I Can Pause Time

Chapter 855: Because you are weak!

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The tower of time area, somewhere above the wasteland.

The two figures were flying forward at a constant speed. The speed was obviously controlled deliberately, so it was not fast.

Escape is one red and one green, the former is full of scorching air, but the latter is full of vitality.

"Nan Li, can you still find your Majesty's place after moving forward for so long?" A woman behind, asked impatiently at this moment.

"Muyanluo, how many times have you asked, I can't sense your Majesty's position, and I can't even grasp the direction, so you don't ask anymore!" The person being asked was a little impatient and couldn't hear it. Be patient.

The two of them are the two of the nine angels, Nan Li and Muyanluo.

They had also felt the emperor's call before, so they crushed the teleportation charm in an emergency.

But what they didn't expect was that the means that should have been able to teleport to the target no matter how far apart they were, but sent them over a wasteland.

The area of ​​the tower of time has a tremendous pressure on space, which will cause a huge deviation in transmission.

Obviously Nan Li and Mu Yanluo were hit, and they were not teleported to Lei Yuce's side, so naturally they couldn't join the team.

Fortunately, the two of them are reunited.

It's a pity that the abilities of the two clash with each other, and there is no tacit understanding of any teammates. Even if they form a team, they are just two passers-by, and they don't even like each other.

You can get a glimpse of them by keeping a distance while watching them fly away.

"Hey, the charm is sensitive, and there are people nearby!" At this moment, Mu Yanluo suddenly took out a shining charm, her eyes surprised.

"Haha, there are people calling for help nearby, and finally don't have to drive like a headless fly!" Nan Li in the front also noticed it, and even shouted directly, excitedly speeding up.

"This idiot!" Mu Yanluo cursed when she saw this scene, but she also chased after her immediately.

After all, Nan Li's strength is there. Although she disdains to team up with Nan Li, there are many dangers here, and multiple helpers provide more protection.

The two rushed towards the signal source one after the other.


the other side.

After Lei Yi tied Susanna's five flowers, he threw it directly on a hill, then stood in front of him and waited.

"I don't know who is coming this time, and if he is strong enough, if I attract that person, how should I face it?" He waited while thinking.

"Don't worry, the level of this teleportation talisman is not high, and it won't attract that person." Although the mind body is not the deity, there is still some vision, and the strength of the talisman can be seen.

"That's good, if the Four Heavenly Kings really come, I really may not be able to deal with it!" Lei Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked forward to something.

"Are the four heavenly kings of the kingdom of God?" The mind body used a low and inaudible preset, and murmured.

If Lei Yi heard it, he would be surprised.

Why does the mind of the infinite emperor even know the four heavenly kings of the kingdom of God?

Soon, two rays of light appeared in front of him, flying towards him one after another.

"Oh, are you an acquaintance again?" After Lei Yi let go of his consciousness, he felt a little and smiled immediately.

But after laughing, a coldness flashed in his eyes, because of the two who came, one of them was his enemy.

"Muyanluo, the daughter of the King Mu, you should have died long ago!" His eyes were getting colder and his tone was cold.

"It's you!" The two people in the distance also saw Lei Yi, and at the same time saw Susanna who was **** by Lei Yi's five flowers.

They immediately understood that Lei Yi used Susanna's means of communication to trick them over.

But soon, the two directly landed in front of Lei Yi, who did not hide his traces, and the three naturally faced each other coldly.

"One waste, after being captured, she was still used as a tool man!" Mu Yanluo looked at Susanna and said viciously.

"Boy, how did you get in? Although the people in Yinhe are scumbags, they can't let you in!" Nan Li didn't feel like a smoky tree, but questioned Lei Yi.

After all, this action was dominated by their kingdom of God, and as a result, Lei Yi could sneak in quietly, which is a bit unreasonable.

"I walked in with integrity, but you can't find it!" Lei Yi laughed, and answered the question.

Following the Dark Emperor, although it belongs to the category of hostages, at least there is no need to worry about the trace being discovered.

The Dark Emperor wanted to bring him in with so many methods, how could the mere Milky Way people discover it.

"What are you doing with so much talk with him? Just grab it and hand it to Mei Post to deal with it, and you can get a generous reward!"

"Muyanluo, since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Lei Yi had long had a murderous intent on the wood smoked dill. He was naturally even more unhappy when he heard the other party mention Charm.

As he said, he hooked his fingers at the two of them, and said coldly: "Are you going together, or a wheel fight, I'll take them all."

"Huh, you still need two hands to deal with you. If it's a joke, let me Nan Li..."

"I'll come first!"

Nan Li wanted to make an irony, but before he finished speaking, Muyanluo had already shot directly, faster than him.

"Good guy, how come this woman's temperament has become more irritable than me!" Nan Li saw this, but did not continue to make a move, but took a step back and distanced himself from the two.

Although he and Lei Yi are enemies, as the Nine Envoys, they also have dignity and disdain to bully the less with more.

Since Muyanluo takes the shot first, let this woman take the lead.

Where is Ray Yi?

When he saw that the shot was Cilantro, his face became very weird, and the corners of his mouth even smiled.

"To be honest, I want to fight Nan Li even more!" Lei Yi spit out, and after a flicker of body shape, he avoided a rattan whip.

"Why, do you only dodge, or do you think Nan Li is weak?" Mu Yanluo said viciously when she saw that she couldn't succeed in a blow.

"Well, anyway, I will fight Nan Li soon, so I'll clean up you first." Lei Yi waved his hand and replied lightly.

"What do you mean, look down on me?!" Mu Yanluo's face sank and she gritted her teeth and asked.

"It's just a literal meaning, don't you understand it?" Lei Yi laughed, and then said: "I said I will fight Nan Li soon, because I can easily defeat you. As for the reason..."

"...Because you are weak!"

As soon as this statement came out, the lethality was huge.

As if it had received a great insult, the blue veins on her forehead violently, her eyebrows were frowned, and her face gradually became distorted.

"Because you are weak!"

"You are weak!"



This last sentence echoed repeatedly in Mu Yanluo's mind, making her angry.

"You **** bastard, let me kill you today and take your head back. It's enough to get the reward of the queen!"

Muyanluo said cruel words and shot again.

As soon as the woman raised her hand, a green shadow of a tree rose behind her, turning into a towering tree 100 meters high, and then rooted in the ground.

Countless thick willow branches rose up and turned into giant whips, smashing towards Thunder Yi.

The whip shadow hadn't arrived, and the howling wind had tore through the air, making a harsh sonic boom.

Nan Li, who was watching the battle, was slightly speechless.

"What's the matter, I directly sacrificed the law, this is really angry!" He saw the scene of Muyanluo outrageously, and suddenly shook his head towards Lei Yi secretly.

Although he also wanted to fight against the time supernatural beings, looking at Muyanluo's posture, there was obviously no chance.

"You said that you are doing well, why do you mess with her, this is probably going to be regarded as a plant's nourishment!"

Nan Li already had a bit of speculation about Lei Yi's fate in his heart, and it was just a miserable one.

But Lei Yi didn't think so, he remained calm, and even the weird smile on his face did not subside.

"I'm so calm when I die, I will use your corpse as fertilizer to nourish the plants I raised!" Seeing this, the hostility in the eyes of the wood smoked dill was aggravated, and the killing intention was determined .

The vitality in her body was all injected into the magic form behind her, and the huge shadow of the tree waved the branches and leaves, smashing it at Lei Yi.

But just when the attack was about to kill Lei Yi, he made an amazing move.

Lei Yi lifted his right hand slightly, then stood still, and let the attack kill him.

"Die, little bastard!" Mu Yanluo had a hideous face and twisted corners of her mouth, screaming like crazy.

"Withering!" But when the attack fell, I heard three words light and fluttering.

In an instant, the fallen branches and leaves withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if vitality passed, they experienced a cycle, and finally turned into dust and returned to the earth.

"What's going on!" Muyanluo was startled, and the shadow of the tree she created with the facial expression actually began to wither.

The vine whips that filled the sky turned yellow and dim, and then turned into fine sand, scattered on the ground.

All the attacks collapsed, and no branch can really hit Lei Yi's body.

"You, what did you do?!" Mu Yanluo's eyes fixed on Lei Yi, her face in shock.

Her face, her magical powers were easily broken by the other party, which is simply something this woman cannot accept.

"What did I do~www.ltnovel.com~Isn't it obvious?" Lei Yi smiled, laughing very jokingly, "I just let your plants wither."

After speaking, he then mocked: "Do you only have this ability?"

As soon as this remark came out, Mu Yanluo's face turned hideous again.

"You little bastard, if you don't say that after offending Meijin, you dare to be so presumptuous in front of me, it's almost death!"

While this woman roared, while urging her magical powers, countless vines on the ground rose and came to kill Lei Yi in the sky.

"It's useless, your ability is useless in front of me!" Lei Yi shook his head slightly and raised his hand again.

A circle of golden ripples appeared on his body surface, rippling around.

As the ripples passed, all the plants that had been affected stopped, then withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the roots, branches and leaves all turned into fly ash.

Muyanluo's offensive returned without success again, and Lei Yi downplayed it.

"Is the supernatural power restrained?" Nan Li, who was watching the battle, finally couldn't help but utter a voice.

Lei Yi's ability to wither plants can be said to be the nemesis of Cilantro.

One side is to control the plant to attack, and the other side directly makes the plant wither. How do you say it?

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