I Can Pause Time

Chapter 869: Dangerous Danon

"It's a person from the kingdom of God!"

As Lei Yi was fleeing, he saw several figures in front of him, and at the same time saw the origin of the other party.

If he read these people correctly, they must be warriors of the Kingdom of God.

Because of the dark emperor, the emperor of desire and the king of the flies are very easy to identify.

But the group of people in front of them are obviously not demons or zerg, and they all know that they are from the kingdom of God by the method of elimination.

He never expected that the people of the Kingdom of God would not give up, and they would chase down this virgin forest.

But soon, he remembered the words of the mind body.

"Since you are chasing, then please help me delay the Chaos Demon in the rear!" Lei Yi sneered, apparently making trouble.

Thinking of this, he grabbed the hands of Night Sky Bell and Dorothy, and then jumped, leading the two daughters directly into the soil.

A golden light flickered, and their party directly disappeared in place.

This scene happened to be seen by the warlords of the Kingdom of God, they immediately thought of something, and their faces were a little surprised.

"This kid, disappeared!"

Afterwards, their gazes looked back again, where there was a black "dark cloud" flying close to the ground, towards them.

Needless to say, when the Chaos Demons lost Lei Yi's target, they had already locked on the only living creature in the nearby area, that is, the group of warriors from the Kingdom of God.

It is useless to say more words. They have seen this group of monsters before, and now they finally understand that Lei Yi fled to their location, obviously premeditated.

What to do now, the Chaos Demons have already killed them, and if they want to escape, it will be too late.

Even many people who have said that they want to escape before find that their mental power is rapidly fading, which is affected by the power of Chaos Demon.

"Why is my head a little dizzy?"

"No, these beasts are devouring my mental power!"

"Ah, my spiritual sense, my spiritual sense has also been swallowed!"

"Everyone, don't release the sense of consciousness, this group of things can be absorbed by swallowing, and releasing it is equivalent to giving them a target!"

Amidst bursts of exclamation, the group of gods warlords was surrounded by Chaos Demon from the rear, and then the screams turned into stern howls, and then the place was completely silent.

Chaos demons are monsters. They not only feed on the mental power of the enemy, but even the corpse will become their food.

So when the dark cloud returned because it lost its goal, nothing was left in the same place, not even blood.

The group of attacked gods warlords seemed to have never appeared before, and their mental power and their flesh were swallowed cleanly by the Chaos Demon.

When the Chaos Demon left, a golden light flashed on the ground, and then the whereabouts of Lei Yi and the three reappeared.

"This group of monsters is really difficult. If it weren't for the idiots of the Kingdom of God to distract us, I feel that even if I escape into the ground, I will be attacked by this group of monsters!" Lei Yi watched the chaos demon leave in front of me. Location, heart has lingering palpitations.

Chaos Demon is worthy of being a primitive monster, giving him a very difficult feeling to deal with.

If this virgin forest is full of such creatures that have been extinct in the demon world, then the degree of danger here is definitely more than any dangerous place in the demon world.

Lei Yi took the night sky bell and Dorothy to move on, because he had to make a detour for fear of attracting the attention of the primitive demon in the center.

The virgin forest was huge, and he walked around in circles, so after walking for a long time, he still wandered in the forest.

"Ergou, Ergou, what are you doing? Why do you always detour, see you are always going around in circles?"

His cautious appearance finally aroused Yekong Ling's speculation, and the woman was a little dissatisfied.

"Yeah, yeah, wouldn't it be okay to get out of this forest earlier?" Dorothy nodded in agreement, dissatisfied with her words: "This ghost place, the main hall doesn't want to stay for a quarter of an hour."

"I think too, but this place..." Lei Yigang wanted to explain, but then he wrinkled and looked back.

There was no figure behind him, only towering old trees stood like huge stone pillars.

"Your Excellency has been with us for so long, don't you plan to show up?"

Lei Yi didn't seem to be surprised, and continued to speak, questioning.

"Ergou, who is there anybody?" The night sky bell was puzzled, scratching his head, and asked with a naive expression on his face.

"Yeah, have you been running around all the time, so people are running stupid, who is there?" Dorothy felt the same way.

"These two women, success is not enough to fail!" Lei Yi shook his head secretly in his heart, and continued to shout to the rear: "If you don't show up again, we can leave!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a commotion in the woods behind.

Countless black flying insects pushed aside a piece of grass, shot out from it, gathered in a clearing in the forest, and finally turned into a black robe figure.

"Someone was actually following!" Seeing this scene, the night sky rang in exclamation.

But then, this woman looked at the figure turned into a bug, with a look of disgust: "Hey, it's disgusting."

Obviously, it is either a Zerg or a monster, so that this woman has no good feelings about this virgin forest and the people here.

Yekong Ling is a little bit fatter because he misses it. At least if the other party is there, you can also look at the cute appearance of the little fox, which is pretty seductive.

"Who is your Excellency, who has been following us for so long, what are we going to do?" Lei Yi stepped forward and asked the other party.

"Hehehe, I even questioned me, I still want to ask you!" The man let out a weird laugh, then his tone changed, and said gloomily: "How do you, such a weak person, make the queen of charm move the heart of killing? I even had to give up the mission and turn around to chase you down!"

"It turns out that you are also a member of the Kingdom of God, but depending on your aura, you shouldn't be a junk like a warlord!" Lei Yi asked instead without any anger when he heard the words.

"The warlords of my kingdom of God are not junk goods. They are all considered top figures when they arrive in China!" The visitor retorted, and then said gloomily again: "As for my identity, let me tell you. ."

"I am Danon, one of the nine envoys of the Kingdom of God, and the one who is about to kill you. When I bring your body back, I will be very happy after Xiangbimei!"

"Danon!" Lei Yi was surprised when he heard the name of the other party.

Because he remembered Nan Li's words, the other party had said that he had to be careful with Danon himself.

Although they are both envoys of the nine parties, Nan Li can be reminded of this, which shows that the strength of the other party is certainly not weak.

Or, if the other party has any weird and unpredictable methods, it is dangerous anyway.

"Hehehe, my Danon will take your life!" After the registration number, Danon looked at Lei Yi again, and at the same time, his eyes under the black robe swept across Dorothy and Night Sky Bell.

"You're pretty rich, but these two women, I heard that the young master hall of my kingdom of God also took a fancy. That being the case, after I slaughter you, I will dedicate them to the young master hall. You may be rewarded by your majesty!"

After that, Danon was also unambiguous and shot directly.

However, his method was not an attack, but a roll on the spot, and then turned into a black swarm of insects, rushing towards Lei Yi.

"Wow, bugs!" Seeing this, Dorothy and Night Sky Ling on the side suddenly yelled, looking scared.

Obviously, for women, enemies who manipulate insects are not very friendly, and they will cause physical discomfort.

"Manipulating bugs?" Lei Yi saw this, but he was a little surprised.

Because Nan Li said that Danon’s abilities are very dangerous. How dangerous can he turn his body into a bug?

Just as he was thinking about it, the insect swarm had already struck.

Danon is the "valuable" who knows Dorothy and Yekong Ling, knows that they are the young master's ambitions, and did not include the two girls in the attack range.

From the very beginning, the target of the swarm was Lei Yi, and in a burst of noisy buzzing, the area in front of Lei Yi was sealed off.

"You two, step back a little..." Lei Yigang wanted to turn his head to remind him, only to see that Yekong Ling and Dorothy were already riding on the flying carpet, and they were close to a hundred meters away.

"These two women!" He was a little speechless, and he secretly said in his heart that women are unreliable at critical moments, and they have to rely on themselves for everything.

Either as a tool man or saving himself, he has to face Danon.

Lei Yi's eyes turned sharply, watching the flying insect swarms, not in a hurry.

"Heaven Dou White Snake Attack!" He raised his right arm, and then the white light of his palm bloomed, and countless snake shadows shot out.

The snake shadow rushed into the insect swarm, and then exploded.

Bang bang bang!

Amid the sound of the explosion, the insect swarm collapsed and fell to the ground in a large area.

But Lei Yi found that the group of insects had not received any substantial damage. After being attacked by the white snake, they were still able to take off after struggling and twisting on the ground for a few times.

"Impossible, such a small bug, logically speaking, when it was attacked by a white snake, it should have been crushed long ago!" He didn't understand this scene.

"Hehehe, my insects are not the weak things you imagined, but their vitality is very tenacious!" At this moment, Danon's cold and gloomy words sounded from the insect swarm.

Then amid his clamor, the swarm of insects directly surrounded Lei Yi, and countless ferocious mouthparts opened, biting at him.

"Tiandou Thousand Hands Illusion Kill!" Seeing the insect swarm close, Lei Yi's figure flashed, and then instead of retreating, he moved forward, throwing thousands of fist shadows at the insect swarm that was surrounding in all directions.

Under the attack and sweep, the insect swarm disintegrated again.

Not only that, UU reading www. After the lone flying insect of uukanshu.com was hit by Lei Yi's fist again, his body swelled and then burst open.

This time, the intensive explosion sound was more intense than the white snake attack just now, and a large amount of dark green gas was sprayed out, forming a thick mist with a strong pungent smell.

"Hey hey, the attack power is good, but you made a mistake, that is the bug that attacked me!" When Lei Yi attacked, Danon's voice rang out again.

"This is..." Lei Yi finally noticed the same, instinctively clutching his chest, his face turned blue and purple.

He never expected that this group of insects were not Danon, and their bodies contained toxins.

"What kind of poison is this..." Lei Yi forcibly endured his physical discomfort and asked all around him.

"Poison?" Who knows, Danon sneered after hearing this: "Do you think I will use poison to deal with you with that kind of non-technical means?"

"Boy, you are not poisonous, but the unique ability of my Danon..."

Obviously, what Lei Yi contained was not some kind of toxin, but his supernatural ability!

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