I Can Pause Time

Chapter 811: Darkborn Prince Yeyi

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The three princes of the dark descendant, Yeyi, actually entered the fierce emperor.

Lei Yi was only surprised by this incident, but Yin Ke smelled an unusual smell.

"How could it be possible that the third prince of the dark descendant, why were they able to enter the hidden place? Who on earth let you in!" This woman obviously didn't believe that there would be a king or a big family to let her in.

"Hehe, he is someone you never think of!" Ye Yi sneered, but did not reveal the identity of this person.

"It's a pity, I originally planned to recruit him, but I didn't expect to be killed by you!" Then he glanced at the corpse of the blade demon general on the ground, showing regret and disdain.

In his plan, he helped the Blade Demon to retrieve his arm, and when he returned to the Dark Emperor, the opponent would definitely swear allegiance to him.

Unexpectedly, in the secret storage area, the Blade Demon would actually die in the hands of Lei Yi.

This is equivalent to the magic crystals he spent in the City of Blossoms. This investment is a bit worthless.

As for his current safety, the prince lord is not worried.

He looked at Lei Yi with the intention of recruiting, and then he said: "Foreigner, you have defeated him, and your strength is enough. Why don't you be my subordinate? When I inherit the Dark Emperor, you can join me. Let's reign over the entire demon world together!"

Lei Yi never expected that this prince Yeyi could still recruit himself, and he still used this kind of old-fashioned method.

"You haven't become the dark emperor yet, just solicit people, won't anyone really believe your empty words?" He mocked the other party, and even wanted to laugh.

As soon as he said this, Ye Yi's face sank.

"Hmph, this hall is the dark descendant prince, a favorable competitor for the dark emperor's position in the future. If you declare your allegiance now, you still have the merits of the dragon, don't waste your chance!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in this, but you want to sneak attack on me, but don't even think about it!"

Regardless of how the dark-born prince wooed him, Lei Yike's killing intent did not decrease but increased, and he also became disgusted with this person.

"Well, well, since you don't receive the love of this temple, then you don't have to live!" Seeing that the solicitation failed, the prince Yeyi suddenly had the intention to kill, so he had to do it.

"Wait!" But at this moment, Lei Yi suddenly raised his hand to stop.

"Why, did you figure it out?"

"No, before I killed you, I suddenly thought of something. I wanted to ask you clearly, do you know the name Ye Qingcheng? Where is she?"

Lei Yi glanced at Ye Yi, and finally chose to ask a question.

"Ye Qingcheng!" Hearing these three words, Ye Yi was shocked. It was obvious that he did not expect that a small foreigner would actually know the name.

"Why do you know this name, a foreigner, why do you know the name of our sinner?"

Lei Yi saw that the other party's reaction was violent, and he muttered, "So, you know?"

"Although this traitor is a sinner of our clan, she is my father’s sister and my aunt in terms of generation. It’s a pity that she was stupid and committed an unforgivable thing. In the end, she was taken by the dark emperor. It was my grandfather who sent it to Konghuang to receive punishment."

"Later, I heard that she was not honest there, but was sent back to the City of No Light by the Emperor Kong. Now, she should be imprisoned in the Dark Dragon Abyss by the Emperor."

"Heilongyuan?" Although Lei Yi didn't know the situation of Wuguang City, he also wrote down such a place name.

"Lei Yi, you don't want to go to the city without light, it's a place more dangerous than our fierce emperor, I advise you not to go!" Yin Ke quickly asked after hearing this, as if there was a hint of right in his tone. Someone’s concerns.

"It's a mere foreign race, let alone entering Black Dragon Abyss, even if it wants to enter the Dark City, it is difficult!" Ye Yi also sneered, obviously not thinking that Lei Yi could go to Black Dragon Abyss.

After all, this place, even among the dark descendants, belongs to the level of forbidden land, and unless his father sends the order himself, no one can enter.

"Okay, I already know the answer to the question, the next step is to kill you, and then end the trial here!"

Lei Yi waved his hand and did not continue to struggle with this problem. Instead, he let out his aura and locked Ye Yi with his divine consciousness.

"Since you don't accept this prince's solicitation, then die for me!"

Ye Yi didn't intend to waste time anymore. Seeing that Lei Yi didn't compromise, instead he asked irrelevant questions and shot directly.

His figure is slender, and his figure is no different from ordinary people, but he is also quick to move, and he quickly hit Lei Yi's face.

Ye Yi punched out and took Lei Yi directly.

But what made Ye Yi couldn't believe was that Lei Yi hadn't moved a little bit, and he didn't even glance at him, letting the attack hit the face.

An incredible scene appeared, Ye Yi's fist was really soft and weak, and when it hit Lei Yi's face, his body turned into a black shadow, and it collapsed directly.

"Huh, use the shadow to create the clone, but the body first hid in the shadow, and attacked the opponent. Is that the only way for your dark descendants?" Lei Yi suddenly turned around, and then saw a shadow rising behind him .

"How is it possible!" In the shadows, Ye Yi's figure appeared, but his expression was shocked, and he obviously didn't expect his attacking method to be seen through by Lei Yi.

But soon, he calmed down, with an extra black dagger in his hand, and stabbed Lei Yi in the chest.

"Too weak!" Lei Yi buckled his five fingers, and the dagger was buckled in his hand. Naturally, the attack could not continue.

"Huh, stupid!" Seeing this, Ye Yi sneered instead.

In the ground under his feet, countless shadows rose and turned into large black hands, grabbing at Lei Yi.

The big hand quickly grabbed Lei Yi's body and dragged it towards the shadows.

"Since you know that I use shadows, you are not defensive at all. It's really stupid!" Seeing Ye Yi succeeded in a blow, his opponent was so upright that he couldn't believe it.

But now that half of Lei Yi's body has been dragged into the shadows, he can be said to have a chance to win.

"Lei Yi!" Yin Ke hurriedly shouted out loudly when she saw this.

"I'll do it myself, no help!" But Lei Yi interrupted.

Then Lei Yi clenched the dagger tightly with his right hand, fisted with his left hand, and blasted directly.


Ye Ya's chest was hit by a punch, and the whole person was blown out by the fist.

"Ahem, it's useless for me to fly, you will still be dragged into the shadows, then it will be my victory!" After Ye Yi landed, he coughed a few times, but his complexion was still full of confidence.

But the next moment, his smile froze.

Because Lei Yi just waved his arm, he actually broke up the black shadows around him, and then lifted his foot and broke free from the shadows.

He seemed to walk out of the muddy ground, and walked directly out of the power of Nightfall.

"This...how is it possible...this is the shadow of the Darkborn, why can you break free?" Ye Yi opened his mouth slightly, with an incredible face.

"Why can't you break free?" Lei Yi smiled without anger, shaking his head again and again, as if mocking the other party.

"Hmph, even so, my dark descendant's method is not only to control the shadows, you can die!" Ye Yi sneered with his surprise.

He grabbed the void with his right hand, and in the shadow of the ground under his feet, countless dark thunder and lightning condensed towards his body.

Seeing this very familiar scene, Lei Yi shook his head again, without even moving his figure, and walked towards the other side.

"Pick my dark thunder!" Seeing this, Ye Yi made a move directly.

The pitch-black lightning was like a poisonous snake, tearing the air apart and blasting on Lei Yi's body.

But what caused the prince Ye Yi to be astonished again happened. Even if the dark thunder hit Lei Yi, the latter did not take a step back. Despite the thunder and lightning raging on his body, he still maintained the attitude of coming oncoming.

The arc was beating up and down all over his body, but Lei Yi didn't stop even if he was in blue smoke.

In this way, he walked to the dumbfounded Yeyi.

"Does your attack only have this ability?" Lei Yi looked down at the opponent as if he didn't care.

"Why, the dark thunder is actually ineffective against you, your defense power can't be so strong, why, why..." Yeyi is now as if seeing a ghost, stunned, muttering to himself, repeating Some words.

Lei Yi raised his hand with a punch, and slammed Ye Yi's face firmly.


A figure was spinning quickly and flew out towards the distance. It was Prince Ye Yat.

He was so embarrassed because all his attacks were cracked by Lei Yi, and the opponent was almost unscathed, resulting in no fighting spirit.

Just kidding, your own attacks are useless at all, it's a slap!

"So, die!" Just after Ye Yi fell to the ground with a blue nose and a swollen face, Lei Yi walked up to him slowly, raising his hand to kill him.

"No, I am Yeyi, the prince of Darkborn, you can't kill me!" At the last moment, Yeyi's desire to survive broke out and shouted.

"Your identity and I want to kill you have nothing to do with a dime!" Lei Yi was indifferent, his fist fell.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

For some reason, an astonishing energy burst out from Ye Yi's body, a black aperture opened, and then Lei Yi directly blasted back.


The aperture burst, a squirming black shadow enveloped it, and then Ye Yat's body was lifted up.

"Father, I didn't fail, I didn't fail!" But Ye Yi was even more panicked when he saw this scene, UU reading www.uukanshu.com shouted hoarsely.

He opened the collar and held a black pendant on his neck tightly, his expression even more panic.

Because he knows that if this pendant is activated, although he will not die and can return to the city of no light, he also said that he has encountered life concerns. In the eyes of the dark emperor, his impression will be Reduced.

"No—" Ye Ya almost roared out, but as the pendant burst out with a dark light, a black beam of light rose into the sky, and his figure also rose into the sky with the beam of light.

From forming to dissipating the black beam of light, it takes a short while.

When Lei Yi reacted, there was no trace of night escape.

"Is it the dark emperor's method, so it can break through the restriction of the hidden place and save the third prince?"

Lei Yi thought for a while, but it was a pity that he could only secretly say, after all, if an emperor wants to save people in the air, even if there is prohibition and resistance, it is estimated that he will not be able to stop it.

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