I Can Pause Time

Chapter 841: Swallow Dragon Blood

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The next day.

Lei Yi was a little depressed, because the dark emperor didn't know what was wrong in his mind, and actually put him in an underground prison again.

The cold stone gate closed, and he returned to the "old residence" in the city of no light.

"Could it be a bit humane? I've agreed to arrange for me to live in a partial palace. I haven't lived in for a day, so why did I shut it back again!" Lei Yi walked to the prison door and shouted outside. Tao.

Outside the prison, two jailers passed by, and after hearing Lei Yi's anger, they smiled sarcastically.

"Hmph, kid, save a bit of effort. It's not about keeping you for a lifetime. Your Majesty will let you out in three months!"

"Yes, and this is the Demon Realm, and we are not a weak human race, where does the humanity come from?"

Well, what else can be said, it is impossible to talk about human nature with the demons.

"The fat guy, when he heard that I was going to be imprisoned again, he ran away, and he didn't have any awareness of shared adversity!"

Lei Yi spit out fat, and then sat down boredly.

According to the order of the dark emperor, there seems to be an action three months later, and he will be free.

If according to the mother, three months later should be the time when the dark emperor is going to explore the Tower of Time. The other party keeps himself because he needs to use his own time.

"Three months, I can do something else during this period!"

Lei Yi looked at the stone house he was in with a calm expression, as if thinking about his next actions.

For these three months, he should have been unable to get out.

No light is the base camp of the Dark Emperor, his uncle probably won't let him leave, so he might as well wait for the past three months, and wait until the tower of time to take another step.

"What can be done in three months?"

Lei Yi thought so, a sharp glow suddenly appeared in his head.

"Yes, I can swallow Yuanlong's blood and cultivate the ultimate meaning of "Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist"!"

Thinking of this, he walked to the door of the prison cell and looked around for a moment.

After confirming that there was no one around and that this place was the deepest part of the underground prison, he was relieved.

After a while in the space props, he took a red blood bottle in his hand.

"According to the description of the original fierce emperor, in order to cultivate the ultimate, one must refine the blood of the deep dragon, and the blood of the deep dragon cannot be completely refined by the blood curse of Modo. It must use higher-level magical powers. "

After a while, Lei Yi had another volume of simple things in his hands. This was the book that recorded "Du Tian Shen Sha-Volume 1".

Soon, he calmed down, and began to read the book "The God of the Gods".

At first glance, it was out of control.

Soon, all his mind sank completely, unable to extricate himself.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.



"Like a big trough!"

With three shouts in succession, Lei Yi looked excited and his face was full of excitement.

But soon, his expression of excitement was completely suppressed, and he was replaced by regret.

"It's a pity, although the gods are awesome, the conditions for cultivation are too harsh!"

Because what he had in his hand was only a remnant, the complete Tianshen didn't know which horn Gada was lying in the ancient immortal realm, or it had been lost with the destruction of the ancient immortal realm.

"Forget it, let's scroll up, anyway, I only have Yuanlong blood in my hand, and there is only one transformation that can be cultivated!"

Moreover, "Du Tian Shen Sha" is not an ordinary method of transformation, it is too low-level!

This technique is the legendary technique of incarnation outside the body, and its full name should be called "Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons", which records twelve kinds of cultivation methods of incarnation outside the body.

If the "Twelve Capitals of Gods" can be fully cultivated, the caster can simultaneously call out twelve different avatars of the beasts, each of which has the strength comparable to that of the caster himself, and can display the uniqueness of the beasts. Talented supernatural powers.

"Once someone has cultivated the twelve avatars, let alone invincible of the same level, it will be too cheap. It is estimated that Bailianzhan of the same level is as easy as eating and drinking!" Lei Yi thought so, feeling a little excited.

However, the fragments in his hand only recorded six incarnations of the four fierce beasts, namely Chaos, Qiongqi, Yinglu, Lutie, and Yuanlong and Taiyin Youying.

The second scroll corresponds to the true dragon, sky phoenix, white tiger, and Xuanwu of the four holy spirits, as well as the unicorn and the sun.

To practice "Twelve Capitals of Gods and Devil Change", you must obtain the blood of the twelve beasts.

Essence and blood are different from ordinary blood. It is the essence of the beast's body. Every drop of essence and blood will greatly damage the vitality of the beast, and even consume too much essence and blood, and there is a risk of falling.

Therefore, the essence and blood of sacred beasts are not so easy to take. First, the other party will not give it, and second, there is no source.

Lei Yi had almost never seen other divine beasts except for the Yuanlong blood in his hand.

"I don’t know if Elder Gui is a basalt body, and Xiao Hei is considered a unicorn, but unfortunately there is no cultivation method for scrolling down, and it’s a question of whether someone else gives something like essence or blood. waste!"

He whispered, and opened the "Du Tian Shen Sha-Volume 1", and turned to the incarnation of Yuanlong.

He has only scroll now, and only Yuanlong blood beside him, so the only external incarnation that can cultivate is this one.

"This "Twelve Capitals of the Gods" seems to be the secret of the Unintentional Shenzong, but the sects are gone, and the inheritance is broken, then I am not a stealer!"

Without hesitation, Lei Yi opened the blood bottle in his hand, poured a drop of Yuanlong blood, and swallowed it directly with his head up.

In an instant, a strange smell dissipated in his mouth.

"It's fishy!" He spit out, then sat cross-legged, hurriedly refining.

As a result, just after he sat down, the blood qi in Yuanlong's blood exploded, and a puff of qi and blood instantly filled his entire body.


The strength of this energy and blood even directly broke through his limbs, and burst out from his body and hit the surrounding walls of the stone chamber.

Suddenly, in the deepest stone chamber, a rumbling roar like a gust of wind rang out.

"what happened!"

"I don't know, it happened suddenly, I was quite surprised!"

"Where is the movement coming from?"

"It seems to be the innermost place, where that kid is closed?"

"Go, go and take a look!"

The jailers in the underground jail heard the wind and rushed towards the stone room where Lei Yi was held.

As a result, as soon as they approached, they felt a fierce and terrifying aura spreading inside, causing them to stop and even dare not approach.

"This kid, what are you messing around inside?" A demon guard immediately exclaimed when he saw this.

But soon, this horrible breath disappeared.

This demon was a little apprehensive, but when he thought that the dark emperor's order was to shut down this kid, and there must be no mistakes, he could only move up cautiously and look inside.

"God, what is this!" When he saw the scene in the stone room, he suddenly yelled.

Seeing this, the jailers at the rear shuddered in terror, and some of them had their legs weakened.

The same was true of this shouting Demon Race, his legs were soft, and he collapsed directly to the ground.

"In, in, in...what's in it..." A demon behind his teeth trembled and stammered.

"You, you, watch it for yourself!" The Demon Race's feet have not resumed movement, so they can only crawl to the distance with their hands, and at the same time turn their heads and let others see by themselves.

A demon from behind was pushed out, and he leaned forward to the cell door like one step and three, looking in fearfully.

"Hey, there's nothing, that kid is lying down?" As a result, he let out a soft cry.

"What's the matter?" The other demons in the rear were stunned. If there was nothing inside, why was there such a movement just now, and why the first demons made their legs weak in fright.

But then, the other demons all went to the door to check, but all they saw was Lei Yi lying on the ground, asleep.

"The qi and blood in this kid's body are very strong, it seems that something went wrong in the cultivation, right?" The experienced demon clan saw Lei Yi's appearance and said in this way.

"Then what should we do, should we take care of it?"

"Whatever, your majesty's order is to imprison this kid. We are only responsible for guarding. As long as he doesn't die here, it is better to do more than to do less!"

The jailers around also felt reasonable. They saw that although Lei Yi was unconscious, but his breathing was still steady, his chest was still undulating rhythmically, they knew he was fine.

After all, Lei Yi was at the level of a magic commander, as long as he did not die, he would recover quickly.

So the jailer didn't plan to go in either, but let him lie in it.

Only the first demon clan was a little bit shocked, because he remembered that the first thing he saw was not Lei Yi, but an unknown monster covered with black scales.

The monster's appearance was terrifying, and it was more hideous than any monster he had ever seen in his life.

This group of demons didn't know it. Just after they left, a black mark suddenly appeared on Lei Yi's chest, and then gradually a black dragon tattoo was formed on UU Reading www.uukānshu.com.

When the tattoo gradually emerged, some copper-sized scales appeared on his body surface, but they quickly disappeared.

In the same way, the black dragon's tattoo also began to appear looming after it emerged.

This situation continued for a few days, until Lei Yiyou woke up a few days later.

"Cough cough, why the stamina of this Yuanlong blood is so great, my whole body is painful, this is too ridiculous, isn't it just a drop of blood?" Lei Yi felt the pain in his whole body and said with a look of astonishment.

He had never expected that this drop of Yuanlong's blood actually contained such a domineering power.

I just swallowed a drop, almost indigestion, causing a body explosion.

But what he didn't know was that this "Twelve Capitals of the Gods Demon Change" was not a supernatural power he could cultivate at this stage, but he had to reach a higher level before he could cultivate.

After all, this is the secret of Unintentional Divine Sect. Judging from the ranks of Ancient Immortal Realm, this is the secret of Wuxin Divine Sect.

And Wuxin Shenzong was not a small sect back then, and the rank of a secret canon was not a general secret technique.

It should be said that Lei Yi had swallowed a drop of Yuanlong's blood and was not dead yet, but was somewhat lucky.

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