I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1318: The magical effect of the 5 elements

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Huo Qilin, this is the name Lei Yi gave to the Qilin who suddenly appeared.

Although this fire unicorn is not real, it also exceeds the strength of other domain spirits.

Under its attack, a huge scarlet shock wave formed in front of him.

"You thought you could escape!" But Yun Guanhai's sneer came out from the flames below.

Seeing that Fire Qilin twisted in mid-air, at a speed not weaker than sprinting, he turned his direction, and slammed in front of Lei Yi again.

"not good!"

This time, Lei Yi was really unavoidable when he saw the other party's menacing coming!

He could only cross his hands in front of him at the last moment, and then he was hit frontally by the impact of the fire unicorn.


The flame exploded, swallowing his figure completely, and the hot high temperature swallowed Lei Yi and his entire body in the void.

The void seemed to be melted, and it began to twist, and a large heat wave spread and spread to dozens of miles around it.

Under such an offensive, Lei Yi should suffer.

In the sea of ​​fire below, a crimson phantom condensed, and it was the sea of ​​clouds.

He looked up at the top, with a sneer on his face: "Hey hey, boy, this burning heart hurts, isn't it uncomfortable!"

Obviously, he thinks that Lei Yi is absolutely impossible to retreat from the blow just now, and he may even have fallen under the fire bombardment of the fire unicorn.

When Lei Yi fell, Yun Guanhai naturally had the pleasure of revenge.

But after that, there was still a bit of silence, because this would kill Lei Yi, some of which were too cheap for the other party.

If possible, he would like to capture Lei Yi back to the True Spirit Immortal Sect, and then tortured him day and night for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, allowing him to taste all kinds of torture.

It is a pity that the top priority now is the Infinite Emperor, but there is no time for him to capture Lei Yi and return to the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

In such thoughts, Yun Guanhai finally withdrew his magical powers.

The fire unicorn hovered in the air for a while, spreading its four hooves, and rushed back into the sea of ​​fire.

The fire in the air began to fade and weaken, leaving a charred "corpse" quietly suspended in mid-air.

"Huh, it made you die so happy!" Seeing the appearance of the charred corpse, Yun Guanhai snorted coldly, feeling a little annoyed in his heart.


But the next moment, there was a crisp sound on the surface of the corpse.

The expression on Yun Guanhai's face suddenly froze.

He immediately concentrated, looking at the corpse.

On the surface of the corpse, cracks appeared.


One arm suddenly opened the scorched black clot on the surface, followed by a leg, and the second arm...

When the limbs appeared, the people inside suddenly exerted force, and in a scream, the charred clot covering the surface burst instantly.

This person who broke free is naturally Lei Yi.

After he broke free, he moved his hands and feet and shouted: "This little flame can't burn me!"

"This kid, he was not burned to death!" Yun Guanhai did not expect that not only did Lei Yi not die, but he did not seem to be injured at all.

Although he was surprised, how did the other party resist his supernatural powers?

But if a blow fails, he still has a back move.

"Well, I was thinking about making you die so easily. It's hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart. Since you are not dead, then I will continue to let you taste the pain of the world!"

Yun Guanhai's eyes were fierce, his figure gradually dissipated, and he fell into the flames again.

The fire unicorn raised its four hooves, brought a flame storm, and rushed to the direction of Lei Yi again.

"Come again!" Seeing this familiar scene, Lei Yi naturally knew the consequences.

The fire unicorn itself is extremely fast, and it is also a regional spirit, with a strong attack power, and a large amount of fire attribute power is stored in the body.

Once the opponent's attack is hard-wired, it is equivalent to hard-wire all the fire attribute supernatural powers in the Five Elements Domain.

Lei Yi used clever means to block the first blow, but if he was continuously attacked, it would be difficult to guarantee that his body would not be able to support it.

His figure was divided into ten in an instant, and then the ten figures spread out, and the ten clones were divided again.

Under this situation, there were hundreds of avatars immediately above the sea of ​​fire.

"Hmph, do you think this little blinding method can affect me?" In the sea of ​​fire, Yun Guanhai sneered again.

The fire unicorn speeds up and turns into a flame meteor, galloping fast over the sea of ​​fire.

This beast passed along the way, no matter what method it used or what speed it used to escape, all the clones couldn't escape and were defeated by a single blow.

The number of clones dropped sharply, but the direction of escape remained the same. When they dispersed, they finally bought some time for Lei Yi.

Fire Qilin speeded up again, almost approaching the speed of light. After defeating the two avatars fleeing diagonally, the breath was locked on the last figure. This was Lei Yi's body.

At this moment, Lei Yi, standing directly above the sea of ​​fire, relied on the time gained by the clone, and he was finally ready.

In the palm of his palm, there was an extra red-gold flame, which was then dropped from the air and fell into the sea of ​​flames.

The flames churned, swallowing such a small group of flames, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Yun Guanhai also noticed such a small detail, but Lei Yi's flame was in his sea of ​​flames, and he couldn't even turn over a small wave, so he didn't care too much.

The fire unicorn once again urged his magical powers, and his body turned into a huge fire wave, speeding up and rushing towards Lei Yi.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred!

In the sea of ​​fire below, the flames suddenly flourished, and pillars of fire rose into the sky, even blocking the space around Lei Yi.

Huo Qilin was blocked by a flame barrier, and his figure could only slam the brakes, and then stopped in place after stopping the momentum.

"What's the matter?" In the sea of ​​flames, Yun Guanhai's shocked voice also sounded.

In his induction, in his own flame, there seemed to be some abnormalities.

Not only the fire is getting stronger and stronger, even the divine orifice in his body is also losing a lot of power of law.

Fortunately, the realm of the eternal realm can be self-sufficient and supplemented by laws from the outside world.

Moreover, the power of the five elements is the most basic law attribute. Whether it is in the world of cultivating immortals or the world of human beings, there are a large number of equal laws.

However, there is no problem with the supply, which does not mean that Yun Guanhai has not felt wrong. He seems to have lost control of Huohai.

Yun Guanhai wanted to control his supernatural powers and attacked Lei Yi again.

But the sea of ​​fire below surging violently, the flames skyrocketed, flooding all the space above, and they couldn't even focus on one point, let alone lock Lei Yi personally.

"Boy, what did you do!"

Under this situation, Yun Guanhai remembered Lei Yi's small actions before.

As for Lei Yi, he was also a little surprised. A little trick he used could actually interfere with Yun Guanhai's magical powers.

"The original fire actually had such an effect?" He looked at the fiercely burning sea of ​​fire below, with a secret joy in his heart.

Because he had just tried it before, and because of the distance limitation, he cut off the supply from the original fire.

As a result, I didn't expect that these five element spirit creatures could swallow the law of flame in the realm to supply themselves. The original fire and Lei Yi were still connected, indicating that the other party hadn't extinguished.

But the flame below, under the effect of the original fire, has been accelerating continuously, and the fire is getting bigger and bigger.

Although he didn't know the limit of Yuanguan Sea Divine Power, under the urging of Primordial Fire, he would definitely exceed the opponent's endurance.

In just such a short time, the fire was completely uncontrollable, and the area of ​​the fire nearly doubled compared to before, even covering the edge area.

The sea of ​​fire spread to both sides, thick smoke billowing faintly at the edges, and the power of the second law appeared in it.

The realm of cloud and sea is a pure manifestation of the power of the five elements, and the five elements must achieve a certain balance.

However, under the acceleration of the original fire, the fire has been beyond the control of Yunguanhai, and the realm of the five elements will naturally be out of balance.

And once the law of fire attributes becomes stronger and overwhelms the other four laws, it will be a problem for the Five Elements Realm to be able to maintain it.

"This kid, do you want the flame realm to overwhelm the other four realms in order to disrupt the balance of the five-party supernatural power realm?"

Yun Guanhai finally realized Lei Yi's "purpose", and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"wishful thinking!"

He scolded angrily, no matter what Lei Yi is now, he controlled the fire unicorn and jumped into the fire.

Afterwards, under Yun Guanhai's personal exertion, the flames gradually extinguished, apparently because he had removed the power of the law.

And without the supply of the law of fire attributes, the original fire also lost its power and extinguished with the sea of ​​fire.

Suddenly, from the edges on both sides of the sea of ​​fire, a large number of emerald green vines grew, and sand and dust covered them.

"On both sides of the realm of fire attributes, are the realms of wood and earth attributes?"

Seeing such a change, Lei Yi knew clearly.

In front of him, the flame has been completely extinguished, and no sparks can be seen ~www.readwn.com~ But the area of ​​the original sea of ​​fire has been covered by a large amount of sand, and the other side has become a lush dense forest.

Obviously, under the control of Yun Guanhai, the wood and soil attribute area filled the gap of fire.

Above the dense forest and sand, the emerald green and earthy yellow phantoms condensed and turned into two seas of clouds.

"Boy, dare to play insidious tricks with me!" The two of them scolded in unison.

Afterwards, he did not give Lei Yi a chance to refute.

"The five elements transform into a dragon!"

He saw a big earth dragon with a body length of more than a thousand feet flying out of the sand.

In the dense forest, there is also a huge wooden dragon covered with vines, and a huge wooden dragon soars into the sky.

Both of the figures looked huge to Lei Yi, and under the blessing of Yun Guanhai's supernatural powers, they exuded a mighty power that was stronger than that of the fire unicorn, and they came to kill him.

"Facing two at this time?"

But Lei Yi was not afraid of seeing this scene.

Even he was already thinking about how to use the remaining four and five element spirit objects to destroy the two areas below.

As for the earth and wood dragons that attacked, he only had to deal with them one or two times.

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