I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1342: volcanic eruptions?

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After Lei Yi turned into a candlelight, he plunged into the magma pool.

In front of him, there is the Suzaku incarnation of Yin Sutian.

When entering the magma, Lei Yi felt that the hot magma had turned into a fluid like warm water.

Although there is still resistance, at least he is not affected by the heat here, and can swim in the magma.

Candlelight is worthy of being a **** beast of the sun, extremely resistant to flames.

And now, Lei Yi followed Yin Jitian and shuttled through the magma.

"not good!"

The lava demon seemed to have noticed something, and his huge body fell over and dived into the magma.

The next moment, the huge waves in the magma pool were soaring, and huge waves swept all around.

At this moment, the entire magma pool was stirred by the lava demon and turned upside down.

Among them, Yin Jitian and Lei Yi also felt a bit of anomaly.

"Hmph, I guessed it right, your body really is here!" The Suzaku in Yin Jitian's incarnation opened its beak and shouted loudly.

As soon as this statement came out, it also confirmed a certain conjecture of Lei Yi.

Like the mother of birth, the lava demon hid its body in a certain position inside the huge body.

And now, because of the actions of Yin Jitian and Lei Yi, he would have such a fierce reaction.

"You two... don't want to succeed..."

In the magma, a huge strange face condenses, which is exactly the appearance of the lava demon.

He roared loudly, and then under the lava surging, several big hands shuttled among them, attacking Lei Yi and Yin Jitian.

Not only that, in the magma surrounding the two, the fiery red runes condensed, and a scorching force once again suppressed them.

But in the face of this pressure, neither Lei Yi nor Yin Jitian actually ignored them.

Suzaku shook its wings and turned into a red rainbow, quickly rushing out of the suppressing force.

Lei Yi was even more powerful. Under the power of the sun, his figure dashed forward and turned into a meteor, rushing out several kilometers in a flash, even surpassing Yin Sutian's position.

Under these two conditions, they directly avoided the lava demon god's magical power range, and even distanced him a lot.

"Boy, you went wrong!"

But at this moment, Suzaku flapped its wings and pointed downward.

"Judging from the feelings of this suzerain, that thing is below, not in front!"

After that, Suzaku changed its direction and moved straight down.

The candle-illuminated beast that Lei Yi turned into could only shake his forelimbs and change his direction.

The two rushed down at the same time, and felt the resistance of the whole body was gradually expanding.

But the lava demon would not let the two of them get close below, and countless strange faces were condensed again under the flow of magma around them.

"This is my home court, you two should never want to be near there!"

After speaking, these countless strange faces opened their mouths, and huge fireballs condensed in the magma.

The dense red runes also poured into the center of the fireball, quickly accumulating huge energy.

Afterwards, the strange face made a loud shout, and the fireball blasted out.

The lava demon seems to be controlling fireballs, so that they are not blocked by magma while flying, and their speed gradually increases.

When the fireball smashed into the vicinity of Lei Yi and Yin Jitian, each of them was as powerful as a small sun.

Facing the attack of the lava demon, Suzaku vibrated its wings and wrapped around its body after a round, forming a barrier.

It seems that Yin Jitian intends to rely on Suzaku's supernatural power to control fire and take this trick.

And Lei Yi once again used the power of Yang in his body to make the incarnation of Candlelight shuttle through the magma quickly, hoping to get rid of the offensive at a speed.

After all, the candlelight is a beast's posture, and it travels in fluids such as magma faster than a bird's Suzaku.

The candlelight of Lei Yi's incarnation rushed under the magma while galloping all the way.

Fireballs attacked all around, but he avoided relying on his speed.


Above, a huge coercion came from the magma, it should be that Suzaku was hit by a fireball.

When Lei Yi was dodged, he released his divine consciousness, and then he sensed that the area where Suzaku was located, the flame power was extremely strong, and he didn't know whether Yin Jitian had taken the attack.

But with such a distraction, he saw several fireballs hitting his entire body at the same time.

"Little man, you deserve to die!"

The huge strange face of the lava demon simultaneously appeared all over his body, followed by waves of sarcasm.

Under Lei Yi's horrified gaze, these fireballs suddenly fell.

boom! boom! boom!

Under the continuous roar, the flame exploded, blasting the surrounding magma out of a vacuum area.

The roar continued, and the power of the law of flames began to wreak havoc.

"In this round of attacks, it is absolutely impossible for that tiny person to take over!"

Feeling Lei Yi's breath gradually disappearing, the strange face laughed again.

But in the flames, a golden light suddenly lit up.

In this scene, the smile of the strange face instantly solidified.

The golden light gradually intensified, and ripples in circles, spreading outward, even covering the surrounding flames.

After seeing these flames being affected by the golden ripples, they also solidified.

"What!" Seeing this scene, the strange face suddenly exclaimed.

The golden ripples contained the power of the law of time.

Under the ripples, a figure in the center slowly walked out, and it was actually Lei Yi who was transformed into a human form again.

In his hand, he held a group of golden flames, and the source of the golden ripples was this small flame.

Under the ripples, the scarlet flame runes were all turned into pitch black, just like magma rock formed after magma solidified.

The rune is so, the surrounding magma is even more impossible to stop.

Under the ripple sweep, the magma that has not yet returned has also begun to lose its internal temperature and condense into a solid state.

"It's the original fire, it's really amazing!"

Lei Yi saw this scene, but as if he had expected it, there was no wave in his heart.

Just as the Heavenly Mystic Tree and the Hourglass of Broken Time can restrain the Mother of Birth, the original fire can also restrain the Lava Demon.

Who allowed their magical powers to be the power of the five elements, which happened to be restrained by the five elements of time.

As for the restoration of Lei Yi's human form, it is also because the candlelight is a yang-attribute divine beast, not a time-attribute.

Therefore, if he wants to mobilize the five elements, he must turn it into the body.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to have this kind of magical powers. Then it's up to you. I'll help you hold this guy. You go find that guy's weakness!"

At this moment, Yin Xitian's transmission sounded in Lei Yi's ear.

Sure enough, the opponent accepted the attack of the Lava Demon God, and after realizing that Lei Yi's ability restrained the opponent, he decisively chose to drag the opponent.

"I understand!" Lei Yi replied, then holding the original fire in his hand, he directly displayed the golden light.

Turning into magma and solidifying into magmatic rock, you can use the vertical golden light to drive the road.

"Oops!" Seeing Lei Yi doing this, the Lava Demon suddenly noticed something wrong.

If you let the other party rush down rashly, wouldn't your weakness also be affected by that strange flame.

Once the power of the flame in "that thing" disappears, wouldn't it be dangerous to himself.

Thinking of this, the lava demon must act.

But when the strange face was about to move, countless rings of fire were seen condensing around, all the strange faces were locked in the center of the ring of fire.

"Your Excellency wants to chase that kid, but you have asked me if I agree!"

Above, Suzaku vibrated its wings and provoked at the strange faces around it.

In the face of Yin Jitian, even the lava demon felt that it was tricky.

What he is worried about now is not Yin Sutian, but Lei Yi who is gradually disappearing below.

Once the opponent is brought close to "that thing", with the power of that golden flame, it is really dangerous.

"This is what you forced me!"

At the last moment, the lava demon finally made a decision.

Even if Lei Yi and Yin Jitian were to be blasted away, they must not threaten him.

He screamed, all the strange faces in the magma disappeared, and then there was a huge energy in the entire magma pool sinking into the ground.

In this underground lava layer, flame runes ignited in the magma, and then gathered towards the end.

Just below, Lei Yi was gradually approaching the depths of the ground.

"Hey, what's the matter, how can the power of this fire attribute suddenly become so rich!"

But after he dived for so long, he found a strange change.

The law of this fire attribute will gradually increase the density with the depth of the decline, but the increase is limited.

But at the beginning, the density of this law has increased very terribly, as if it suddenly increased by more than a hundred times.

Had it not been for the protection of the original fire, he could be sure that with so much flame power condensed, once he walked out, his physical body would instantly evaporate.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, somewhere underground, there was a violent vibration.

This shock wave passed through the magma and gradually spread to the entire lava layer.

The power at the bottom, through the savings just now, has reached a very terrifying level, just like...

"Could it be that it's going to erupt here!"

In Lei Yi's mind, something quickly came to mind.

If this is a volcano, this power is like the movement before the eruption.

The next moment, a roar sounded from under him, followed by a huge impact, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com pushed him out together with the lava rock around him.

Countless magma rushed upward under this force, and Lei Yi naturally followed the magma.

The Four Elements God Realm.

Somewhere on the dense grass.

There was a roar from the ground, and then the grass above it began to burn, the soil broke, and flames rushed out.

The violent high temperature began to evaporate the surface, and then a large piece of magma was really like a volcanic eruption, rushing out of the surface and rushing to the sky.

This time it erupted, the area was huge, and the ground in the area of ​​thousands of miles was swallowed by the magma spewing out, forming a sea of ​​fire.

At the center of the eruption, a figure rushed to the sky under the magma rock and disappeared into the clouds.

"how so…"

Just before the figure disappeared, he seemed to be yelling, yelling something, but it was a pity that no one heard him.

Finally, a huge bird and beast rushed out of the lava layer and came near the ground.

The birds and beasts quickly turned into the appearance of Yin Sutian.

"What about the kid?"

He looked around, but did not find Lei Yi's trace.

Because of Lei Yi at this moment, he didn't know where he would fly to.

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