I Can Pause Time

Chapter 835: The prince to fight

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The Tower of Time!

The place Dark King Daknis has always wanted to go to is actually the Tower of Time!

When Lei Yi heard the news, he was not so confused.

Although what he saw today has made him confused, he did not expect to hear such news from his mother.

"Daknis knows he can't beat the Emperor of God, so he needs help from outside, and the Tower of Time is his only chance!"

The woman, Ye Qingcheng, Lei Yi's mother, said so.

She looked at Lei Yi and slowly said: "And to enter the Tower of Time, you need someone with the power of time as a guide. It's a pity that not everyone has this ability. At least apart from that person, it should be. Only you will inherit it perfectly."

In other words, apart from the emperor of the Kingdom of God, only Lei Yi has the qualification to enter the Tower of Time.

Even if it is Dark Emperor Daknis, it is impossible to drive the Emperor of the Kingdom of God to help him, so there is only one choice left.

"Remember, although Darkness hates you and me, he hates himself more than others. He has always wanted to rule the Demon Realm, and even the whole world, but one person was blocked in front of him, so he hated that A person’s hatred is absolutely beyond your imagination. In order to gain a chance to confront him, even if he wants to temporarily let go of another period of hatred, he will choose to compromise, and this is your chance to live."

"Mother, I remember!" Lei Yi nodded his head, expressing his understanding.

"Well, that's great, although I still have a thousand words to talk to you, but time is not enough..."

Ye Qingcheng raised his hand, the golden mark on his arm had become dimmed, and the mark on Lei Yi's arm was the same.

Lei Yi could feel that there was already a spatial repulsive force on his body.

"Remember, when you enter the Tower of Time, you should run away from the Demon Realm, and then don't..."

Ye Qingcheng wanted to say something, but the repulsive force became more and more powerful, and he even started to push Lei Yi out of the space.

"Mother..." He opened his hand to grab something, but unfortunately this was impossible.

Finally, in a burst of golden light, his body was forced out of this space.

"...Don't come back, don't come back to see me!" Ye Qingcheng finally watched Lei Yi being pushed out, and could only mutter.



A cave covered by eternal ice.

"Hey--" I heard a long sigh from the cave.

Then the place fell into a long silence.

A city without light.

The deepest part of the underground prison, inside the room where Lei Yi is.

"Mother!" Lei Yi suddenly yelled, and the fat in front of him jumped up.

"嘤嘤嘤! (¬_¬ In the little fox's contemptuous gaze, Lei Yi slowly recovered.

"Oh, it's a pity that I didn't actually meet." He sighed when he found himself back in the prison.

But this time, he knew a lot, and he learned the most important news at the moment.

Dark King Daknis needs a person with the power of time to help him find and open the way to the Tower of Time.

As for his father, Lei Yi was also a little confused.

"How could this happen? Isn't the emperor of the Kingdom of God my father? Then who he is is also Lei Yuce. Are there many Lei Yuce in this world?"

He scratched his head and said that he was not a participant, how could he know what happened back then.

Maybe Lu Yu, who lives on Kongshen Island, knows, but if the other party doesn't tell him, he can't ask now.

All in all, Lei Yi can only continue to practice, restore his strength, and prepare for the next competition.

"Fatty, what are you going to do next?" Then, his gaze shifted to the little fox lying in front of him and asked curiously.

"Hey yeah~" The latter raised his little paw and gestured.

Lei Yi: "..."

Well, he doesn't understand, and doesn't know what Fatty wants to do.

But the general idea is that now the entrance to the cell outside has been closed, and she can't get out, so she can only stay next to Lei Yi.

The three days were in the process of cultivation and recovery, and it passed quickly.


Three days later.

A city without light, an arena.

Three days ago, Lei Yi defeated Ye Yi here, making the Ye Family's royal family ashamed, and the younger generation was pointed out by other demons in the City of No Light.

Especially the eldest prince, the second prince, etc., have felt different eyes these days, which made them very angry.

They hated Lei Yi, but even more hated Ye Yat who was defeated by Lei Yi.

Because if it hadn't been for Ye Yi to lose to Lei Yi in front of everyone, they wouldn't be so blinded.

I have to say that the three views of the eldest prince and the second prince are somewhat upright, at least knowing that the responsibility lies with Ye Yi, rather than simply hating Lei Yi.

As for now, it is estimated that the eldest prince is already gearing up.

In the arena, this time it was full of seats.

The previous three princes have already "opened their eyes" to them. Presumably, the big prince playing today will definitely make them even more feasting.

Lei Yi was escorted into the arena again, and it was still the stone room, but this time no sneaky demons appeared to give him something.

"Fat, now I'm going to participate in the competition, you can find a place to hide, if I am not dead today, you come to me again!" Lei Yi exhorted to Fatty in the stone room.

"Hey! (??_?)?" The latter gave him a cheering gesture, and then he rushed out with a "swish", disappearing into the arena in a blink of an eye.

These three days have suffocated the fat, and now he can finally leave the prison, this girl is eager to go out.

As for what to do in Wuguang City, Lei Yi guessed that some well-known restaurants in the city might be looted these days.

"Boy, I've sent you into the arena!" Just as he was teasing, a team of escorted Mozu guards arrived and took Lei Yi into the arena.

Lei Yi did not refuse, and set off with them.

Arena, on the high platform.

"Father, this time the child will definitely save face for the Ye Family's royal family!"

The prince Ye Lun solemnly promised, and then jumped up with a vigorous step, and fell into the arena with a light stature.

"The Grand Prince is on the stage!"

"Oh my god, so handsome, he deserves to be the prince!"

"It is said that the prince is a top demon general. He has been fighting against the demon clan outside the Northern Territory all the year round, and his strength is amazing. As expected!"

"Come on, the prince, let the descendant of sin and blood see the strength of the first person of the young generation in our dull city!"

With the appearance of the eldest prince, cheers resounded like mountains and tsunami.

As the prince of the Ye Family, Ye Lun deserves such a privilege.

The Dark Emperor on the high platform nodded unconsciously, acquiescing to the approval of these eldest sons.

But all this made the second emperor Ye Zhi, who was sitting near the Dark Emperor, very uncomfortable.

"In terms of strength, I am actually no worse than my eldest brother. Why doesn't my father let me take the shot!" The woman was thinking whether my father was more biased.

"Sister Ye Zhi, do you think your eldest brother will win? If you lose, wouldn't you be beaten again?" At this moment, a crisp voice rang in Ye Zhi's ears.

"Yingshan, are you here too?" Ye Zhi did not answer the question whether the eldest prince would lose, but greeted the other party.

The Four Empress Shadows came, and beside him was a young black-haired young man of almost the same age.

However, compared with the Ye Family's royal family, this young man's eyes were gloomy, and even at a young age, it gave people a feeling of calculating.

"Shadow Owl, I didn't expect you to come too!" Ye Zhi was also a little surprised when she saw the young man.

"After all, it is the face of my dark descendant royal family. As a disciple of the shadow family, I naturally want to come and take a look!" Ying Xiao said, a gloomy color flashed in his eyes.

After all, if he could, he also wanted to represent the royal family, not just as an audience.

"Hmph, as long as my night family is still there, your shadow family can only rank second!" Seeing this, Ye Zhi sneered instead.

In her heart, she even murmured: "If the father is not obstructed by the ancestral training, he has to marry your shadow family and give birth to you two princes and princes belonging to the shadow family, how can the shadow family be my dark descendants? The second largest royal family."

The royal family of the dark descendants in Wuguang City is not one family, and has always been two families, namely the Shadow Family and the Night Family.

In the past, only two families can inherit the dark emperor.

Almost every few generations, when one is strong, the other weakens.

But the two families have ancestral training, each generation of the dark emperor needs to marry another family's prostitute, and the children born need to inherit the other family's surname to ensure the continuation of the royal blood.

Because of this, neither family has ever broken down.

Coincidentally, every time that strong family begins to weaken, the other family will grow stronger again, taking charge of the dark descendant's imperial power.

It is said that the shadow family was very strong before the dark descendant old emperor, but due to some changes, in the end the shadow family fell, but the Ye family developed and gave birth to a powerful person like the old emperor.

But now, the night family has a king like Daknis in charge, but the shadow family has never been left, not even a king.

Not to mention these, at this moment, Yingshan and Yingxiao, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, after saluting the dark emperor at the front, also found a place to sit down and acted as the audience.

It is worth noting that Shadow Owl is followed by a rickety old servant who has been waiting on his side.

"Now, please enter another contestant!" A staff member announced in the arena.

The big prince Yelun was already present, and as the stone gate on one side of the arena opened, Lei Yi's figure also appeared from it.

"Hmph, the descendants of sin and blood, are they finally here!" The eldest prince sneered when he saw the visitor.

He wore a pitch-black armor stomach and held a Fangtian halberd, standing here as if he were a general, waiting for his opponent to come.

"I was the third child before, have you changed to the boss this time!" Lei Yi also saw his opponent, and his eyes also burst into battle.

In order to survive, for the slim chance, and to be able to see his biological mother in the future, he had to defeat the opponent.

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