I Can Pause Time

Chapter 780: Try to break through

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What is Xiao Hei, that is the descendant of the beast Qilin.

Moreover, he is not the descendant of ordinary sacred beasts, but the direct blood of the water-attributed sacred beast Black Jade Kirin.

What does this mean? It means that he naturally has an advantage on the water system.

So when Xiao Hei went out, the waves retreated in an instant, like the loyal guards of the emperor, with an order, sub-stations on both sides.

In the first second, the wind was surging and the waves were surging, and the next second was calm and the sea did not overflow.

After Xiao Hei revealed the appearance of the black jade unicorn, outside the entire Holy Blood Hall, the water vapor dissipated and the heavens and the earth recovered.

When the huge waves subsided, the mist in the sky was nowhere to be seen, and the sharks in it lost their support, struggling one after another, like salted fish.

Bang bang bang!

There was a popping sound, lost vitality support, these sharks turned into a ball of water, directly exploded.

A huge dragon with a coiled body stood in front of Lei Yi, but his eyes were bursting with surprise on his face.

"How is it possible, what is going on, what happened..." Shark Xuanlang's startled voice sounded from Jiaolong's mouth.

Obviously, he didn't want to understand how the profound meaning he displayed was broken.

"Your ocean currents are powerful, but there is only one shortcoming, which is that they rely too much on water!" Lei Yi's leisurely voice sounded with a burst of pride.

"You..." Jiaolong shook his head and was about to make another move.

But at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a black monster next to Lei Yi, and it suddenly felt strange.

After all, the unicorn is a divine beast recorded in the ancient immortal world.

But Sha Xuanlang knew that the water that this strange beast had accumulated in his body was very familiar and extremely active.

It can be seen that it was this beast that broke his own profound meaning just now.

"A stray dog ​​can actually break my profound meaning?"

"Hey, grandson, who are you scolding..." Xiao Hei jumped angrily when he heard this.

"This seat is the descendant of the sacred beast, the black jade unicorn, and the true spirit of heaven and earth. It is really unreasonable for you to compare me to a wild dog!"

"Kill!" But Xuanlang Shark ignored Xiao Hei's curse and directly controlled Jiaolong to attack Lei Yi.

Although his attack speed was greatly reduced after losing the support of the wave, compared with a school of sharks, the dragon could still move freely.

"I will let you see and see today, what is the true spirit in the water, and what is the technique of water control!" Xiao Hei jumped again, raised his hoof and greeted the dragon.

The blue glow on its body surface flickered, and then a magical shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

It was a very handsome black unicorn, with a lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, moose body, dragon scales, and oxtail all in one. It was not a divine beast unicorn.

The Qilin's form appeared and let out a loud roar like the sound of rolling thunder.

Where the roar passed, the mists of the heavens retreated, and even the sea of ​​blood outside the Holy Blood Temple split apart, and a huge tentacle stretched out from it, venting dissatisfaction.

With such supernatural powers, the body of the dragon is naturally affected.

Even though the Shark Xuanlang had been controlling it, the dragon's body collapsed uncontrollably, turning into bursts of water droplets, floating in the air.

"How is it possible!" At the moment when the body of the dragon collapsed, a giant shark rushed out of it, but an exclamation rang out again.

"Boy, it's up to you!" But at this moment, Xiao Hei again manipulated the magic phase, used the water control technique, and shouted loudly.

"What!" Shark Xuanlang realized that his Faxiang had begun to be out of control, and in front of the Faxiang, a figure had already rushed to the front for unknown time.

This figure is naturally Lei Yi, and in his hand, he is actually holding a ball of black thunder and lightning.

"Although your Dhamma can protect you, water can conduct electricity, and the Dhamma formed by water flow means that there is no defense around you and you have nowhere to hide..."

"Take me a dark thunder!" He raised his hand, and the black thunder and lightning struck out instantly.

The thunder pierced the air and hit the shark firmly.

Zi Zi Zi...


Suddenly, crackling bursts sounded continuously, and the horrible howling of Shark Xuanlang was mixed in it.

His Dhamma can protect him, but it also puts him in the flowing water, and Thunder relying on the Dhamma has turned into an all-round, dead-angle attack.

The dark electric arc raged, and the Shark Xuanlang was energized by the dark thunder, and the Dharma phase collapsed and decomposed into a transpiring white mist.

A scorched black figure fell from the sky, it was the shark Xuanlang under the attack.

When he fell to the ground, he could hardly stand up, and his breath was dying.

"Ahem, there is actually this method!"


Just as Xuanlang Shark was shocked, there was a sound of wolf howling in front of him.

He looked up and saw that there were hundreds of wolves in the open space in front of the square that were dark red all over, as if all wolves were covered with a layer of plasma.

"Next, it's time for you to pick up my secret..." Lei Yi looked at his opponent, his aura gradually strengthened, and then shouted: "This trick is new to me, so let's test it with you !"

"Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist Profound Righteousness, Heaven Dou Cruel Wolf Slaughter Array!"

The pack of wolves acted and turned into a torrent of torrents, rushing to the opponent.

"I will lose..." Sha Xuanlang saw that Lei Yi was unstoppable at the moment, and he was no longer able to fight again, his eyes were dim, and unwillingness appeared on his face.

But the next moment, his body was overwhelmed by the wolves coming up.

"No--" A scream containing strong unwillingness, infinite regret and resentment resounded through the sky, but then the voice disappeared.

Sha Xuanlang's return to light was only so small that he was defeated, lost to an unknown soldier in his eyes.

"Win!" Lei Yi finally smiled when he saw this.

But then, he half-kneeled on the ground, gasping for breath.

After fighting with the powerful enemy, the physical injuries at this moment also made him almost unable to support it. Although the major enemy has been eliminated, the old diseases and new injuries occur at the same time, leaving his body weak.

"Boy, there is another enemy!" At this moment, Xiao Hei suddenly jumped up and gestured to Lei Yi.

"Almost forgot, there is a woman!" Lei Yi suddenly exclaimed before turning his head and looking into the distance.

I saw that the devil clan pearl was still silent in the shock of the defeat of the Shark Profound Wave, unable to return to her senses for a long time.

But at this moment, after sensing Lei Yi's gaze, he uttered a scream, and his figure flew into the air, flying towards the sea of ​​blood outside the Holy Blood Palace.

"There is also an air ban..." Lei Yi saw this and opened his mouth, wanting to remind him.


When the Pearl flew to a height of ten meters, it was immediately blocked by an invisible barrier, and her body was shaky and fell into the sea of ​​blood.

"Be careful... there is still..." Lei Yi beckoned again when he saw this, wanting to remind him of something.

In the sea of ​​blood, a huge tentacle burst out instantly, and in the horrified eyes of Mingzhu, he rolled up his body and then pulled it into the sea of ​​blood.

The woman only had time to let out a scream, and then she lost her breath.

"...Weird tentacles!" Until now, Lei Yi was able to say the second half of the sentence.

He looked at the maiden jewel being swept away by the tentacles, feeling speechless for a while.

Although they were all enemies, he did not expect that this demon clan would be so mindless, or in a panic, forgetting that there is a forbidden air restriction here, and there are monsters in the blood sea.

"I didn't kill this..."

Lei Yi murmured, and no longer cared about the female demon being dragged into the blood by the tentacles.

After all, these days, if someone wants to kill themselves, you can't stop it, so it's better to let her go.

Lei Yi used half a day's work to recover from his injury. This was only when he absorbed the flesh and blood of Shark Xuanlang.

This shows how much injury this opponent has caused him.

But after absorbing the flesh and blood of this person, the increase on him was extremely strong.

"My breath..."

After Lei Yi looked at the blood qi that steamed from his body and the ubiquitous explosive vitality in his flesh and blood, he felt bad.

"Boy, are you going to break through?" Xiao Hei, the person who came by, saw him, and suddenly felt a shock.

Lei Yi's breath is now floating up and down fiercely, faintly breaking through the ninth order, which is a sign of the Dharma Phase Realm.

"I'm going to break through?" Hearing this news, Lei Yi had guesses, but he still couldn't believe it.

He had drunk the Extreme Flame Cold Soul Wine bought at the Wanhua Auction, and his strength had already reached the late stage of the eighth stage, close to the peak.

After defeating Shark Xuanlang today, the qi and blood in the body were nourished by the opponent's flesh and blood, and finally reached the peak completely, approaching the critical point of breaking through the ninth rank.

"If this is the case, then I will try to break through!" Thinking of this, Lei Yi was naturally unstoppable excitement and prepared to retreat.

Within the entire secret storage area, the safest area is naturally the Holy Blood Hall.

The only entrance to land here is the Blood Stone Forest, where there are countless blood-thirsty beasts guarding it, waiting for idlers to enter.

In the sea of ​​blood, there is still a monster guarding, if you rush into it rashly, even the demon will fall.

Under this situation, what place is safer than here.

"Well, this place is a retreat for the fierce emperor. Let me try it today to see if I can condense the world and the world here!"

Lei Yi thought about this ~www.ltnovel.com~ and glanced at Xiao Hei.

As the Nine Envoy of the Kingdom of God, the other party must know how to condense the law, and as a ninth-level powerhouse, the other party's experience is also a reference.

"You kid, don't think too much. This seat is the body of a divine beast. It is different from your human race, and the condensed form is the same. As a divine beast, this seat only needs to awaken the blood of the ancestors and achieve the effect of returning to the ancestors. , But you humans are different!" Xiao Hei pouted his lips and signaled that Lei Yi would not ask for help. Alien beasts and humans are two cultivation paths, which are completely unmatched.

"That is to give it a try, anyway, there must be a description for the exercises!"

Lei Yidao also understood, but after nodding his head, he entered the Holy Blood Palace and began to retreat.

The gate in the main hall slowly closed, and the entire palace floated in the middle of the sea of ​​blood. After a great battle, it fell into silence again.

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