I Can Pause Time

Chapter 801: 0 Slaughter Hall

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The final trial place, somewhere in the desert.

Lei Yi was speechless at the moment, very speechless.

"I'll go, it's endless, right? Watch me hammer you to death!"

In front of him, another vague blood shadow appeared.

And this is how many enemies he has encountered here, and the opponents are like endless, one after another after death.

But fortunately, these blood shadows don't know how to join forces. Often one of them is dead, and the second one appears, as if they are coming in a line.

This time, what appeared in front of him was a figure with huge arms. It looked like a man, but his face was vague and he couldn't recognize his appearance.

"Crazy Fist Sect cultivator, 27,000 blood crystal points." The other party's message appeared after the divine consciousness swept away.

By looking at the name, Lei Yi knew that this was a monk who refined his skills.

Naturally, he was not afraid of the other party, and had been irritated by this group of figures for days, so he had no restraint in his hands, and directly greeted each other with a crazy ape arm.

Under his desperate blow, the figure was able to resist a little at first, but finally couldn't hold on, and was directly smashed to the body.

The opponent's body collapsed, leaving only the corresponding blood crystal points in place.

Lei Yi sighed and stepped forward to take down the less than 30,000 points.

He glanced at the blood crystal points on his body, and it was already close to the 500,000 mark.

"A dozen more people, I feel that my points are expected to exceed one million!" Although he has encountered strong enemies repeatedly, the thought of blood crystal points is slowly increasing, which is one of his few expectations.

However, he was thinking that he was struggling to deal with the successive attacks of these blood shadows, so can the other testers be able to sustain it?

In fact, as he expected, every time the Vault is opened, the most trial people die on the final trial ground.

After encountering the blood shadow, they often don't consider fighting, but looking for companions to rendezvous to establish a numerical advantage.

Although these blood shadows would chase, they mostly acted alone, and would not call out their companions to join hands to chase and intercept the tester.

If you are lucky enough to meet your partner, your chances of surviving greatly increase.

But in the end, the trial was very large, and often many trialists died on the way to find a companion.

Otherwise, he would have not escaped the **** shadow at all, and would have died in the rounds of attacks that appeared.

After all, even the demons would feel tired, but the blood shadows here are endless.

After Lei Yi killed a blood shadow, he went on the road again and continued on.

He couldn't remember how long he had been walking, he only remembered that he would fight with the blood shadow along the way, and after a battle, the blood crystal points would be obtained.

When Lei Yi stepped into a certain area, the surrounding scenery changed.

In the wind and sand, a layer of blood smeared out, blocking his vision.

"What's the matter?" Lei Yi muttered subconsciously, and then a broken wind sounded in his ear.

Needless to say, this is another attack from the blood shadow, and this time the enemy is different from the previous enemy, the opponent actually knows how to hide his body and chooses to attack.

However, Lei Yi's complexion was calm and composed, his figure remained unmoved, but he raised his hand and punched him backward.


His fists collided with the opponent's attack, bursting out a wave of air, blowing away a little blood mist around.

"Let me see, who is here this time!" He said calmly, and his divine consciousness leaned back.

"Broken Shadow Sect monk, 33,000 blood crystal points." In the divine consciousness, the feedback information came.

"Broken Shadow Sect, what kind of sect is this? I have never encountered it before. Is it a new enemy?"

He turned around and carefully looked at the figure in front of him, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The other party did not act like the other blood shadows. He immediately moved his hand after a missed hit. Instead, he shook his arms and drew two big windmills in the air, guiding the surrounding blood mist to gather towards his figure.

The body of the other party was completely submerged by the blood mist, and then he lost his breath.

On Lei Yi's side, the blood mist became dense again, and the opponent was obviously hiding in it.

"Hid your head and show your tail?" Lei Yi glanced around, then sneered, "You forced me!"

He let out a wild roar, and then a wave of air blasted out around his body.

Although the blood mist was dense, it was blown away for the most part under the sweep of the air wave.

In the remaining blood mist, a blood-colored figure was hiding in it as if looming, but at this moment, the small half of the body was exposed.

"I found you!" Lei Yi moved, and the person appeared behind the opponent, and then his arms burst into the sky.

Under the force of the fist, not only the blood shadow was shattered to pieces, but the blood mist around his body was equally shocking, and it dissipated completely in a short while.

A blood crystal fell and was picked up by Lei Yi and included in the space props.

"What's going on in this place, how come the enemy one by one, don't you give me time to rest?" After defeating a blood shadow again, Lei Yi finally couldn't help but vomit.

Even if his physical strength is amazing, he feels a little tired under the repeated battles at this moment.

If this is changed to other people, it is estimated that when he meets half of the people on his side, it will be overwhelming.

But just a few steps after Lei Yi walked, and the blood mist in front of him completely dissipated, a different scene finally appeared in front of him.

In his sight, under the sky full of yellow sand, a palace appeared.

Lei Yi couldn't believe that there were still buildings in this place!

He rubbed his eyes and confirmed that he was not mistaken. There really was a temple in front of him.

Although something goes wrong, there must be demons, but nothing is more exciting than seeing a building in the desert.

Lei Yi stepped forward subconsciously, rushing hundreds of meters away.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

At the door of that building, two blood shadows burst into the air and killed him.

"Fuck, two people join forces, you don't speak martial arts!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi was stunned.

Although the previous blood shadows had sneak attacks, some were run over from the front, and some used various methods, they were at least one-to-one, and at least they knew the rules.

But this time, it was actually two people who came, and it seemed that the two blood shadows were ready to join forces.

The two blood shadows galloped forward, without stopping in mid-air, they directly slammed in front of Lei Yi.

"Guard of the Hundred Slaughter Palace, blood crystal 40,000 points."

The information in the two figures is exactly the same. They are both guards of the Hundred Slaughter Hall, and both have 40,000 blood crystals.

But Lei Yi noticed one thing, the other party's information was different from the previous blood shadow.

The previous blood shadows were all **** sect monks, but this time the two blood shadows were guards of the Hundred Slaughter Hall.

According to Yin Ke, in the final trial site, there are many temples with good things in them.

But there are also various crises hidden in the palace, it can be said that opportunities and dangers coexist.

But without exception, finding a palace is extremely lucky for the tester.

Except for some known temples, many things in the final trial site have not been explored.

In the entire final trial site, the Imperial Stele Hall was the most well-known place, except for other places, there were very few records.

Of course, it is possible that someone has explored the Hundred Slaughter Palace, but the other party has not announced the information.

After all, everything found in the palace is considered to be one's own, so why should it be exposed?

And now, Lei Yi actually encountered the guard of the palace, then the building behind it must be the Hundred Slaughter Hall.

Thinking of this, he also came to the spirit, and his aura increased several times, and he killed the two guards of the Hundred Slaughter Hall.

These two guards are both spirit bodies, and there is no wisdom to speak of. When Lei Yi kills, they naturally use means to attack.

After a while, Lei Yi fought with the opponent one by one.

It has to be said that the guard strength of the Hundred Slaughter Palace is much stronger than that of the blood shadows encountered before. Lei Yi has spent a lot of effort, even after he was injured, he took away one.

Then he performed a hundred-arm instant kill, and the second guard was also given the result.

At this point, Lei Yi finally had no enemies in front of him, and Hundred Slaughter Hall was in front.

"Finally, you can take a break, and see what's in this Hundred Slaughter Hall!"

He dragged his exhausted body and rushed to the building as if flying, and walked directly in without taking a close look at the Bailu Hall.

The main hall door is open, but the interior is spotless, and there is not even a grain of sand on the smooth ground.

The interior of the whole hall was pale red, and the ground under his feet and the walls of the surrounding halls were glowing with a faint blood, but Lei Yi had become accustomed to this color.

The main hall seemed a bit empty, except for a few stone tablets around it, only the teleportation array in the center was quite eye-catching.

Lei Yi didn't step into the teleportation formation rashly, but walked to the stone steles and carefully observed the contents.

"The Hall of Hundred Slaughters was built by Yin, imitating the Hall of Hundred Slaughters of Wuxin Sect. It is a hall of hundred battles... This hall records the remnants of countless strong men. Participants in the trial can fight against the remnants of the same rank, and they can also fight over ranks. ......Ten consecutive victories and 100 consecutive victories have huge rewards......"

There are a lot of words on the stele, but it is just a little bit of content to tell Lei Yi the function of this hall.

And the teleportation array in the middle of the hall leads to the place where it will fight the remnant image.

In the Bailundian ~www.ltnovel.com~, you can fight against enemies of the same rank, or against enemies of higher rank. There will be corresponding rewards after ten consecutive victories.

But even if you win nine games in a row and you fail in the last game, there will be no rewards.

After ten consecutive victories, there is a hundred consecutive victories, and the rewards are more generous.

Lei Yi was surprised to see, feeling here is still a place to fight.

However, the words recorded on the stele, the claim that he claimed to be Yin, and the four words "Wuxin Shenzong" mentioned, made Lei Yi once again the caster of this place, that is, the original fierce emperor. interest.

It looked like this, the first generation fierce emperor must be connected with the ancient immortal world, so this created the Bailian Hall, and even this secret storage place, following the design of a sect called Wuxin Shenzong.

Who is this original fierce emperor?

What was the reason for the collapse of the ancient immortal world?

This series of questions left Lei Yi wondering what to do.

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