I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1337: The body of the mother of birth?

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Realm, the realm of the four elements.

Lei Yi faces the mother of birth alone.

The two sides have started to fight one-on-one.

The original vast grassland, because of the battle between the two, has completely disappeared, replaced by bumpy soft mud.

From time to time, you can see that the huge body of the mother of birth was knocked down by Lei Yi, but then even stood up.

Not only that, once her body was shattered, she began to absorb the earth in the ground to make up for the loss.

And within her body, the strength is continuous, as if it will not be exhausted.

"It doesn't make sense. This guy wants to keep the domain running while fighting with me. How does it feel like the strength is overwhelming?"

After fighting with the mother of birth for a while, Lei Yi felt something was wrong.

The mother of birth has a very strong offensive power, but the means of attack is single, relying on the speed of Thunder Dunge to be able to deal with it.

But the dark thunder in his body is not endless, and the mother of birth relies on the continuous supply of the earth, and there seems to be no upper limit to physical fitness.

Under this situation, if he is caught in a war of attrition, he will suffer.

"No, have to find the weakness of this guy?"

Lei Yi's gaze scanned the bloated body of the Mother of Birth for a while, and it turned out that he couldn't find anything.

The body surface of the opponent's body is covered with a layer of emerald green vines, acting as a tight binding of the mud and sand, which enables the opponent's body to make large movements without dispersing.

Lei Yi also tried to smash the opponent's head and limbs, but after a while, the born mother stood up alive again.

This shows that general weaknesses are not applicable to the other party.

"Could it be in the body?"

Soon, Lei Yi thought of a little.

The size of the mother of birth is so big, it can be said to be a means of cover.

The other party hiding his own body or core in a huge body is definitely an insurance measure.

"If that's the case, then go and explore her inside!"

Thinking of this, Lei Yi found the opportunity, and suddenly disappeared in place.

In the sight of the mother of birth, his figure turned into a black electric light, quickly avoiding the violent blow of the two huge arms, and flew in front of the former.

"Tiny human!" At this moment, the mother of birth became angry.

"What's waiting for you to open your mouth!" But Lei Yi suddenly smiled.

Because of the roar of the birth mother, she had to open her mouth.

Lei Yi was like a slippery bug, and when the opponent opened his mouth, he rushed into the opponent's mouth.

The next moment, as the mother of birth closed her mouth, she "swallowed" Lei Yi down.

Of course, she doesn't have a so-called body. The whole body is made of mud. Lei Yi burrows into her body, which is equivalent to rushing into the ground.

"Stupid people!"

After eating Lei Yi by mistake, not only was the born mother not annoyed, but she even showed a sly smile.

Afterwards, her face gradually disappeared from the head, and the huge body lost its movement and turned into a mud statue, standing still in place.

And the huge aura on her body surface gradually converged into her body and disappeared completely.

In the mother of birth.

"Sure enough, even Jinguang is really useful!"

At this moment, Lei Yi was galloping with the evasion technique of vertical golden light.

Since the body of the mother of birth is made of soil, it is not equivalent to the ground. There is no reason why the golden light cannot be used.

Under this situation, his speed was so fast that he quickly followed the throat of the birth mother and rushed into the depths of his body.

It's a pity that everything in front of me is unchanging soil, nothing else.

"I still don't believe it!" Lei Yi continued on, and leaned all the way down.

He let go of his sense of consciousness, and soon passed the position of the heart.

It is a pity that there is no heart in the mother of birth, and this place is also full of mud.

Afterwards, he continued to search downwards, moving from the position of the heart to the ribs, abdomen, dantian and other places, and also found nothing.

Next, if you go down, it will be the opponent's two legs.

Before fighting against the Mother of Birth, Lei Yi had interrupted the opponent's leg, so if he had the core, he couldn't hide here.

Under this situation, Lei Yi came in in vain and found nothing.

"Why, it's rare to come in once, do you want to go out again and fight that guy attrition?"

After thinking about it, he hesitated.

Judging from the situation just now, once it falls into a war of attrition, he is most likely to lose.

But just as Lei Yi hesitated, a huge pressure came from the surrounding soil.

"This is..." Feeling the pressure around him, he frowned.

"A small person, you are weak in strength and stupid in your mind, so you dare to enter my body!"

The voice of the mother of birth came from all directions.

After all, this is within the opponent's body, which is also normal.

"Look at me crushing you!" The mother of birth seemed to be very angry, with a sharp tone in her tone.

Lei Yi felt that the pressure on the whole body increased greatly. The whole body was squeezed in a small area, and the muscles of the whole body were tightened to counteract this force.

After a few breaths, the pressure was still growing, and he had to sacrifice the power of the law of strength to protect the whole body.

After stimulating a certain magical power, his strength gradually increased, just enough to counter the pressure.

"You actually have this kind of power, but this is my body, you will never survive!" The Mother of Incarnation also hit Lei Yi, increasing the power again.

For a time, the two began a war of attrition.

Under this situation, Lei Yi felt the pressure, not only because the pressure on his body continued to grow, but also because the opponent seemed to be very confident in the protracted battle.

"In that case!"

Suddenly, Lei Yi uttered a thunderbolt-like great god, golden light appeared on his body, and his figure was drowned in gold and silver runes.

The next moment, a golden-haired great ape rushed out and rampaged through the body of the mother who was born.

The huge squeezing force was offset by the giant ape's reliance on its tyrannical body, and it even had no effect on it at all.

Under the collision, the giant ape almost punched a channel with his fist, leading straight to the body of the born mother.

In the end, the giant ape blasted out with a punch, smashing the block of mud in front of him, and his eyes suddenly opened up.


With a blast, a big hole was blasted through the belly of the mother of birth, and then a golden great ape rushed out.

When the giant ape fell to the ground, he frantically beat his chest with both hands and let out a violent roar.

But the great ape hadn't slammed a few times before a big thick leg stepped directly on it, completely submerging its figure.


With a loud noise, the nearby ground layer burst, and the figure of the giant ape was stepped into the ground and disappeared completely.

But 100 meters away, near the heel of that leg, the ground exploded again, and a figure rushed out.

"Bah, baah, you are a sneak attack, making my mouth full of mud!"

This killer is Lei Yi.

Just now he even explained what is called "mo pretending to be", and pretending to be slapped in the face immediately.

At this moment, the mother of birth regained control of the body, and the outline of the face appeared on the head again, looking down with a big face.

"Not dead yet?"

She has a deep understanding of Lei Yi's Xiaoqiang attributes at this moment.

No wonder Gardía surrounded the opponent so many times, he couldn't kill this guy all the time, and even the car overturned in the end.

The Mother of Birth raised her arms again and was about to attack Lei Yi.

But Lei Yi was also annoyed by the methods of the birth mother.

He looked at the huge body of the birth mother, but a conjecture emerged in his heart.

"Your body is made of mud and sand, which belongs to the soil among the five elements; you can manipulate the vines, and that is the wood among the five elements; these two things happen to be restrained by me, this is what you forced me!"

Lei Yi's figure flew up, and at the same time golden light emerged from his body, the phantom of the heavenly secret sacred tree appeared behind him, and at the same time a golden hourglass appeared in front of him.

The hourglass flew out first, rushing towards the huge body of the birth mother.

Just before the opponent's attack was reached, the surface of the hourglass was full of golden light, and a layer of suction spread, bringing the two arms of the Mother of Birth into the range at the same time.

Under the suction force, the latter's arm collapsed directly, turning into a large piece of mud and pouring into the hourglass.

"What is this!" This incident also made the mother of birth exclaim again and again.

She never expected that Lei Yi had the means to crack his attack, and this means was so strange.

But when she was surprised, the suction gradually spread and spread to her body.

Next, the mother of birth saw that her body was also collapsing and decomposing, turning into large patches of mud and sand, pouring into the golden hourglass.

In this way, her body will be completely absorbed in no time.

Her eyes were locked on the hourglass, her head turned, countless vines burst out behind her head, and she was about to attack the hourglass.

But at this moment, the heavenly secret tree behind Lei Yi also took off.

A layer of golden ripples rippling, covering all the vines.

The vines that were illuminated by the golden light withered instantly, and at the same time lost their power.

"Now, you have nothing to do!"

After Lei Yi blocked the two methods of the Mother of Birth, he felt stable now.

Controlling the hourglass, he began to frantically devour the huge body of the birth mother.

Within a few breaths of time, her body had been swallowed in half.

"Small humans, don't think that you can defeat me if you master a little means. This body is just a foreign object. Do you really think you can completely restrain me?"

But the mother of birth did not lose the will to fight at all, and even let out cruel words.

"Body, foreign object?" Lei Yi couldn't understand. Isn't this the opponent's body?

The next moment, above the head of the mother of birth, a yellow light burst out.

In the light, you can vaguely see a group of humanoid creatures, but the whole body is like muddy muddy water, twisting irregularly while flying.

"Oh, this is her body?" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi was stunned.

He had entered the opponent's body before, so why didn't he find this thing?

"Could it be that this guy can move around in his body, so..."

Lei Yi quickly recalled that he had fought against an earth-type supernatural power. The opponent manipulated the earth to create a giant, but the body could hide anywhere in the giant's body.

Obviously, the Mother of Birth also has such a method, and the giant made is much larger. If she can move at will, it will be more difficult to find the other party.

At this moment, Lei Yi finally understood.

The thing in front of you is the true body of the mother of birth.

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