I Can Pause Time

Chapter 847: The Dark Sun God Appears

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In the Temple of the Sun.

The colossus of birds and beasts is called the Dark Sun God, and this name makes the Dark Emperor dislike it.

Now, Dark Emperor and Lei Yuce stood side by side, standing in front of the giant bird and beast.

"To rule the night and control the darkness, only the emperor can do it!" He looked up at the giant statue, but his expression was full of disdain, and said gloomily: "You bird and beast, what kind of stuff!"

Unfortunately, the colossus is not a living creature and cannot answer this question.

"Darkness, since you are so hostile to this colossus, then smash it!"

"Hmph, this emperor has this intention!"

Hearing this, the dark emperor's expression turned sullen, and he raised his hand and punched him.

In the ground, endless darkness stretched out, turned into a monstrous flood, swept towards the loud noise of birds and beasts.

At this moment, the Dark Emperor was like the center of darkness, and the darkness at the feet of Lei Yi and others was his courtiers, obeying his orders.

The pitch-black "flood" swept over the giant elephant, and the dark sun idol, which had been standing here from ancient times to the present, was completely submerged by darkness.

In the rushing torrent, the cracking sound gradually spread out and became more intense.

"Close!" When he sensed that the attack was almost the same, the Dark Emperor retracted his right fist and placed it on his side.

The darkness fell back to the ground again, and the position of the dark sun idol, the colossus had disappeared, replaced by a ruin.

"Look, what is that?" Just at this moment, a person in the kingdom of God pointed to the area where debris piled up and shouted.

Lei Yi's gaze also followed, and he saw a group of golden light gleaming among the broken stones.

In this group of light, there is no other thing, but a faint light blooms in front of them.

"That is a mark, the mark of the infinite emperor, and the proof of the existence of the Tower of Time." Lei Yuce seemed to know the existence of this object and explained:

"The Tower of Time does not exist in this world, but is located at the intersection of time and space. It flows along with the long river of time, and will appear in different areas at different times and locations."

"But the Tower of Time is not impossible to find. If someone has great luck, he might meet him the next time the Tower of Time appears!"

"According to records, the Tower of Time appeared in the Western world one after another thousands of years ago, and at that time, the Kingdom of Night was still ruling the Western world!"

Hearing this explanation, Lei Yi recalled.

Back in the city of Yardron, Dracula, the vampire king, was indeed the lucky person.

The Tower of Time happened to appear in his territory at that point in time, and it happened to be sensed by him.

If it was almost time, he might have missed the infinite emperor he worshipped.

After Lei Yuce finished explaining, he pointed to the golden mark and solemnly said: "But this mark is more special, because it is the first mark left by the Tower of Time in this world. It is also the place where the infinite emperor built time. The location of the tower is the mark that proves the real existence of the Infinite Emperor!"

After that, everyone in the Kingdom of God, under the leadership of Lei Yuce, walked towards the imprint floating in front of him.

And as Lei Yuce approached, the mark also began to ripple, as if feeling.

"The Tower of Time, let Lei open it today!"

Lei Yuce walked to the mark, raised his arm, and stretched towards this thing.

The golden light appeared in his palm, and the force of time spread out immediately, turning into countless threads invisible to the naked eye, spreading towards the area where the mark was.

The turbulent power of time not only covered the area of ​​the imprint, but even had a plan to spread throughout the temple.

There is also a layer of golden light on Lei Yi's body surface, which is the mutual induction of the force of time.

"No, the identity can't be revealed!" He immediately reacted and wanted to suppress the power of time in his body.

But what he didn't expect was that the Dark Emperor was faster than him.

When a faint golden light appeared on the surface of Lei Yi's body, a black shadow directly rose under his feet, submerging his body, and even the fluctuation of the power of time was covered.

When Lei Yi's eyes went dark, the person disappeared in place.

Not only him, the dark emperor may be afraid of Lei Yuce's suspicion, but also dragged the eldest prince and others into the darkness.

After all, pulling a Lei Yi may cause suspicion, but pulling all the men and horses brought in is even a means of protection.

In order to cover up the little action just now, the dark emperor even pretended to be angry and asked: "Lei Yuce, what are you doing, pretending to be a ghost, don't you want the tower of time to appear?"

"Daknis, don't you feel it?"

"What did you sense?"

"It sensed that I controlled the coordinates, so the dark sun **** awakened!"

"What are you talking about, how is it possible?"

Hearing this, the dark emperor couldn't believe it, but then his face suddenly shook, and he looked down at his feet.

It turns out that at some point, darkness has completely enveloped the Sun Temple, and all the surrounding light has completely disappeared.

It was originally his ability to manipulate darkness and turn an area into a dull world.

But in order to cover Lei Yi, he just called out the darkness to cover the whereabouts of Lei Yi and the prince and others, and did not drive the darkness to cover the entire temple.

Since he didn't do it, isn't there someone else who drives the darkness?

Being able to drive darkness for his own use under the dark emperor's eyelids, and he didn't find out for a while, could it be that the dark sun **** really survived.

The boundless darkness enveloped the temple, and the emperor of desire, the king of the flies and others also noticed the abnormality.

"Daknis, did you do it?" Yuhuang asked with a frown.

"What are you doing, do you want to take action against this emperor?" The king of the flies was outrageous, and directly rebuked.

"It's not me, I didn't provoke the darkness..." But the Dark Emperor was also wronged, because he really didn't make it.

But just as he was about to explore the source of darkness, the surrounding scenes changed again.

The boundless darkness began to fade, and the outline of the Sun Temple gradually emerged from the darkness.

"How come, I obviously broke it..." The Dark Emperor discovered that the sun idol in the middle of the temple had actually recovered.

Not only that, the dark sun idol seemed to have come alive, with two red lights blooming in his eyes, as if two flames were burning, the huge wings flapped, and the entire temple began to collapse.

"Don't be afraid, this is a normal phenomenon. Below the temple is the coordinate position. The entrance to the Tower of Time is here. Don't resist, let the darkness take us over!"

Lei Yuce announced loudly, and then with his hands on his back, he let the darkness rise under his feet, completely covering his body.

"Why is this ability so similar to the Dark Sovereign?" Yu Sovereign and Fly Sovereign, both staring at the darkness rising from under their feet, like a black fluid, were stunned.

"This is dark fluid, no, this is the ability after advanced!" The Dark Sovereign was also surprised, because he could feel that this force was almost from the same source as himself.

His physical ability is repelling this dark force.

But after hearing Lei Yuce's words, he resisted the urge to resist, allowing the darkness to drown himself.

"This dark power, both in density and quality, is stronger than the simple "Shadow King", even the emperor feels that this power can actually match me..."

Before he finished speaking, his body was completely submerged in darkness and disappeared in it.

All the people in the entire temple were drawn into the darkness.

The body gradually sinks, and then loses the sense of gravity.

It was pitch black all around, let alone people, even the concept of space was about to blur.

But just in the darkness, a light suddenly appeared under his feet.

"Yes, yes, my power of time is telling me that it is the coordinates of the time tower!"

In the darkness, a slightly joyous voice sounded, vaguely recognizable, it was Lei Yuce's voice.

Similarly, Lei Yi also found a hint in the darkness. As he was sinking, a voice called him.

Unlike the others, there was no golden light spot under his feet, but it was still pitch black.

But in the darkness, it seemed that something was awakening.

"This is..." Suddenly, he looked forward, his body trembled even more.

Because in front of his eyes, two red rays of light suddenly lit up, like two flames, turning into a scorching sun.

This is a pair of eyes, a pair of giant eyes without a trace of emotion.

And as the light lit up, a huge bird and beast head appeared.

This was actually the dark sun **** in the temple just now, and the other party actually came back to life and appeared in front of Lei Yi!

"The time...the time...not...to..."

A faint sound suddenly rang in Lei Yi's ear.

"Who is talking?" He looked around quickly, but there was nothing but darkness.

In the end, his gaze could only focus on the "Dark Sun God" in front of him.

It's a pity that the other party didn't move at all except looking at him with a pair of huge eyes.

After a few breaths, the other side flapped its wings and let out a high-pitched eagle.

This voice seemed to have the power of shocking the sky and suppressing the clouds, and instantly penetrated Lei Yi's eardrum, and had the power to tear people's soul. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Under the loud noise, there seemed to be warhammers in his ears, thunder trembling, and his head almost burst.

Then Lei Yi seemed to be electrocuted, his consciousness gradually blurred.

When his consciousness disappeared, he saw the huge body of the dark sun **** gradually shrinking and turning into a ball.

"Is this a bird, how did it become an egg!"

After spitting out this sentence, he completely lost consciousness. In the endless darkness below, it gradually sinks.

But after sinking to a certain level, his right arm burst out with a golden light, and the mark of the Infinite Emperor appeared again.

In the endless darkness.

Someone seemed to feel something and looked in a certain direction.

There, a faint golden light spot was gradually lighting up.

"Why is this breath so familiar!"

"Wait, he is summoning the coordinates of the Tower of Time. Is the person who met the Infinite Emperor here, who brought it, who is it?"

"The Tower of Time appeared, and the light really shouted out of the Tower of Time. I also prepared many methods, but I didn't expect it to appear!"

The golden light filled the entire darkness, and everyone was dragged by this force into a certain space...

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