I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1344: 4 God-King of Sky

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Four Elements God Realm.

Unlike the earth, the sky, and the lava layer deep in the core, this is a vast ocean.

At this moment, on an island deep in the sea.

Dreaming Shentong sat cross-legged again, and in front of him was a slightly illusory figure, and sitting cross-legged in the same way, the aura on his body was even more strange.

This person's breath is sometimes weak, sometimes strong, and constantly switches between strengths and weaknesses.

And the magical power of dreams, as if injecting energy into the body of the figure, strengthening the figure of this person.

After a long time, the figure of the person in front of him finally solidified, and his aura gradually returned to normal.

Dream Magic opened his eyes, looking at the person in front of him, and slowly said: "Junior Brother, I used Promise Power to repair your injured body, now you should be able to act!"

It turns out that this figure is actually a sea of ​​clouds.

Previously, when he played against Lei Yi and Garuda, he was seriously injured, and even finally used a trick of the five elements to explode, causing severe physical damage.

At this moment, he finally recovered because of the help of the dream supernatural power.

"Thank you brother for your help, otherwise, with my means, I am afraid that I will not be able to recover in three or five years!" Yun Guanhai naturally thanked him and looked excited.


But what is untimely is that Dream Supernatural sighed faintly.

"Brother, why sigh?"

This also made Yun Guanhai puzzled. It stands to reason that he has recovered. Senior brother shouldn't be so right.

"I taught another three peak masters. One of them is Quan Jiuxiao, which I am optimistic about. His talent actually exceeds Chang Xiao and Chang Ming. He is the most promising disciple in the Saint Realm within ten thousand years! "Mengshen channels the truth.

The Nine Peaks Peak Master of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, each of them is a talented person who can be on his own.

Since the peak master Zhuo Fangyan of the Guilin Peak rebelled, and the peak master Cen Changxiao of the Wuyang Peak peak and Ji Changming, the peak master of the Mistake Peak, fell to the hands of Lei Yi, there were not many high-level monks of the True Spirit Cult.

Now, the only peak master of the late celestial and human realm, Guantianfeng Peak Sovereign Nine Heavens, has also fallen.

In addition, Qin Guangling, the master of Yinlu Peak, and Jade Wuxia, the master of Law Enforcement Peak, both died here, and the elders who accompanied them were also suspended.

It can be said that the True Spirit Immortal Sect suffered a heavy loss in this operation, almost all of it hurt its foundation.

"Brother, it is not easy for me to fight with Infinite Emperor, sacrifices are inevitable!" Yun Guanhai hurriedly exhorted, after all, it is normal for someone to fall during the war.

It's just that it's my own family who died, and no one can stand it anymore.

"If they died in the hands of the Infinite Emperor, then this seat would be better to accept it!"

Meng Shentong sighed again, and then under a wave of his hand, a light curtain appeared in front of him.

In the light curtain, there is a scene where Quan Jiuxiao and others are fighting against someone, but the scene is almost one-sided.

Quan Jiuxiao and the others had fought with the Ten Generals for a long time, and their physical strength and vitality were severely depleted. Now they are encountering a strong enemy, even if it is more than one, they can't have the upper hand.

Soon, Quan Jiuxiao and others showed defeat, and in the end they all died in the hands of that person.

"Well, someone spied on me!"

Suddenly, the man who did it seemed to be aware of it, and looked towards the direction of the two dreams.

In the next moment, cracks spread all over the surface of the light curtain, and then the whole exploded.

But Meng Shentong and Yun Guanhai can see clearly the appearance of the person who does it.

"It's the traitor!"

Especially Yun Guanhai, after seeing the other party, it was a bit of gnashing his teeth, wishing to take action personally to obliterate the other party.

After all, his son and Deli subordinates died in the opponent's hands.

"How long has it passed since this child has grown to such a point that even the prying eyes of this seat can detect it?"

And the dream supernatural power focused on another point, Lei Yi was actually able to tap his methods.

You know, when the other party joined the True Spirit Immortal Sect back then, he didn't even reach the realm of heaven and human. In the end, with the help of their sect, he got to where he is today step by step.

If time can come back, his dream magic power should be shot personally back then to obliterate the opponent.

"Brother, let me take care of this!" At this moment, Yun Guanhai took the initiative to ask.

"Junior Brother, the situation here is special, and your injury has just healed. If you rush to make a move..."

"Senior brother, don’t need to persuade me. I’m also a saint-level monk anyway, and relying on absorbing the power of heaven and earth, I will soon be able to recover to the peak. Moreover, my sect disciple died tragically at the hands of the opponent. This is how I can bear it. , Personally take action to wipe out this scourge!"

When Yun Guanhai said this, killing intent appeared in his eyes, obviously intending not to give Lei Yi a chance to jump.

After dreaming for a while, he finally made a decision.

He looked at Yun Guanhai and solemnly said, "Okay, since the younger brother has the heart, then the younger brother will also help you!"

"Although that kid is not at the level of a saint, he is able to defeat Garuda, which shows that he also has a lot of hole cards. Brother, I plan to give you a ray of infinite power and let you play freely. It should be safe! "

"Hahaha, thank you brother, if you help me, I will definitely kill him!"

After a few breaths, Yun Guanhai received a bit of help from the dream supernatural power.

"There is no way to break the air here. Junior brother, I need a little time to summon the five exercisers, so let the boy jump for a while. But when I am fully prepared, it will be when the boy returns to heaven!"

Finally, Yun Guanhai said goodbye, his figure flew up from the sky, and soon disappeared into the air.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, that kid actually has the ability to shield calculus, otherwise, I can spy on his ending one or two in advance!"

Meng Shentong watched Yun Guanhai leave, but there was a touch of surprise in his eyes.

After all, what he dislikes the most is the unexpected enemy.

Especially similar to Lei Yi and Infinite Emperor, so that he could not spy on the existence of the past or the future.

In the sky, a floating island.

Lei Yi sighed while looking at the corpses at his feet.

"Why bother, you did it to me, just let me do it without any worries!"

Obviously, Quan Jiuxiao and others couldn't pose a threat to him, and they didn't even have the ability to force his hole cards.

Lei Yi was also a rare executioner for a while and sent a few souls back to the underworld.

But just now, someone spied on him through a certain ability, which made him very unhappy.

It's a pity that he hasn't grasped the power of the Great Dao yet, but there is some induction in the secret, so naturally he doesn't know who the other party is.

"Through Quan Jiuxiao and others to spy on myself, it is obvious that he is a person of True Spirit Immortal Cult. It should be the hypocrite of Meng Shentong!"

After Lei Yi thought about it, he probably guessed who it was.

But for these, he is not very interested, what if he knows that it is the magical power of dreams.

These four elements of the God Realm isolate all the power of breaking through the air, and the opponent can't teleport over to kill himself in the air.

After he knew this, he became less afraid of the Saint Realm.

Moreover, with his current magical powers, even when facing a saint-level cultivator, he was not afraid of it at all.

"Hmph, if those four gods or Yunguanhaimeng's magical powers and ilk appeared in front of me, I would dare to do it directly!"

Lei Yi uttered a rhetoric, that was that he had no fear of the Saint Realm at all.

But sometimes, when you mutter the Four Gods, the Four Gods will suddenly jump out.

When Lei Yi was flying away, a huge black shadow suddenly shot out in the sky ahead.

When the black shadow appeared, there was a sharp neighing sound.

"Fuck, that's not..."

Lei Yi was suddenly speechless, because that dark shadow had three different heads, with birds and beasts in the middle, dragons on the left, and a hideous human face on the right.

Isn't he the king of the sky, one of the four gods!

"It's you!"

"Hahaha, I found you this little bitch!"

"Since I found out, then you must die for me!"

The Kong King also spotted Lei Yi, and the three heads uttered cruel words at the same time. With a look of sorrow, he rushed towards Lei Yi at an accelerated speed.

Facing the attack of the king of the sky, Lei Yi naturally did not shock him, and even had a hint of secret joy in his heart.

He had been angry with the mother of birth and the lava demon before, and now he finally has a place to vent.

Since the King of Sora had come to kill him aggressively, how could he not respond back to the other party?

The whole body of the king of the sky was surrounded by clouds and mist, and a large cloud of clouds condensed on his side, and then turned into a set of solid white armor, covering the whole body.

And Lei Yi clenched his right fist, the silver rune flickered at the fist gangway, and there was a golden time entanglement.

"Smuggle, die to me!"

The Sky King rushed towards Lei Yi, and his two claws were shot out first. At the same time, his figure turned into a huge mountain, and he slammed into it directly.

"King of the Sky, take my power to break the sky!"

Lei Yi also fought back, directly using the most powerful power to blast the opponent's body.

In an instant, the claws of the king of the sky bombarded both sides of Lei Yi, and Lei Yi's fist hit the opponent's chest, on the armor transformed from clouds.



Where Lei Yi and the King of Sky are, a huge burst of energy exploded at the same time.

Under the impact of the explosion of this energy, both of them flew out to the rear, retreating hundreds of miles in shape.

When the two returned to stability again, there was a bloodshot from the corner of Lei Yi's mouth, and the cloud that the King of Sky had wrapped around his body was also shattered. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

"As expected of the four gods, I have some ability, and I have managed to take advantage of my breaking power!" Lei Yi looked at the other party, and after wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, his expression became even more excited.

"This kid is really not weak. A punch actually shattered my defense!" The three heads of the king of the sky were lowered one after another, looking at the few clouds left on his body, his heart was trembling.

But then, the two are about to do it again.

"Boy, step back!" But at this moment, a sword of light flew from the sky, and the goal was directed at the King of Sky.

Feeling the sharp sword intent, Lei Yi quickly backed away.

Just kidding, it was Lu Jianxin who came out this time, he didn't want to be affected by the opponent's sword aura.

"It's you again!"

"Damn, I want to kill this kid!"

"Damn it, you swordsman dare to come out and disrupt the situation!"

On the other side, King Kong was locked by Lu Jianxin's sword intent, unable to continue to attack Lei Yi, and the three heads became angry at the same time.

But the people who came here can ignore these, the sword light from the sky falls, and the king of the sky is enveloped in it.

In an instant, the silver light flourished, covering the entire sky.

And in this light, a man stood with his hands behind his back, with a sword, and came to Lei Yi's side.

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