I Can Pause Time

Chapter 853: Meet "acquaintances"

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Can the Ten Generals defeat the Emperor of the Kingdom of God?

The answer is of course...no!

Especially, what appeared in front of them now was the afterimage left by the ten generals, not the body.

In terms of strength, it is naturally even more invincible.

"A mere afterimage, just disappear for me!"

Lei Yuce stood still in the air, looking at the sky-high giant in front of him, but his tone was as plain as water.

The answer to him was a big hand covering the sky and the sun, covering all the area where it was, and smashing it down.

"It's useless!" The response to this blow was an understatement and a casual wave of hand.

Mephisto, the giant of the earth, was shrouded in a layer of golden light, and then stopped in place, motionless.

Although his body is a stone, now that he has become a true "stone man", there is such a sense of joy in good things.

"That's it, this is all, this is the end?"

On the other side, Dorothy saw the powerful enemy who was chasing them just now, and after being restrained by someone with a wave of her hand, her beautiful eyes opened wide, showing a look of astonishment as "Are you kidding me?"

The black horse Mitilda riding under her is the same, with big eyes staring wide, her mouth open, revealing a row of white teeth.

"Disappear, the remaining afterimages, the fate of you, etc., are annihilated here with the infinite emperor!" Lei Yuce waved his hand again.

Then the power of the rolling time rippled away, drowning the entire body of the giant.

Under the power of time, Mephisto, the giant of the earth, gradually collapsed and dissipated into sand.

In just a few breaths, the shadow of the ten generals turned into a piece of dust, and disappeared completely after falling to the ground.

Lei Yuce really took care of the powerful enemies who chased Dorothy and Yekong Ling.

Gap, this is the gap in strength.

Seeing Lei Yuce's strength, Dorothy slapped her horse back quickly and let Mitilda drag herself closer.

"Aunt...aunt, uncle, hello, I am Dorothy, you may not know me, but my mother is..." After hesitating, the woman chose to send out greetings.

"Are you Selene's daughter...huh? There is also an empty daughter here, which is really an accident." Lei Yuce revealed cold words under his mask.

But then, he took out a golden sphere from his sleeves and crushed it directly.

In an instant, a golden beam of light rose into the sky, like a mark, pouring into the sky here.

At the same time, within the Tower of Time area.

All the people of the Kingdom of God in the surrounding areas felt like they took out similar props from their bodies and crushed them.

A burst of golden beams of light rose into the sky, and then their bodies disappeared in it, and they were teleported away in a blink of an eye.

In the sky, as if to respond, several beams of light fell, and then a group of people appeared from it.

"Well, why are there so many here? Could it be the interference from this place?" After seeing these figures, Lei Yuce found that the number was wrong, and then looked into the void.

In the time tower area, it does not exist in real time and space, so the spatial means brought in from the outside may be biased.

This is also why the night sky bell cannot be transmitted over long distances, and why all the people in this group chose to transmit, but in the end only some of them arrived here.

"Your Majesty!" When the visitors saw their emperor, they all bowed and bowed.

"Hehehe, two beauties, meet again!" And among the group of people, a discordant voice sounded.

After Lei Tianci appeared, he glanced around and saw Yekong Ling and Dorothy first, and a smirk suddenly appeared on his face.

"God, pay attention, this place is the tower of time, not a place for you to play around!" But Lei Yuce was a little dissatisfied, and he scolded.

"Father, my son, remember!" Lei Tianci only then "seeed" Lei Yuce and quickly saluted.

"Well, you two will act with them. As for whether you can meet Selene on the road, it is hard to say."

Lei Yuce looked at a place in the void and muttered: "As expected of the infinite emperor, even I can't see the power of the law here!"

"Your Majesty, where are you going, do I need to be on my side?" One of the people who came asked.

"No, where I will go later, you are not qualified enough to set foot here. If you go rashly, you will inevitably be destroyed by the Avenue of Time. It is better to go elsewhere to find opportunities."

"After all, these two little girls are the daughters of friends, so let you take care of them temporarily." After saying that, Lei Yuce exhorted, and then his figure disappeared in place in a burst of golden light.

At this point, the emperor of the Kingdom of God continued to move towards his goal, and threw the Night Sky Bell and Dorothy that he had saved easily to the team of the Kingdom of God.

"Send your majesty respectfully!" Upon seeing this, the people of the Kingdom of God all bowed off.

"Hehehe, little beauty, I said you can't escape the palm of the young master's hall, and it seems like that now!" And just after Lei Yuce left, Lei Tianci exposed his nature and yelled at the night sky.

Ye Kong Ling looked at the people of the Kingdom of God, frowning tightly, his mouth pouted, and his face was bitter.

"Ergou, where are you? I'm in trouble now, come and save me!"

Behind the kingdom of God team, on a hill.

The Lord of the Flies, Besib, looked ahead with his hands on his hips.

He is standing on the shoulders of the Giant Horn King at this moment. Although he is a dwarf body, but the so-called climbing and looking into the distance, he has a panoramic view of the actions of the people of the Kingdom of God at this moment.

"Your Majesty, how do you deal with these people from the Kingdom of God?" The Giant Horn King who was dragging him also looked forward, and then asked.

The Lord of the Flies shook his head, with a look of doubts and said: "How to deal with it, of course I don't care about them, who knows if Lei Yuce left any hands or feet on them, if he finds out, you and I will both Can't eat and walk around!"

"Your Majesty, is Lei Yuce very strong? You actually care about him so much?" When the Giant Horned King saw this, he was a little dissatisfied. "You are the leader of the Zerg Clan in my Demon Realm, and you are actually afraid of him being a foreigner."

"Shut up!" The Lord of the Flies was so questioned, he immediately scolded.

But then he explained: "Do you think Lei Yuce is weak? He defeated the fierce emperor in the realm of the law of time, and now he is closer to peeping into the original realm. Even if I and him are both emperors, he is definitely not his opponent. ."

With that said, the Lord of the Flies also looked up at the golden sky and the golden ripples in the surrounding void.

"In addition to the special nature of this place, if you really want to fight life and death here, the emperor might not be able to take one of his tricks."

Having said this, Konghuang sighed: "Although I don't want to admit it, there is still some self-knowledge."

"Can't take one of his tricks, Your Majesty, if you say that, Lei Yuce is not invincible in the world..."

"Not to mention, at least Wuxiang and Daknis still have the strength to wrestle with him. Of course, the premise is that they have a certain advantage in the right terrain. At least here, They cannot be that person's opponent!"

Although the Lord of the Flies did not want to admit it, he also knew the strength of that person.

Because of this, he chose to follow the other party from the beginning.

Because only by following the strongest can you eat meat from his mouth.

Although the insects are not powerful, they can eat the remains of second-hand prey by the side of the hunter.

Even the wreckage is enough for the King of the Flies.

Because this is the Tower of Time, and the residence of the Infinite Emperor, there must be huge treasures that can be unearthed in a place that is favored by this god.

"Go, now Lei Yuce has gone far, let's follow, don't let him go, otherwise we will lose our share of good things!" Seeing that Lei Yuce's breath is about to disappear at the end of their induction, the fly The emperor hurriedly urged the King of Giant Horns.

The latter heard the words, spread his wings, and immediately rushed out with the King of the Flies, and then disappeared here.



A golden beam of light fell.

In front of Lei Yi, several figures appeared.

He glanced intently.

"Oh, I'm still an acquaintance!"

The people who appeared in front of Lei Yi were all from the Milky Way, and among them there were several people who had dealt with him.

The leader is Susanna, the contact person of the Galaxy Organization.

"What's your situation? Why did it suddenly appear?" Lei Yi murmured and looked at each other.

"It's you!" Seeing Lei Yi, Susanna and others were also a little surprised.

Their original mission was to guard the periphery of the ruins of the ancient Huangsha country to prevent any outsiders from entering this place.

But somehow, a boundless darkness spread from under the earth, and then swallowed them all.

Immediately afterwards, they found themselves in an unknown and dangerous place.

Here, once you fall into an invisible trap that you can't see, it may instantly become a corpse, or be stagnated in mid-air. If someone approaches, it will also become stagnant.

After paying the price of many lives, their original team of dozens of people, at this moment, only less than ten people are left.

And at a certain time, they felt the emperor's call, and immediately took out the teleportation charm like an amnesty. As a result, the teleportation deviation occurred, and they came to this unknown place.

The result is naturally obvious, UU reading www.uukanshu. Here they actually met Lei Yi.

"This is the enemy of the Young Master Hall, grab him and take him away!" Susanna immediately ordered after seeing Lei Yi.

Needless to say, the people behind him also took action and rushed towards Lei Yi.

"Be careful, there is a..." At this moment, Lei Yi suddenly changed his attitude and reminded loudly.

When he was halfway through his words, half of the people who rushed up rushed into the trap of some time.

When they reflected, it had become a pile of dust flying in mid-air.

"...There is a trap!" Lei Yi saw this scene, and the second half of his sentence could not be ignored.

This trap is a trap that devours time. Any living body entering the area will have its lifespan swallowed up, even the cells will not be left behind, directly thwarting bones and ashes.

Lei Yi knew the situation at first sight.

But he knows that people who don't mean the Galaxy know.

Before he started, the other party had already suffered half the deaths and injuries, and the rest of the ordinary people also stopped, looking at Lei Yi with horror.

"Why, do you still want to do it?" Lei Yi chuckled and squinted at the group of people.

Now he is no longer afraid of opponents of this level.

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