I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1330: Shadow King-Black God

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"Galoudia, the power you rely on most is the Black God. Then I will devour the Black God today and use your power for my use!"

This sentence, Lei Yi almost yelled out.

It was as if he was venting his long-standing pressure, and at this moment, his body, mind and soul were released.

There is no moment when he has been so happy now.

Seeing Garuda, who was hiding in the darkness, could only temporarily avoid her sharp edge, Lei Yi had a strong feeling.

The power of the black **** in the opponent's body is also the power of darkness, and now he is fully capable and has the opportunity to swallow it.

Behind Lei Yi, the laws of darkness condensed, and a pair of huge black meat wings formed. This was the wings of darkness.

"Galoudia, now you have to pay for what you did!"

The choice he mentioned was naturally because the other party took refuge in Infinite Emperor and brought the disaster of Infinite Power to the human world.

And now, the time for atonement has come.

Regardless of how the opponent responds, Lei Yi sucked the crystal in his palm into his body again, and waved his right hand in the air.

Suddenly, a large area of ​​darkness in front broke from the middle, exposing Garuda's body hiding inside.

"You kid!"

After Garuda's traces were exposed, he also knew that there was no point in hiding.

He also caught it in the void, and the dim moon of the divine weapon arrived in his hand. And he shook his arm, and countless figures shot out in the darkness around him.

These are all the appearances of Garuda, each of them is the posture of the black god, holding the artifact and rushing towards Lei Yi.

"Get out of me!" But facing this scene, Lei Yi just let out an angry roar.

The powerful sound wave spread out, sweeping the Quartet.

All the avatars that were affected burst under this sound wave, their bodies turned into darkness, and merged into the surroundings again.

Garuda's body was also under the impact of the sound wave, backing a few steps backwards.

"How come?" He couldn't believe it, and Lei Yi resolved his offensive with just a roar.

But just after he was so stunned, a figure shot out in front of him, it was Lei Yi who was approaching.

"Little devil, you are looking for death!" Seeing this, Garuda immediately raised the sharp blade in his hand and pierced it forward.

The sharp blade of the bleak moon turned into a sharp aura, piercing the void.


The sharp blade penetrated the skin and pierced into the flesh and blood.

Lei Yi was actually recruited!

No, he had no plan to dodge at all, even letting the bleak moon pierce his body.

Because doing so, it means that the distance between him and Garuda has come within the attack range.

"You didn't hide?" Garuda looked at the person in front of him, frowning.

"Because this is my purpose!" Lei Yi showed a sly smile, regardless of his physical injury, his hands were madly imprinted.

On the surface of his body, on the dark skin, a collection of silver runes condensed.

In the void behind, the law of darkness also emerged crazily, combining and sorting with the silver runes.

A huge pool of black liquid condensed behind Lei Yi, and gradually turned into a fat monster with a beast body and ghost face.

The biggest feature of this beast is that it has a big mouth with a blood basin, and its internal fangs are interlaced, so it doesn't penetrate people.

"Now, it's my turn!" Lei Yi let out a stern shout, the breath on his body was firmly locked to the person in front of him.

"Not good!" When Garuda saw this, he knew Lei Yi's plan, and immediately retreated.

But it is a pity that Lei Yi's magical powers have already been used, and their distance is only less than three feet, this is inevitable.

"Anonymous boxing method is profoundly righteous, gluttonous gluttonous divine appearance!"

The mouth of the black monster instantly expanded more than ten times, and a mouth full of fangs in the blood basin directly enveloped Garuda.

Seeing this incredible scene, the latter's eyes were shocked, and his figure was about to shoot backwards.

But the blood basin took a step faster and swallowed Garuda, who was about to escape, in one bite.

The mouth closed and turned into a dark prison, swallowing Garuda.

In an instant, endless darkness struck, and overwhelmed Garuda, who was the master of darkness.

"I... I actually... I was surprised by a kid..."

In the darkness, Garuda raised his hands, screamed up to the sky, and screamed unwillingly.

"No, my love, my strength, my ambition, I don't want to lose everything again—"

But it's a pity that everything is meaningless in this gluttonous mouth.

The gluttonous food swallowed Garudadia and wiped everything out of him.

Lei Yi pinched the tactics again, and after condensing his supernatural powers, his body did not recover.

The Dark Wing flapped and landed downward.

When Lei Yi landed, he waved his hand suddenly.

The darkness below vibrated, and a dark land suddenly appeared for him to settle down.

"How can I control this place?" Lei Yi looked at his hands with some surprise.

However, he could control the darkness before, and now it is not impossible to understand what he called out the Dark Continent.


But at this moment, his heart beat suddenly.

Then, in Lei Yi's mind, a picture emerged.

"This is..." He exclaimed, and then sat cross-legged on the ground, closing his eyes.

In his mind, the trajectory of a person's life appeared.

The other party was born as a baby and gradually grew up under the care of his parents. When he was young, he discovered that he was a royal family and had a superior status.

But then there was a big change. His parents were killed in an assassination. He became the only blood of the royal family and inherited the throne.

After taking the throne, he lost his parents and felt no happiness. He lived like a walking dead every day.

All this pain was torturing him severely, until one day, he met an ordinary woman.

The two fell in love at first sight. As the king, he fell in love with each other and gave birth to a daughter.

The appearance of this woman illuminates his originally gloomy life, and everything is developing in a good direction.

But his lover encountered the assassin again and finally died in his arms.

After being arrested, the assassin was severely tortured and finally revealed the truth. The queen was assassinated because the other person was of ordinary origin and was not qualified to be the wife of the king. Only the children of the nobles and princes can get involved in the high position. The interests of the nobility.

It was at this time that his mentality changed, and he understood the darkness and greed of the human heart.

At this time, the meteor from outside the sky fell on the human world. As the king, he came to the place where the meteor fell and wanted to bury his lover.

Here, he met the man who changed the fate of his life, the great existence known as the Infinite Emperor.

The Emperor Infinite told him that he could save his love, only one life for another, and the life of a loved one was used in exchange for the resurrection of the one he loved.

The king agreed, and even in order to show his loyalty to the Infinite Emperor, he took refuge in each other and became a traitor to the human world.

In the end, he gave his entire human world and gained the power to manipulate darkness.

Everything was moving towards his plan, until a man who was detached from his fate appeared, an annoying little devil, who repeatedly undermined his plan.

But in the end, he lost to the opponent in a one-on-one duel with this little devil, and all these plans were finally in vain.

In the end, he never saw his lover again.

This is his life. As a king, he is not happy. Even if he later becomes a god, he is not happy.

"It turns out that this is Garuda's life?"

In the darkness, Lei Yi seemed to be touched, feeling the darkness around him, and there was a hint of sympathy in his heart.

Garuda did a lot of evil, actually in order to resurrect his lover, this has to be said to be infatuated.

But in order to resurrect his lover, betray the human world, and even sacrifice his own daughter, this has to be said to be a little frantic.

Lei Yi shook his head, dispelling these thoughts.

The enemy is not worthy of his sympathy. Although the other's purpose is not bad, but the two are on opposite sides, the only result is mortal.

And now, Garuda is dead.

"Well, now the question is coming, how do I get out of this field?"

Lei Yi looked at the darkness around him and the continent under his feet, but a strange thought emerged in his heart.

The power of darkness no longer has the master, so can I replace Garuda and become the master of darkness?

"Why don't you give it a try?"

Lei Yi thought this way, stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the ground under his feet, then slowly closed his eyes.

In an instant, everything around him disappeared.

Lei Yi's body seemed to have been thrown into a cold and dark lake, and in front of him, a huge black bird and beast appeared.

In the dark and cold waters, a warm and hot light appeared. It was a black scorching sun with a huge bird and beast flapping its wings.

Lei Yi saw all this, and his body shuttled in the icy waters, swimming towards the dark day.

The endless darkness spread, as if to prevent him from approaching the black sun.

But at this moment, he has nothing to fear.

"If it is the endless darkness that stands in front of me, then dye it all away!"

Just under his roar, UU read www.uukanshu.com, his body went through the water and plunged into the dark sun.

In an instant, the entire field changed, and the power of darkness began to pour into Lei Yi's body.

Both the black sun and the huge birds and beasts inhabiting it began to melt into Lei Yi's body.

"My dark power is evolving. No, this is not evolution, but mutation!"

Lei Yi could clearly feel that the dark power in his body had finally begun to change.

For him, all these changes are good or bad.

But he seemed to see the future, the posture of the power of darkness after the successful evolution.

"I have the blood of the Shadow Demon Race, and their supernatural ability finally evolved, called the King of Shadow. Since I was the supernatural evolution obtained by devouring the Black God, then from now on, this ability will be called "The King of Shadow- "Black God"! "


【Name】Lei Yi

[Identity] Time Traveler

【Ability】The King of Shadows-Black God

[Ability] After defeating Garuda and devouring the black god, it triggers the mutation and evolution of the dark fluid. The ability is better than the king of shadows, the absolute master of darkness

[Six Dimensions] Strength A Spirit S Speed ​​A Coordination S Distance S Special S

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