I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1347: Hit your dog leg

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With the help of Wu Ji's power, Yun Guanhai unexpectedly displayed the five-party supernatural power realm in the Four Element God Realm.

In this way, he has the blessings of the domain, and his combat power is naturally different from other saints in the domain that cannot be used.

Not only that, in order to obliterate Lei Yi, he even summoned five exercisers to control the domain together.

Yun Guanhai alone is tricky enough, plus the words of the five exercisers.

Lei Yi felt very stressed at the moment.

"Five elements of the spirit, listen to my orders, and kill the enemy!" Yun Guanhai immediately made the move.

With a stern shout, countless domain spirits rushed out of the five-party magic power realm.

The number of domain spirits reached thousands, and Lei Yi was instantly surrounded by these domain spirits.

In front of him, the fire-attribute domain spirits were the first to kill out. Under their sprint, they brought high-temperature fire waves all over their body, and their power was considered to be the strongest among the five-element domain spirits.

But facing these domain spirits, Lei Yi didn't panic at all.

"Is this planning to send some small shrimps to consume the vitality in my body?"

He saw the purpose of Yun Guanhai and others, but it was another matter to see if Gui could resolve it.

At least Yu Ling killed him, but he could only resist.

In order not to expose too many cards, when Lei Yi counterattacked, he only used his fists to bombard the nearby domain spirits.

Under his punch, the fist wind screamed out, directly smashing the rushing fire domain spirit.

For a time, Lei Yi's whole body area, the fist wind violently, the flame burst continuously.

But after the fire-attributed domain spirit, other domain spirits were also killed.

Immediately, a golden lion slammed in front of him, and its claws turned into sharp weapons and pierced his ribs.

"Metallic, the strongest attack power!" Lei Yi felt the breath of the golden lion and immediately became alert.

This is a metallic domain spirit, the sharpest force among the five elements.

With a flash of Lei Yi's body, he easily avoided the sneak attack from the rear, then turned around and kicked it out.

Under his foot, the golden lion's body was the same as the spirit of the flame domain before, bursting into countless golden powder, dissipating in the air.

However, Lei Yi knew that this golden lion did not disappear, but the metallic law in the body was once again integrated into the domain, and next time it would be transformed into another domain spirit and be killed again.

As long as you don't defeat Yunguanhai, then this domain spirit will appear endlessly.

Just as Lei Yi's mind was turning, a few dark green domain spirits above his head were killed.

He subconsciously blasted a few punches, and after the fist wind rolled over, the bodies of these domain spirits burst into them.

But this time, not all of the domain spirits disappeared. After the bodies of a few domain spirits bounced to pieces, the body fragments turned into countless vines and attacked him again.

"Wood attribute domain spirit, vitality is the most tenacious!" After feeling this attack, Lei Yi just waved his hand.

A wave of air swept across, and the vines were directly broken into powder.

The attack was once again resolved, but the Five Elements Domain Spirit’s offensive was swift and violent, but the number was still increasing.

On both sides of Lei Yi, many blue domain spirits appeared. They looked like swimming fishes, with extremely fast speeds and flexible movements.

Lei Yi subconsciously blasted a punch, but when the fist was swept away, these domain spirits really turned into swimming fish and swam away quickly.

After the fist was swept away, Yu Ling dashed over again and surrounded Lei Yi.

"Water domain spirit, flexible and changeable, really annoying!"

Seeing this, Lei Yi shouted, a sound wave spread, sweeping the space around him.

Those domain spirits are about to flee, but this roar is a wide-area attack method, and they cannot escape.

Finally, under the impact of sound waves, Yu Ling's body burst, completely turned into water stains, and disappeared into the air again.

After resolving this wave of offensive, a black shadow suddenly pressed down above Lei Yi's head.

This was a huge tortoise with an earthy yellow body, which was huge and put great pressure on Lei Yi.

"Earth attribute domain spirit has the heaviest aura, and its defense power should also be the strongest among the five element domain spirits!"

Watching the giant tortoise fall, Lei Yi threw a punch upwards.

Under the bombardment of the fist wind, the tortoise's body was blasted back a little distance.

But after a while, when the fist dissipated, the tortoise's body crushed and fell again.

"Isn't my fist breaking broken?" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi subconsciously raised his hand.

His body was pressed by the front of the tortoise, and the whole person fell down as if being crushed by a mountain.

After landing a distance of more than 100 meters, Lei Yi's arms suddenly exerted force, and finally stopped the downward trend.

The weight of his body caused his legs to bend slightly, and a little sweat on his forehead.

"Get me up!"

But he uttered a stern shout, his hands increased his strength again, and at the same time, with the help of his body and limbs, he threw the tortoise on top of his head violently.

When the tortoise flew out, Lei Yi disappeared in a flash, and when he appeared, he had come to the back of the flight path of the domain spirit.

He raised his arm and made a knife-like shape with a silver rune wrapped around the arm, and then a knife fell.


With a crisp sound, the tortoise's carapace was cut in two, and its body was also broken into two halves, and then gradually fell apart and merged into the realm.

Under this situation, Lei Yi had already dealt with the five-element domain spirits.

"Hmph, I want to see, how much energy can you waste under this endless siege of domain spirits!"

But Yun Guanhai laughed, because Lei Yi's response methods were in line with his expected plan.

But Lei Yi also knew the other party's plan, so he wouldn't let the other party do what he wanted.

His eyes passed through the territories killed from all around, and finally fell on Yun Guanhai's body.

"Would you like to do it directly with Yun Guanhai? Instead of being consumed like this, it is better to kill him directly and catch the thief first!"

Lei Yi quickly made a decision, the center of the domain is the cloud and the sea, so the target at this moment is only the other party.

Yu Ling is just a means to consume his strength, Yun Guanhai must be resolved.

"Go!" Lei Yi yelled sharply, his figure flew up, and he slammed directly towards Yun Guanhai.

But in front of him, there are countless domain spirits blocking him. If he wants to attack Yunguanhai, he must break through the blockade.

His figure was divided into ten, and then hundreds of figures were divided, and after spreading out, they rushed towards each other from different directions.

"Huh?" Yun Guanhai also noticed the abnormality at this moment.

Seeing Lei Yi's posture, it seemed to be directed at himself.

But he didn't panic at all, and even a sneer in his eyes.

"Five exercisers obey the order and stop him for me!" He waved his right hand and issued an order.

The surrounding domain spirits suddenly became more active, and the number increased again, even Lei Yi, who was divided into hundreds of clones, felt troublesome.

For a time, the domain spirits and the clones began to fight each other, and each clone had to face the siege of the domain spirits several times its own.

Soon, the clone was defeated, and the number of domain spirits continued to increase.

After a few breaths, the number of clones disappeared by 90%.

Only the body of Lei Yi was approaching the sea of ​​clouds, and the remaining clones were all dragged by the domain spirits.

"Mayfly shakes the tree, not at your own discretion!"

Seeing Lei Yi rushing towards him, the sarcasm on Yun Guanhai's face was even worse.

With a wave of his hand, countless domain spirits all over his body shot out and surrounded the Lei Yi group that rushed over.

"Go!" Under his command, these domain spirits didn't care about the three or seventy-one, and at the same time killed the person in the center of the encirclement network.


Under a burst of explosion, this area was flooded by the flames of the explosion, countless law runes turbulent in it, and the power of the explosion was even more extraordinary.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred!


Behind Yun Guanhai, a figure broke through the space and suddenly burst out.

"how come!"

This scene was not only unexpected by Yun Guanhai, but even the five exercisers lurking around did not expect it.

The person who killed this was Lei Yi.

"It's a fake body!" Yun Guanhai's induction covered the front, and then finally understood something.

The Lei Yi just now was a fake body made, and the body had already lurked and killed behind him.

When he thought of surrounding Lei Yi, he didn't expect that the other party had already sneaked to the rear.


Yun Guanhai turned around and was about to say something.

But a fist had already blasted him one step ahead.

Suddenly, the fist wind ran over his body, and his fist hit his face directly.


With a blast, Yun Guanhai's head bounced and his body also collapsed.

But when his body collapsed, it turned into a five-color rune, blending into the void behind him, but he didn't see a drop of blood.

"A clone of the power of the five elements, or an incarnation!" Lei Yi finally understood when he saw this scene.

He used a fake body to attract the opponent's attack and cover up his actions, but he didn't expect Yun Guanhai to also use his clone to attract his attention. In fact, the body had been hidden long ago.

"This old yin guy!" He muttered secretly, but he didn't expect that he would be fooled too.

However, Yun Guanhai is a powerhouse in the Saint Realm after all, and he didn't think the opponent would be defeated by himself so easily.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous that you are trying to defeat this seat by virtue of you as a traitor!" Yun Guanhai's ruthless words came out in the surrounding void.

But Lei Yi directly ignored it, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com glanced around.

The traces of Yunguanhai may appear anywhere in the domain, after all, this is the other's domain.

Lei Yi also discovered that it is too difficult to solve the cloud and sea.

But what if it is to solve his five exercisers?

Lei Yi's gaze instantly locked in a corner of the five-party supernatural power world, in the sea of ​​fire.

"It's you, Nangong Zheng!"

The target he was targeting was not someone else, but the new fire spirit ambassador Nangong Zheng.

Compared to Yunguanhai, the position of Nangongzheng must be fixed, that is, in the sea of ​​fire.

As soon as Lei Yi's figure moved, he killed him directly towards the sea of ​​fire. All the spirits along the way, he could avoid or avoid it, and if he could not avoid it, he would blast back with a punch.

Soon, Yun Guanhai noticed Lei Yi's intention.

"Smuggle, what are you going to do?"

"What do you do, of course, is to break your arm and hit your dog leg!"

Regardless of whether the opponent saw his intentions or not, Lei Yi's position in the five-party magical power world was always fixed.

Otherwise, if you arbitrarily mobilize, the power of the five elements will easily get out of balance.

Lei Yi grasped this and directly plunged into the sea of ​​flames, and the target was the Fire Spirit Nangong Zheng who controlled the laws of this place.

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