I Can Pause Time

Chapter 803: 1 point bolder

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"Purple Fire Pill, a realm-breaking pill, helps monks temper the soul fire in the body and bloom the power of the soul. It can be used for any realm breakthrough below the magic phase realm."

Looking at the description of this line, Lei Yi said Niu Beer.

Looking at the introduction, this pill is a very suitable pill.

It seems that this Hundred Slaughter Palace is really a bit of a doorway, and he actually knows what he needs most now.

And not only that, besides this medicine, there is a blood crystal beside it.

Lei Yi just scanned his spiritual sense and saw the number marked on it.

"200000 points", this is the number of blood crystal points marked in it.

This point is not too much to be honest, but playing against so many of the same level has also benefited him a lot.

Moreover, you don't have to pay the price of your life to challenge in the Hundred Slaughter Hall. If you are defeated by the blood shadow outside, you will die. If you are defeated in the Hundred Slaughter Hall, you will only be sent out by the teleportation array.

Overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"The rewards for ten consecutive battles of the same rank are so rich, then the higher the rank ten consecutive battles, isn't it..."

After seeing the trophies, Lei Yi's courage grew, and he even wanted to try the taste of a ten-tier battle.

Thinking of this, he really did it.

Stepping on the teleportation array again, with the light shining, Lei Yi was teleported into a burst of blood mist.

"Please choose the type of challenge..." The blood mist around him began to surging, and words came.

Lei Yi was about to report the five characters of "Ten Lien Chan", but he hesitated when he said the words.

Ten companies of the same rank are so strenuous, wouldn't it be more outrageous for ten companies of higher rank.

He felt that he had to make more preparations, at least try to see what level of the opponent's strength is.

"I want to challenge the next level!" In the end, for the sake of safety, Lei Yi chose the next level, but not Shilianzhan.

The blood mist surged and then receded one after another, and a huge golden Buddha statue came into view.

The location where he is located is a circular martial arts field, and many Buddhist sculptures can be seen around it. Obviously, the venue has become a Buddhist sect.

In the sky, a beam of blood fell, and then a middle-aged monk wearing a golden monk's clothing and staring at nine ring scars on his head appeared.

Although this person is a spiritual body, not a real flesh and blood body, his exposed aura is very powerful, even several times far higher than that of ordinary magic generals, faintly reaching the navy of high-level magic generals.

And probably because of the importance of Buddhism, Lei Yi felt that the other party's aura was steadily rising, not to be underestimated.

"Shenxiao Jingang Temple Bodhidharma must post a postscript, please advise!" After the monk appeared, he held his fists and introduced himself.

"What, Shenxiao Jingang Temple!" But Lei Yi looked dumbfounded after hearing the other party's self-reported door.

He immediately turned his head and swept around, and as far as he could see was a huge temple on the top of the mountain.

In the continuous building complex, there are countless towering Buddha statues interspersed with, the Sanskrit sound is heard, the glorious holy appearance, dignified and majestic, so impressive.

The scene here has a faint correspondence with the scene he saw on the Ancient Immortal World Yanshen Mountain.

On the archway of Nayan Shenshan, there are vaguely written three characters: "God", "Gold" and "Temple", with two characters missing in the middle. At this moment, hearing the introduction of the other party, does it mean that the missing two characters are "Xiao" and "Gang".

This site is actually the scene before the Shenxiao King Kong Temple was not destroyed.

But in such a stunned effort, the monk's attack has been killed.

The other party's leg is a kick.

This foot gesture was heavy, fast as lightning, carrying the power of a mad dragon, and even the sound of the dragon's roar could be faintly heard.


Just as Lei Yi reacted, his chest was hit hard by the afterimage of a dragon.

"Wow!" With the scream, he felt his chest explode.

Then there was a flower in front of him, and the person was wrapped in a cloud of blood, and then he was teleported out.

"This monk's kick actually took him a second?" This was the only thought left in his mind when he was teleported out.

Hundred Slaughter Hall, in the middle of the main hall.

The teleportation array gradually extinguished, but Lei Yi was stunned, with a wrong look on his face.

Although he knew that it was difficult to challenge a higher level, he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

In this first step-by-step battle, he was sent away directly by the kick of the first enemy, without any chance.

"It seems that I have to be honest, not too courageous, otherwise this will be the end!" He touched his chest, feeling lingering, and shook his head secretly.

It's no wonder that Bailun Palace only has five options. There may be some chances for this higher-order challenge, but it is almost impossible for Lei Yi to do the higher-order ten consecutive battles.

By the same token, ten Lien Zhan of the same tier are already exhausted. Isn't this Hundred Lien of the same tier ninety-nine to die halfway.

"That's so good, I still want to... wait, the rules seem to say that any method can be used, doesn't it mean..." Just when Lei Yi was in the category, a bright light flashed in his mind.

He thought of an opportunistic way, or a loophole in the mechanism here, maybe he could help him cheat and pass the ten consecutive battles.

Lei Yi already had a concept in his mind, and then he checked the concept several times before he nodded in satisfaction.

"I just got such a pill, and came to this Hundred Slaughter Hall again. If I don't try it, wouldn't I be sorry?"

Thinking like this, he sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

This cultivation is not to break through the ninth level, but to let one's aura reach the edge of breakthrough.

This sitting down is a matter of days.

A few days later, the aura in Lei Yi's body finally returned to its peak, and there was a faint sign of breaking through to the Divine Soul Realm.

"Enough!" He opened his eyes, the catalog divine light, then stood up and walked into the teleportation formation.

The light lit up, and he was teleported into the challenge area.

"Please select the challenge type..."

"Ten more tiers in a row!"

After asking that voice, Lei Yi directly chose the highest difficulty.

This higher rank ten consecutive battles is more difficult than the same rank hundred consecutive battles, and the rewards are the richest, and his means can only be used once, so the greatest benefit must be sought.

The blood mist surged and then subsided. This time, the place where Lei Yi appeared was a splendid and splendid palace, which was like a secular palace.

He is now located on a huge square, surrounded by palaces with white jade as bricks and glazed tiles as tiles, giving him an unspeakable sense of beauty.

A blood-colored beam of light descended from the sky, and then a middle-aged man wearing a Big Dipper robe walked out of it.

His eyebrows are thick, his forehead is wide, and there is a short beard at the corner of his mouth. He looks majestic.

But what surprised Lei Yi the most was the other's aura, which seemed to be stronger than the monk from the Shenxiao Jingang Temple he had seen before.

"Seven Yaomen Yuheng Palace King Ru, please advise!"

After that, the middle-aged man raised his hand and pointed out a finger, and a daylight shot out from it, coming towards Thunder Yi Yi.

"It's a good come, but I won't take the move!" But in an instant, Lei Yi chuckled and muttered the words "Hourglass" in his heart.

Suddenly, time stagnated, the bright daylight coming from the face stopped in mid-air, and the look of the middle-aged man on the other side also stopped.

Everything around him stopped, only Lei Yi was in a golden halo.

In front of him, there was a golden hourglass floating quietly, it was the hourglass that suspended time.

"When I enter the challenge, I only have the strength to refine the spirit realm, but if during the challenge, I'break through' to the spirit realm, isn't it a hangup?"

Lei Yi looked around, and after confirming that there were no other problems, he sat down directly on the spot, took out the Purple Fire Pill, and swallowed it directly into his mouth.

Suddenly, in his lower abdomen, a burst of fire-like power slashed away, rushing towards his limbs and corpses frantically.

Lei Yi hurriedly started adjusting his breath, refining the power of the chemical medicine, and at the same time urging the technique of "Breaking the Heaven" to start practicing according to the operation route.

He wants to break through to the ninth tier in the first battle to challenge the tenth company of the higher tier. In this case, he will turn the tenth company of the higher tier into a tenth company of the same tier.

It’s a lot more difficult to get a ten company higher than that, but isn’t the difficulty of a ten company of the same tier reduced?

With this idea, Lei Yi decided to try it.

I have to say that he was so courageous that he actually thought of using this method.

But at this moment, he has no time to take care of other things, because the medicinal power of the purple fire pill has been urged, and his aura has begun to rise gradually, and the power of divine consciousness in his mind is more like being ignited, and it starts to boil gradually. .

He knew that he was going to break through!

"After refining the God Realm, it is the Martial Dao Divine Soul Realm. I don't know if this method of mine is the first person in all ages, but I have to try to break through today!"

Lei Yi said with emotion, his consciousness gradually melted into the ignited soul fire, guiding the soul fire to burn and evolving into the legendary sacred fire.

For breaking through the Divine Soul Realm, lighting the divine fire in my mind is the most critical step.

At this moment, Lei Yi was sitting cross-legged in the competition field. In front of him was the man who claimed to be Wang Ru. The opponent maintained an offensive action, and his magical powers even flew to a normal distance.

But just such a distance of a few meters has become an insurmountable gap.

A few days... more than ten days have passed, and his attack on UU Reading www.uukanshu.com still didn't make any progress.

And on that day, a fierce flame burst out of Lei Yi's body, and then the flame began to rise, rushing towards the sky, gradually turning into a clearly visible figure.

The facial features of this figure are still a bit vague, but the overall shape has been fixed, and it looks like a young man, almost the same as Lei Yi.

The figure was dressed in a light red robes, sitting cross-legged on top of Lei Yi's head, with his hands folded in prayer.

The flame completely covered the figure's body, tempered, tempered, and tempered.

This is the necessary stage to condense the spirits, and the spirits must be washed with the fire again and again to make the spirits reach the best state.

Although Lei Yi closed his eyes tightly, he could also feel that the soul burning in the soul fire was gradually increasing, and his aura became more holy and pure.

His soul is about to truly condense and take shape.

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