I Can Pause Time

Chapter 860: Simple and crude offense

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Land of Frost.

"Let's go, the person you are looking for has been found by Elsa!"

"Stupid girl, wait, I'm here to save you!" Lei Yi immediately set off with a notification from the Mind Body.

"By the way, can I really ask the Ten Generals for assistance?"

"This is natural, as long as it is in this ice-covered place, Elsa will help you deal with the enemy."

"That's good, this time I must kill the Young Master Hall of the Kingdom of God, this mess is too disgusting!"

Lei Yi nodded, then speeded up to flee, rushing to the place where Elsa directed.

With regard to Lei Tianci, he had a heart to kill, and this time he must destroy the opponent.

Soon, an ice castle made of white ice cubes appeared in front of him.

"According to the information provided by Elsa, there must be dozens of people in it, and there are also nine envoys like Lei Bingning and A Liang. If I were to act on my own, I would definitely not choose to attack. of."

"... But now I have the help of ten generals. If I still choose conspiracy and trickery, will I fail the prestige of the ten generals and the expectations of the infinite emperor?"

Lei Yi looked at the Frost Elsa who followed him, fighting spiritedly.

Inside the ice castle.

The people and horses of the Kingdom of God are now being repaired.

As the elite troops of the Kingdom of God, they wanted to find opportunities after entering the Tower of Time.

But this place is always revealing weirdness, and they don't have a clue about where they are going.

"It's a pity that your majesty didn't give us a hint, otherwise, with your majesty's ability, you can tell us how to get a good baby."

"That's right, this is the residence of the legendary Infinite Emperor. If the legend is true, I really want to see what's in that tower."

"Don't think too much. It is said that many people are looking for this Tower of Time, but we came in, but we didn't get any good things. It was really bad luck."

"What makes me most helpless is that because of the order of the queen, we still need to protect the young master hall, which makes us unable to move freely."

"That said, the Hall of Young Master is also true. Your Majesty asked us to take care of the two female dolls. In the end, he got well and locked them up, saying that they should torture each other well. If this is known by your Majesty, wouldn’t it... …"

Having said that, the faces of these elders of the Kingdom of God are a little hard to look.

Because your Majesty will not blame the Hall of Young Master, even if he blames it, there is a Charm Queen behind him.

On the contrary, these elders are all veterans, but if your Majesty really blames them, he will have to be punished.

After all, the last person who is behind will always be unimportant people like them.

One of the elders thought for a while, shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity, the Young Master Hall is the heir to the Kingdom of God. With his character and ability, if he inherits the Datong in the future, what will the Kingdom of God be like? "

His words naturally resonated with several other people.

Lei Tianci's personality and abilities, as fellow travelers, naturally saw them in their eyes.

To be honest, even if Lei Bingning inherited the rule, it was better than Lei Tianci.

"Why don't we worry about this kind of thing? You don't know the strength of your majesty. Maybe when we retire, your majesty will be in the same year!"

"Yes, your Majesty's strength is so strong, Shouyuan must be much more than ours, even if the Young Master Palace really inherits the Datong in the future, that will be our hindrance."

"We should be thankful that the people who really play for the rest of their lives are the wise majesty, not the dude."

Having said that, the brows of several people stretched out again, and the gloomy color just now disappeared.

"Hey, there are still small animals in this place. Have you seen it before?" Suddenly, a person seemed to have noticed something, and pointed to a wall on the edge of the castle, and asked in a low voice.

Others followed the sound and saw a bird made of ice standing calmly there, a pair of crystal-like eyes staring at them.

"This place is so cold, let alone birds, there aren't even mice."

"Since we came in, we haven't seen other living creatures, but there are some dangerous traps. We have encountered many."

Some of them looked at each other, some wanted to lean up, and grab the bird to explore the bottom.

But just as this person acted, a figure suddenly shot out from below the castle and launched an offensive directly towards it.

"Who is it!" This person was shocked, but his strength as the elder of the Kingdom of God was still there, and he took advantage of the situation.


The two attacks collided with each other, exploded and burst into a violent wave of air.


In the air wave, a scream sounded, and then the remnant of the elder of the Kingdom of God shot out from it, but half of his body had been shattered abruptly.

The blood-stained corpse finally hit the ground in front of other people severely, and this scene also changed all the other elders of the Kingdom of God who were stationed outside.

"Enemy attack!" This was their first reaction.

But then, they were a little confused.

Because outside the Huangsha site, there are people from the Milky Way guarding it, and outsiders can't enter.

And the people who came in, apart from opening the kingdom of God, only the people brought by the Emperor of Darkness, the King of Flies, and the Emperor of Desire, they and the kingdom of God can belong to cooperation, it is logical that they will not be shot against them.

So, who is the one who made the move?

In fact, the person who shots is not lost to any force, but is a free man.

"Lei Tianci, let this mess come out and see it!" The visitor walked out of the explosion and came to the front of the elders of the Kingdom of God, and said coldly.

"Bold, you dare to call the Young Master Hall directly, you are looking for death!"

"Huh, are there anyone who can't call their name these days?" The visitor sneered after hearing this, and then continued to yell: "Let Lei Tianci come out and die!"

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of all the elders of the Kingdom of God became ugly.

They have seen arrogant things, but they have never seen them as exaggerated as the person in front of them.

In the presence of such a large group of people like them, they said that they were going to kill the Young Master Hall. Doesn't this treat them all as weak chickens?

"Bold madman, let you know today that you have to pay a price for speaking arrogantly!" After saying this, an elder couldn't help but made a bold move.

The next moment, accompanied by another explosion, a blood-stained body slammed back, and after twitching for a few breaths, it lost its breath.

The visitor did not kill an enemy accidentally, but instead hooked forward and said indifferently: "Go on, next one!"

Arrogant, too arrogant!

But because of the lessons learned from the two elders, all of them also felt tricky.

Being able to kill them instantly, this shows that the strength of the people here can already be comparable to those of the top ninth-tier masters.

"Lei Yi, I didn't expect to see you in a few days, you have grown to this point!" At this moment, a voice came from behind.

A Liang walked out of the castle and called out the name of the person.

The person who came was naturally Lei Yi who had killed him directly. Relying on his backing, he didn't intend to hide his traces, but chose the most violent way.

"A Liang, it's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't expect your strength to be the same as before. This time you won't seal your cultivation base again, right?" Seeing an acquaintance, Lei Yi also learned the other's tone and greeted him.

"Of course not. Now I am just short of comprehending the power of the law and preparing to be promoted to heaven. There is no way to hide it with a seal."

"That's good, but I'm not looking for you, let Lei Tianci come out and die!"

"Lei Yi, Young Master Hall will not come out to deal with you, but I am curious, why do you dare to appear in front of so many of us, is it because your strength has grown, giving you confidence?"

"Hahaha, confident, you can say so!"

Having said this, Lei Yi did not immediately call out Elsa, but swaggered towards A Liang and others: "The main thing is that now I don't need to be afraid of you people!"

"You are too presumptuous!" A Liang shook his head, and then shouted: "Let's shoot together and catch him. He is the person Mei Empress and Young Master Hall are looking for!"

"Is that this kid, catch him and go back, but it's a great achievement!"

In an instant, following A Liang's reminder, all the elders of the Kingdom of God set off, one after another.

After all, Lei Yi killed two of their companions instantly, so they chose to shoot together this time.

"It's really weak!" But when he saw these elders start his hands, Lei Yi still kept moving forward without any pause.

"Boy, arrogance comes at a price!" One of the elders had already rushed in front of him, with his five fingers clenched into a fist, carrying a wave of hot air, and blasted towards him.

But in an instant, Lei Yi's eyes widened, and a violent energy of Qi and blood erupted from his body, followed by a burst of blood mist.

"Tiandou Thousand Hands Illusion Kill!"

The blood mist was filled, almost in the blink of an eye, covering all the elders in front of him.

Afterwards, countless shadows of fist emerged from it, slamming on their bodies at an incredible speed.

"How can it be!"

"This attack!"

"How could this kid's speed... so fast..."

Accompanied by a few exclamations, UU read www.uukanshu.com followed by screams, tears of flesh and blood, and the sound of fists.

Just between two or three breaths, the blood mist subsided, leaving several shriveled corpses in place.

Instant kill, instant kill again!

Lei Yi almost instantly killed the elders of the Kingdom of God with thunder, and even used Modo blood curse to **** some blood to supplement the consumption.

"It's so weak, are you the elders of the kingdom of God, all of this kind of stuff? It seems that they have no characteristics except for being older?" Lei Yi looked at the corpse on the ground and shook his head with a disdain on his face.

Unexpectedly, A Liang nodded and agreed: "You are right about this. Apart from the older gang, they are not the opponents of those powerful generals in terms of combat effectiveness!"

With that, dozens of figures rushed out of the castle behind him.

This time, it was not the elders who appeared, but a group of people wearing golden armor, but at first glance they were not ordinary guards.

This group of people, all tall and tall, with a strong breath, carrying an astonishing suffocation all over them, at first glance they are all powerful people who have killed many people.

"Is this the warlord of the Kingdom of God?" Seeing these people appear, Lei Yi frowned and noticed a touch of thorny.

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