi's face instantly became gloomy.

"Hahaha, this is my supernatural ability [Never Broken Diamond]. This ability represents invincible defense and allows me to be invincible forever!" Shangge, who is incarnate as a diamond man, is proud at this moment. Shouted.

"Your name is not domineering enough!" But Lei Yi shook his head, and then said with the same mockery: "Why don't you call it a tortoise shell more appropriate, right?"

"Hmph, are you trying to provoke me with words? Unfortunately, you are wrong. With invincible defense, how can I be provoked by such a low level!" Shangge sneered again, and then his body moved.

After transforming into a diamond, his speed seemed to be unaffected, and he still charged at regular speed.

Lei Yi wanted to try the opponent's abilities, so he squeezed his fists and slapped the opponent as well.

This time, his fist was filled with twelve points of strength, and he hit a straight punch with the greatest strength.


The fist wind violently, as if a wind blade smashed the dust, imprinted on Shangge's chest at an incredible speed.


The impact sounded like a heavy hammer hitting a golden bell, the sound was long and long.

Under Lei Yi's blow, he instantly closed his hand, and at the same time his body quickly retreated.

But as he retreated, he showed pain on his face.

"It hurts, this guy's body structure is definitely not as simple as a diamond!"

He clutched his red and swollen fist, and after secretly comparing it, he discovered that Shangge's physical defenses really couldn't be broken.

"It's useless, it's useless, when I use this ability, I can be immune to all physical damage!" Shangge patted his chest, made a "clang clang" sound, and laughed again.

"It's a pity that you can't take me down!" Lei Yi heard that, although his expression was a bit ugly, he also shot back.

Shangge's power is defensive power, but this ability does not increase speed and other physical attributes.

In other words, he is just a ninth-stage late-stage powerhouse with a layer of tortoise shell. At most, his defense power is a little stronger, but it is not realistic to catch Lei Yi.

"Hmph, who said that I must take you down!" But Shangge laughed even more after hearing Lei Yi's ridicule.

He pointed to the rear and sneered: "Actually, I knew from the beginning that I couldn't take you down. I also knew that my ability to defend was more than enough, but my offense was slightly weaker. So from the beginning, my goal was not to defeat you. I'm holding you back!"

"What do you mean?" Lei Yi always felt a little bad when he heard this.

"What do you mean?" Shangge's body returned to its original shape, and then he smiled slyly: "Have you forgotten that the person who hates you the most is not me and Danon, but the queen."

"So since I saw you, I sent a message to Empress Mei. I delayed you to buy time for Empress Mei!"

As Shang Ge's voice fell, a strong killing intent rose to the sky in the distance, almost without concealing it, and instantly enveloped Lei Yi.

"You **** bastard, you dare to hurt my godsend, you really don't know how to live or die. When I catch you, let you experience the pain of a thousand swords!"

This voice was sharp and high-pitched, and it was extremely resentful, it wasn't who the queen could be.

Only this woman would have such a powerful hatred of Lei Yi.

This hatred stems from the jealousy of Empress Mei towards Lei Yi's mother, and the jealousy of a woman is the strongest hatred.

"You guy, you don't talk about martial arts, so you're ready to go heads-up!" Lei Yi looked at Shang Ge with a stunned expression, but then turned around and fled.

There is no way, after all, Empress Mei is a master of the Heaven and Human Realm, even if he is confident, he can't really feel that he can deal with the Heaven and Human Realm.

Although it is disgraceful, escape is the most practical action at this stage.

"Huh, stupid guy, he would actually believe that the enemy is going to single out such things!" Shange watched Lei Yi run away, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com suddenly sneered.

Because he knows that if the queen makes a move, the opponent can't escape.

"Want to run?" In the distance, Empress Mei seemed to perceive that Lei Yi was about to escape, and she uttered a scream: "Knowing that I have a realm, I dare to run away. It's almost a death!"

With that, a peculiar energy centered on the Queen of Enchantment, began to spread around.

"It's because you know that you have the domain and know that you have a strong killing intent against me, so that you will not hesitate to display the domain, and I will choose to escape!" Lei Yi in the distance did not look back, but made a mockery.

Because the mind body said that in the time tower area, only two people are qualified to display other areas in the wreckage of the infinite emperor's domain.

And the charm queen is obviously not in this list!



[Identity] The Nine Envoys of the Kingdom of God, a force of the Kingdom of God who entered the Tower of Time, chasing the people of Lei Yi

[Ability] Diamond that never breaks

[Ability] Change the physical constitution, obtain the hardness far beyond the diamond, and increase the defense power by dozens of times under the blessing of vitality, and have a strong defense power far beyond the same level.

[Six Dimensions] Strength B Spirit D Speed ​​D Coordination B Distance D Special B

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